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I just don't get it sometimes?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

FDH must really think I'm dumb sometimes. Or he must forget that I have this blog or he thinks that because I don't come on here much anymore that I deleted my account.

He's now trying to convince me that I've been wrong about this whole SD thing. "No, AtMC, it isn't that she won't visit because of you, she just won't live here because of you." Uhm. Excuse me? I was sitting right next to you when you were on the phone with her the night she told you that she wasn't going to come visit this summer BECAUSE OF ME. And then you proceeded to tell me how not only was I the reason she didn't want to live here - because I have *gasp* rules and expectations unlike the lump of physiology called GUBM - but that I was the reason that she didn't want to visit because how DARE I tell her to pick up after herself and turn lights off after she leaves a room that no one else is in!

She even went as far as telling FDH in a very (poorly) veiled and manipulative (albeit parroted) way that things were better before he started dating me because she had him all to herself - the way it should be.

And, seriously, if I'm not the reason SD won't visit, why the HELL are you not enforcing visitation and letting a kid call the shots?!

As if that's not enough of a mindfuck, SD is now replicating me . I mean, she has been for a little while with the hair thing - she started with purple streaks in her hair (which I had SO put in my hair when we first started dating), then started dressing more and more like me (she now dresses exactly the same way that I do/did when I was her age which is a complete departure from the way she dressed for the first two years I knew her), getting in to all of the video games and music that I listen to (and not in any of those, oh what an ironic coincidence sort of ways, stuff that she knows I play/listen to), and now she's doing replications of my Halloween costumes that I've done over the course of my relationship with FDH (mind you, only the ones she knows about because we haven't had SD for a single Halloween in the past four+ years and she hasn't been around for all of our costume crafting sessions).

If she hates me so much, why bother to be like me? Yea, I know, she's being manipulated by GUBM and likely doesn't really, truly, deep down hate me (yet). I understand PA/PAS pretty well. But, if FDH is supposed to believe her when she says that she hates me, why be like me? Why not be completely different from me? Go be like GUBM. Go wear crunchy, dirty clothes that don't get washed for the sake of the "environment" (read: laziness). Go weeks without showering for the same lame reasons. Or go be like someone else completely different. I know imitation is supposed to be flattering, but it really isn't when that person has tried to drive a wedge in your relationship and tried convince your FDH to dump your ass (and before anyone starts, yes, she's a kid who is being brainwashed and manipulated by a highly unstable person, but, it still does NOT make the imitation flattering).

Only positives I can report right now is that FDH has finally (FINALLY!) copped to the fact that he has been taking out all of his anger and resentment towards GUBM on me. He actually said those words. It's about damn time. He is not, however, ready to step up and do this right. He still refuses to talk to GUBM and is still letting SD call the shots as far as visitations go. We're having a Halloween party at the end of October and I told him to have SD out to visit so that it can coincide with said party. She refused and said she would rather do Halloween with her family (because FDH isn't your family?!). And shocker to NO ONE - even though he told SD he would, he still hasn't written up any sort of informal CS agreement to send to GUBM that would guarantee him visitation and her cash every month. Why? Who knows. He's still too scared to enforce visitation as it is and keeps blaming me for not wanting to get custody of SD (I still think he's scared shitless of having to be a full-time dad because he KNOWS that I'm not going to put up with SD's bullshit if she tries even a fraction of what she did last summer).

Additionally, I finally got myself into a good therapist (private, just for me, until I decide it's safe for FDH to join in, but still just for me and all of my anxiety issues) who is teaching me how to be assertive not only with FDH but with SD whenever she's around. She deals a lot with kids her age and a lot with kids in similar situations to this, so, that's pretty damn helpful, I think.

I also finally got a copy of Divorce Poison because FDH's tactic of doing nothing is certainly not working. And maybe if he hears (reads) it from someone else, he might actually do something to benefit SD and give her back a future.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Her spelling is still atrocious and has no hope of improving haha. Of course, FDH hates it when I laugh at her spelling because he truly believes that she has a learning disability like he had. Nope, she's just a lazy 7th grade drop out who was taught to spell with that hooked on phonics nonsense - which can help a kid learn to read but REALLY messes up their spelling if left unchecked.

