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WWSMD's picture

Yesterday was DH's mid week dinner with his kids. I worked long hours so I fell hard asleep on the couch. I felt a tug on my braid and when I opened my eyes all of the way I came to the realization of what had just happened. A big chunk of my braid had been cut. Both of the 7 year old twin boys went running. DH went after them and after finger pointing figured out which one of them had done it and made him stand in the corner and apologize to me.

I have been growing out my hair all my life. It was to my waist. Now after getting it evened out it barely goes past just under my breast. This is a big deal to me. DH doesn't seem to understand why I am still upset. I loved my hair it made me feel unique and I loved it long. I don't feel like a few minutes in time out was enough and now he is at BMs house running around happy.


Onefootout's picture

I'd be making the culprit pay. I wouldn't even wait for DH to parent. I would be ripping out x-box, taking away any type of game, throw away all sweets, maybe even rip out the cable from the tvs. Make everyone pay.

Those kids are terrible. And I would be a cold hearted bitch for the next month at least. And my libido would completely go away. These kids are that way for a reason and it's DH and BM.

I'm so sorry for what happened.

Lilly Grace's picture

Omg!!! I'd flip my sh*t!!!! And I would flip my sh*t even more when the consequence was a time out.... cause a time out will totally make them think twice before doing that again :/..... I'm so sorry they did that to you.

Sunflower1's picture

I think this is a big deal. I'm sorry for you. If the boys want to cut someone's long hair so bad, have them grow their hair out and cut it for locks of love.

BSgoinon's picture

This is possibly one of the worst offenses I have heard about on this site, and I have been here (with different user name) for almost 8 years.

Lilly Grace's picture

Even better just shave a strip of hair and refuse to take him in to have it fixed... OK maybe that's not the most mature approach but man it would be tempting!

WWSMD's picture

I feel like crying every two minutes I look down and remember my hair is cut. If DH thinks he will even be getting a kiss for the next month he will be one sad puppy.

TheFreakingMaidofLife's picture

You really should just go on a spree of taking things away from those twins. Punish through things they enjoy and DHs punishment will be not having a choice in what's happening because he had his chance to find a discipline that was fair.

Bossladee's picture


That is some serious shit!! One might of done the actual cutting, but I'd bet both kids were involved together...and clearly they weren't scared of any consequences....which, turns out, they were right.

Sorry about your hair, that's terrible.

WWSMD's picture

I'm not vindictive but I'm beyond livid I feel if DH wont do anything I should take it upon myself to throw away some treasured toys and " accidently" pour water behind their television set.

WWSMD's picture

not get raunchy but DH wont be seeing my panties hit the floor for a very very long time so he wont have to worry about that.

WWSMD's picture

He has a 9 year old daughter but all the kids live with BM and we have them midweek dinner and every other weekend. I do not want to look at their faces at all.

luchay's picture


I am of the very long hair brigade too (just to be clear seeing what posts I am following - hair on my HEAD!) and I would be absolutely devastated as well.

What an evil thing for them to do, and yes at 7 they bloody well know it.

YOU need to sit OH down and have a very frank discussion with him about how terrible a thing this is. They attacked your person. That is NOT EVER OK. and time out and a fake "sorry" are NOT enough.

When are they back at your house?

He needs to work out a consequence for this that appeases you. I'd be going hard core on this one because if they got away with this what the fuck will they do to you next. Little bastards.

And - show him this thread and these posts.

twopines's picture

I've had long hair most of my life, and if this happened to me I'd be so furious I would have yelled the house down. Also, those little free-rangers had SCISSORS around your head when you were vulnerable. WTF? Where was your DH? All their ears would still be ringing.

WWSMD's picture

I was not quite about it. I didn't use any fowl language but I made them understand that I was not very happy. I have never been more livid in my life. DH was cooking and didn't have an eye on them. He knows how I feel about that. I'm tempted to stand over him with a pair of scissors in the middle of the night and see how he feels.

oneoffour's picture

Hair as such doesn't bother me. I keep my hair shorter. But I spend more than I should to keep it pretty and tidy. My stylist tells me some women come into their salon monthly for $1000 worth of hair extensions. So this defines who we are. When Ronald Biggs (one of the British Great Train Robbers) escaped from prison he went unnoticed in public because he changed his hair style and colour.
That being said these kids violated you. They may as well have branded you with a hot iron. They got away with something akin to assault.

So .. cut the cord on their TV. Nothing will make them madder than the TV just sitting there unable to be used. Tell DH that as silly as he thinks you are being over this he has no concept of how violated you feel. They have removed part of who you are. They destroyed part of your relationship with him. And until your hair grows back or a suitable punishment is accorded to them you are not sleeping with him or allowing him NEAR you.

This probably would be considered assault.

furkidsforme's picture

I'd shave both of their heads. One might have held the scissors, but the other did nothing to stop it. Shave them.

How did you not beat them? OMG I would have wailed on them.

stepmonster_2011's picture

Ask him this - what would he think if a stranger cut your braid while riding public transportation? That would be assault. Most folks would go to the police to report it.


Now. As Brie pointed out - if the boys did this stunt at school to a classmate? SUSPENDED. FOR SURE.

Time out ain't cutting it.

P.S. I told my DH about your situation - he asked if you've gotten the bloodstains off the wall yet, cuz someone's ass would be whooped if he was in charge! So yeah. timeout is lamesauce.

Anon2009's picture

I'm so sorry. I agree with fightin- do something similar to DH and laugh at him about it. Maybe that would make him change.

Then find every nice thing you bought for the offending child and throw it out.

If I were DH I'd be watching my own a$$, getting the offender counseling/therapy, and becoming a better parent. This kid sounds like a budding criminal. If he does not get the help/intervention he needs now, he will only get worse. Maybe if the school got involved, he could get some intervention/treatment, I don't know.

Seriously, let me know when your DH is napping so I can come to your house, shave/cut his hair while napping, laugh at him and see how he likes it. And then I'll get in the corner and mutter a fake "I'm sorry."

JMC's picture

I'm not sure if I'm more shocked and angry at the skids or your DH for his lack of balls to discipline the little heathens. A time out in the corner and an apology just doesn't begin to cover what they did to your hair. Like another poster stated, if they had done this to a girl at school, they'd be suspended or worse, expelled for assault. The punishment should be at YOUR discretion and it sure as hell wouldn't be a mere few minutes standing in the corner. I'd say grounded from any and all activities, including all electronics, and any special treats or kid-oriented family outtings, for at least three months. That's still not nearly long enough, but it's a start. Also they're old enough to be doing chores, I'd work their little tails off! I'd also make sure DH was punished right along with them for his stupidity thinking a timeout was sufficient for what they did - ugh! I want to bitch slap him for you!

GilJess's picture

You cannot get you hair back very instantly. Don't get upset dear you get back your natural hair soon. But for now you can use long hair extensions like Tape Extensions or Clip-in extension .