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Can't seem to let go of anger at FDH, even though he apologized. I've never been this mad for this long. Hope this isn't the end

Yosemite's picture

A few days ago, FDH and I had a blowout because he kept making snide remarks about my BD19. I went off on him, he apologized the next day. But I'm not over it. He has really brought out the mama bear in me and I'm starting to wonder if he may not have gone too far to come back. I hope not, but I can't stand to look at him. It's scaring me that I am not over this yet.


Yosemite's picture

It isn't one thing that he said. For months he has been making snide comments on everything to do with BD19. He has very different ideas on parenting than I do, especially once the kids are grown. He resents me helping out the grown kids. I gave BD19 $2000 to put down on a car and ever since then it has been one nonstop bitchfest. However, our finances are separate, it's my money and I don't see how he can complain about the future when I make more money, have more savings and more money in my retirement accounts. Basically once he realized he wasn't getting anywhere with me, he started just complaining about her in general. He doesn't like her clothes, her major, the way she keeps her apt, her friends, on and on and fucking on.
When he apologized, he said he feels like she has it too easy. I help out his daughter and my adopted daughter as well, so I'm not playing favorites.
I will say though, that I do feel extra protective of BD19 because her father abused her. It was a long time ago, I put him in prison for it, we all went to therapy for a long time and she is doing well.
She doesn't live with us, I don't ask him to do anything for her, so I really don't see why he feels the need to complain about her all the time. I am aware that many here would agree with him. Hell I even told him to sign up for an account because I was tired of hearing his mouth.
ETA- I meant to say agree with him about spending money on adult children.

Yosemite's picture

For me, I don't mind if he has a legitmate complaint or request that's bothering him, i.e. "BS left his stinky shoes in the living room, he needs to stop doing that" is fine. I don't mind him telling the kids stuff like that directly. I don't even mind if he occasionally looses his cool and yells if there is a valid reason for it.
It's the endless,pointless character assassination that is bothering me. Pretty much if BD19's name comes up, he has a snide remark. It comes across as petty and jealous, which is SUPER unattractive.

tryingmom's picture

DH has said some not nice things about my BS in the past. I always counter this with the phrase...."Glass Houses!!!" He gets the point.

I am not on Steptalk because our situation is all roses and happiness. I do not say disparaging things about the skids to him.

Yosemite's picture

Maybe I can try some kind of phrase to let him know he's getting to me so he can stop. Thanks for the idea.
Glass houses probably wouldn't work because I don't have big complaints about my steps. Most complaints I would make about them I could make about my own too. Their mother is another story, lol.
I hope I start feeling better about this. I love him verrry much and this whole thing is depressing me.

PeanutandSons's picture

Do you think he is actually sorry and truly regrets saying it? Or did he just say the words?

That's usually the issue when I can't let things go.... When I can tell that he's just saying the words to end the fight but he doesn't truly feel it.

Yosemite's picture

I think once he realized how much he was pissing me off he was sorry about that. Do I think he feels differently about BD19? No.
Maybe you're on target.

twopines's picture

I understand why you're still upset. He may have apologized, but this has happened before. You bend over backwards for him and his family. In return he unnecessarily gripes about your daughter who doesn't even live with you. Is he still being s jerk about the vehicle purchase?

Yosemite's picture

Yes. That seems to have been some kind of catalyst for him. He almost seems to think that when kids move out they are no longer part of the family. That thinking is weird to me, because my children will always be part of my family, although I do realize they will create their own families too. As it is now, I help them less now than before and I expect to continue to phase things out as it seems appropriate. I am certainly not supporting them now, just helping out. While I don't feel the need to get FDH to cosign on every decision I make in regards to my money and my kids, I do carefully consider every request, I have said no and I do not just hand them money willy nilly.

Hanny's picture

I used to comment on my step kids when my SO would start venting about them, but I learned to keep quiet, just let him vent. I might agree with him occasionally. We used to have fights about his kids, then he would sling some mud my daughter's way. We are best just not to discuss it too much. I just repeat to myself 'not my business, not my business'.

Yosemite's picture

I wish FDH would get to that place. I was always raised you don't talk shit about someone's family to them or in front of them, even if you don't like the family member in question. I have never done so, except in a direct argument to the person's face.
FDH would never talk badly about someone else's kids. I don't see why the fact that I love him means all common courtesy is out the window and he can trash talk mine.

