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Speaking of short shorts

TickedOff's picture

Just came from the gas station and there was a young woman there wearing these tight short shorts that had literally half her butt spilling out. She bent over and I had DH look away. You could see her fish lips when she bent over . I think she may have been going to the beach judging by the bikini top that barely covered her bee stings. And she was no size one.

SMH if that was one of your SD's I feel bad for you and her.


TickedOff's picture

He wasn't looking but I didn't want the chance of him looking up and getting a glimpse of things he would rather not see so 'I said " honey don't look at the girl in front of me".

Not as big a deal as your making it out to be.

Flipchip2013's picture

LOL... so you say, "honey, don't look at the girl..." and the FIRST thing he's going to do is...LOOK.

Two things bother me about this...1) you feel you need to police your husband's eyeballs, and 2) girls/women dress like that to GET men's attention.

I'm not on board with the short shorts thing, but my teen daughter wears them. Why? Because that's basically all we can find for shorts, and she's kinda tall.

BTW, I didn't realize I was "making it a big deal." Shrug.

TickedOff's picture

I don't need to police his eyes but its better I give him a heads up then he look up to an eye full of some young girls vagina lips. If some guy had his balls slipping out and DH saw before I did he would say " honey don't look".

Thanks for your input.

boogeymom's picture

OMG, I just laughed SO HARD!!!! I don't know which was funnier, vagina lips or balls slipping out! I envy you, my DH would make it a POINT to point out someone with either/or! Our trip to Key West was FROUGHT with lips and balls!