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Anybody know??

Sassy79's picture

DH just got a new job and is switching companies, who do we notify so that he child support can still come right out of his checks without interruption? I'm not sure but I think Missouri is an automatic garnishment state so this isn't something he has set up with the bank or anything. Is it the company or the Child support enforcement office? Smile


Sassy79's picture

Something is wrong with my SD's BM!! We pick the sd up last night per usual, we had 1 meeting we had to go to, then out to dinner. At dinner my sd told us that mommy just put the medicine in my hair last night. So obviously we said "What medicine?" to which the sd replies "For the bugs I have in my hair."

What am I doing?!?

Sassy79's picture

I haven't even been married to my husband for a full year and we are fighting so much I'm thinking about filing for divorce. His daughter is ruining our relationship! This little brat is 7yo and comes to my house pees everywhere to the point that I purchased pullups for her and my husband says that it hurts his feeling that I would buy them. Well it hurts my feelings that I have to clean up urine everytime she comes over.