Well...SD and GUBM moved. Again. This time they moved in with friends of GUBM's because the roof was leaking on the last place they were living in and rather than contact the landlord to fix it, they took off and burned the bridge GUBM had with the friend they were subletting from. So we all know that THIS move is going to end just as well as the last two...but hey! Good for them! They only spent 9 months in that last place! Living the transient dream!

SD was all excited because now they'll have internet and cable which means that she can do stupid shit like sit on YouTube and space out while watching TV shows in the comfort of her own (shared with someone else) home for hours on end and not have to deal with pesky nonsense like librarians or screen-media limits like we have in our house (because, really, 8 hours of you-tube? Seriously?)

Of course, she also laid it on a little thick with FDH and said that she now wants to start online school - a clever tactic, I think, on GUBM's part to encourage FDH to not drive straight to NJ and bring SD back to PGH (I feel like maybe I should send her a thank you card?) upon hearing of the second move in less than a year. Because GUBM was a big opponent of SD moving the last time and THEN moving to PGH this fall because that would be "too disruptive" for her jam packed schedule of doing nothing.

He really believes she's going to do this. He thinks that SD got jealous of the excitement her cousin had over starting high school this year. I don't doubt it and I think she deserves to feel that jealousy. Drop outs don't get to go back to school shopping. Drop outs don't get to be excited about the first day of school. Drop outs don't get to go to school dances or make friends. So, I hope that if what FDH believes is the case, that it all stung when SD realized how excited her cousin was to start high school and how much fun her cousin has with all of her friends from school.

But. I don't fully believe it is going to happen. I think that once they realize how far behind SD is (half a year, because that's what happens when you drop out of school halfway through the year) that it might cool the fire under their backsides. And heaven forbid SD have to repeat 7th grade at all. I think that not enrolling SD into online school would be a good segue for FDH to use to go get his daughter and remove her from the negligent clutches of GUBM, though. Because much as I'm all *phew* that she's not living here, the kid does deserve to have an appropriate future and not one where her job prospects are limited by her lack of a high school education.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

It really is classic, so I guess I'm lucky in the sense that I can point FDH to the right resources (books and websites) and say, gee, sound familiar?

One day, I hope he will get to a place where he can cop to the fact that being a full-time parent scares the shit out of him. Especially since he can't just dump the kid on me and expect me to take her abuse ^_^ My guess is that if he had been willing to step up and stop SD's bullshit from the start, he'd have a bit more of a safety net in me. I can't guarantee that I'd be 100% willing to fill the parenting gaps for him, but, I'd be more willing had he not let SD treat me like crap for so long without recourse.

I think I finally am getting to a place of not caring whether SD likes me or not, though, which is HUUUUUGE because I have social anxiety or at least components of social anxiety.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

No offense taken, so, I hope you don't feel offended when I say that I really don't need to justify my relationship to a stranger on the internet.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Go puzzle over it elsewhere then. You don't have to read nor comment on my blog. Kthnx

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Oh you're right. That is totally what I said. I wasn't pointing out that your passive aggressive nonsense isn't wanted on my blog at all. That if my relationship, which you know nothing about, puzzles you so much that you are welcome to click away from my blog. And yet...

My bad. Because I posted on here, it's totally appropriate to post passive aggressive comments to my blog asking me to justify my relationship.

It's totally acceptable to passive aggressively post those things on my blog when you know maybe -MAYBE - 10% of my life with my FDH. Gosh because I totally shouldn't marry a guy who was in a 16 year long abusive relationship and who feels helpless and powerless to do anything about the fact that his daughter is stuck with said abusive ex because she's brainwashed. Gosh no. He's got a little bit of baggage and I should just run. RUN. Because THAT will show SD. Sure will. Show her that EVERYONE runs when things are even the littlest bit tough.

Gosh yes I should just flee from the man I've spent four and a half years with and fell madly in love with before any of this all happened, because you can bet GUBM didn't start the holy terror from day one.

Goodness, he needs to be 100% flawless before I ever consider marrying him. But he must accept me flaws and all. Mmhmm. Of course. I now see the light.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Part of the reason I don't post a lot anymore is because our lives aren't enmeshed with the step drama. Which makes a world of difference.

Our relationship doesn't revolve around SD and GUBM, and it never should have.

And, honestly, for someone to judge my relationship w him and demand a justification based on a tiny segment of our lives together is sad. It assumes a knowledge of our lives that isn't presented on this site. And it casts a judgment that is laughable.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Passive aggression is never helpful.

