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Sassy79's picture

Something is wrong with my SD's BM!! We pick the sd up last night per usual, we had 1 meeting we had to go to, then out to dinner. At dinner my sd told us that mommy just put the medicine in my hair last night. So obviously we said "What medicine?" to which the sd replies "For the bugs I have in my hair."
WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN? You aren't even going to mention that hey I treated the kid's hair for lice you may want to buy some of the RID spray and shampoo and wash the sheets and stuff. Am I supposed to find out when my head starts itching? Just put a note in her backpack! I want DH to text her and say "Hey, could you let us know when there is an issue that we are going to need to address at our house also." DH never talks to the ex, doesn't want to talk to her even if it's just to say give us a lice warning.
I have been itchy since dinner! I'm sure it's all in my head. HA!


Sassy79's picture

Oh, I know!! She is one of those who says she's going to just drop sd off with us one day and not come back. She's a prize!

Amy Lynn's picture

It's crap that she couldn't tell DH this before sending skid to your house. Ri-damn-diculous! but Hey, at least BM found them and is trying to treat. Our BM didn't even notice skids had head lice or mite bites up and down their bodies. Some BM's should have had their tubes tied before popping out any kids.

AliceP's picture

Since lice don't spread communicable diseases the schools here don't send kids home anymore. Just a note to treat it and a note to the rest of the class to let parents check their kids. We've managed to make it through pre K and kindergarten with no lice. fingers crossed.

Sassy79's picture

The sd is 7. We picked her up from school yesterday and she said that mom said not to say anything so I will call the school on Monday. We had her the week before over night also and I just thought about it! I guess once I get home from work I'll strip the bed in that room and do the whole damn thing. YAY!