Merry's picture

It might help to talk with FDH about it again. Tell him you are still upset, and you're surprised it is hanging with you this long. Tell him exactly what you said here -- that he'd never talk badly about someone else's kid, so why is yours fair game?

I have a REALLY hard time with money and my adult kids and the adult skids. I have savings, investments, retirement. DH has nothing set aside (but, I learned recently, there is a $200K parent loan he is still paying off for a kid that got high instead of going to school--but that's another story and the kid is now three years clean, but I digress.) I feel like I can help my kids some. I'm not talking huge things, and it comes out of personal funds, not joint funds. But DH sometimes expects the same for his kids, and I resent the hell out of paying off the parent loan from joint funds and paying for their extras out of joint funds because he HAS no personal funds. It shouldn't be MY problem that he and the BM were financial imbeciles, and why the hell should I be financially "nice" to grownups that just wish I would go away? And he always says, "Oh, NO, Merry, they like you a LOT." Really DH? That's just your own little fantasy, which I no longer buy into.

Yosemite's picture

I think you're right that I need to talk to him again and let him know where I am. I hate that I can't just let it go since we theoretically already made up. But I'm gonna have to suck it up.
As for the money, we have no joint funds. We each pay half of joint bills and all of our personal bills. I don't know or care what he does with the rest of his.

Yosemite's picture

We still have two young boys, my BS13 and SS10, so no empty nest yet. I know he would rather spend my money some other way, but since I earned it, he doesn't get to choose. He is free to go earn some more money and decide how to spend that money if he wants to.

Yosemite's picture

Maybe. He said he thinks she has it too easy. I know he doesn't have as strong of a bond with BD19 for several reasons.
1. She was already a prickly teen when we got together.
2. It took her a really long time for her to be comfortable around FDH because of the abuse by her father. I think he took it kind of personally as if her fear meant that she was painting him with the same brush. My other two took to him right away and were almost grateful to have him in their lives. BD19 on the other hand, took a really long time to even be comfortable being in the same house if I wasn't there.
3. BD19 is really, really smart. She doesn't have casual conversations, she explores her latest theory, LOL. FDH complains that he has to have a dictionary with him to know what she's talking about. He's no dummy, but you can almost see his eyes glaze over when he's listening to her. They have very little common ground.

ETA- But I don't think any of these things excuse his constant critism. She's not his type of person, got it, check. Do we really need to go over that all the time?

Yosemite's picture

I get it about the money. You know what, I'd rather do something else with the money he spends on his child support and on his kid too. But he earned his money, so he gets to decide what to do with it.
I earned mine and I'll decide. It'd be different if I was using his money or if he had to subsidize me because I spent money on my kids.

Yosemite's picture

I'm sure that's at least part of it. I'm sure he could put my money to good use. I could put the neighbor's money to good use too. But it's not mine. I didn't sign up to hand over my money for him to decide what he wants to do with it. If he was looking for a sugar mama, he better keep looking.

I'm gonna talk to him again. I'm not sure what else I need from him, but I am still sooooo angry. I even found myself looking at houses for sale in our school district earlier. I am shocked at myself.

misSTEP's picture

My DH and DS did not get along whatsoever. Some of it was (in my opinion) DH's guilt about not living with his own kids but spending every day around my son. He also was worried about the skids feeling badly or left out. I think BM may have had a part to play in all that as well. They tolerated each other until my son went off to college. Their relationship is better now.

A few things I'd like to note in my situation:
My DS's "father" is still a bit in arrears. This payment goes into a separate account. I do not tell my DH the (limited) times that I help my DS out with money or whatever because I don't think it is any of his business. If I would have got the CS when it was due, it would have been spent on DS and his needs anyway. As far as I am concerned, it is not taking away from our household income or our ability to pay bills and buy things we want or need.

Secondly, my DH assumed a lot. It was just recently that he realized that I made my DS pay for a friend's car that he got in an accident. Because I never shared with DH what had happened (back then, I tried not to bring up DS's issues with DH if at all possible), he thought that DS had just gotten away with wrecking his friend's car. He even tried to say I was wrong and that my DS had never called the parents. I told him that I was standing right next to DS when he called the parents! I told DS that he was damn lucky that those parents were willing to let him make three payments to pay off that car.