And, really? Asking me to justify my relationship? How is that helpful or related to my post at all? It isn't. Sooooo. Yea. IJFS.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Asking a question is fine. But the follow up smacked of passive aggression. Didn't really need to be added IMO. And, yea, a little touchy about those kinds of questions in general because that's what I heard anytime I tried venting to my family with friendships or relationships. I'd vent about a certain behavior that flummoxed me or bugged me and it's "then why are you friends/dating/whatever" and it was always snide and always passive aggressive. So. Perhaps I read that less helpfull than tog intended. But the second comment, I'm still standing by as being unnecessary.

And I imagine FDH's logic is probably the same that tells him he shouldn't enforce visitation with SD and that he's totally only worth the money he gives them. Hence why he needs his own personal counselor so he can work through his own shit.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I may have been able to leave if GUBM rolled out the batshit crazy from the start. When I first met SD, it hadn't been a year since FDH and GUBM had split so it was pretty fresh. And heck. Maybe GUBM already had rolled out the crazy then for her, but not for all of us. But it was hard to tell if she was not great towards me because of the separation or because of GUBM. I'll never know. But she wasn't horrendous like she is now - she won't even look at me and sure as hell won't talk to me (whatever) and still cries if I say anything to her (o...k?)

But. Unfortunately for me I fell madly in love with FDH and loved SD before it all started going to this level of shit. GUBM went batshit, and SD progressively got worse towards me. But she was still around. She still came around. And here's the part where I get guilt, because I don't think it would have gotten this bad had we not moved to another state. I think if SD were still around every other weekend, and was only a few hours away versus six hours away, then FDH would feel more empowered about enforcing his rights. And that it wouldn't be as bad. But I gotta stop that because FDH is the one who championed our move out here which, SD drama aside,has been nothing but outstanding for us. Our lives have improved ten fold, if not more. Again, SD aside.

Although, much as I'm in love with FDH, if he weren't committed to self betterment, I wouldn't stay. I'm very grateful FDH does therapy and that he sees the benefits of it, because I sure as hell would not be able to stick around if he didn't want to work out his own stuff. It can't all be on me to change myself for the better. It would be tough as hell to spend the rest of my life with someone like that. And I think that does make me feel better with all the bullshit. Because that bullshit can be left on the side burner and our lives can be ok and normal without it being all consuming. I doubt that could happen without us both working towards self betterment.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea I'm gonna have to check back in on it with him for sure after I've given myself sometime to cool my heels. Perhaps he meant in the larger "it isn't you personally it is fucked up GUBM's BS that is keeping SD from visiting" but I don't really think that is what he meant because that sure isn't what he said. And that's giving him far too much benefit in that regard.

But. If he doesn't think that's why SD won't visit - like if he really thinks that now, so many months later, there's a different reason she told him she won't visit, then I'm gonna just have to sit him down with my blog entries from back then.

SD most definitely needs counseling and a wake up call of the variety that checks her overinflated sense of self importance and replaces it with healthy self-esteem and positive regard for, well, anyone, herself included. FDH needs counseling if his own. He needs an objective third party to tell him to wake the Frick up and figure out that HE is the adult and parent and that if GUBM won't properly parent SD then he needs to step in and stop cowering away and wait until hehas SD to himself. Because that sure won't - and hasn't - worked.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Horrendously sad for SD. And it's probably the only thing that keeps me from completely disliking SD. Yea her attitude and behavior sucks, but, if it weren't for that horrid piece of crap, SD would probably be fine.

Starla's picture

You are a strong woman and I love your line of thought. I'm going to get a copy of Divorce Poison too, the tactic of doing nothing has been the case here as well. He is finally stepping it up but before he left, I had him read your blog. I'm not exactly sure what all he pulled from it yet but he said "it gives me a better frame of mind to help my children become better people".

Keep up the good work and I wish you the best. Smile

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Every parent should want to help their children become better people. It's really just that simple. It's just too bad that some people have messed up and skewed ideas about what makes a person good let alone better. And it honestly breaks my heart with how broken NCPs get with dealing with these ridiculous CPs (because lord knows it's not all BMs that act this way). They feel powerless and they really aren't. And then there's that refrain of never talking badly about the other parent that guilts them into silence. That's at least one thing I've gotten from divorce poison so far, that constructive criticism can be useful (now to devour the rest of the book so I can let FDH take it to work on the weekends to read in his down time.