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Why is he always in the way?

PeanutandSons's picture

Venting this here in the hopes that I don't snap at home.

For some reason, ss11 seems to constantly be right where I am trying to go. I don't know if its on purpose, or if this kid just has the worst luck.

I get up for work at 6am. I get me and my two boys ready for work/school and we leave the house at 620. SS doesn't get on his bus until 8:15. So no real reason for him to be up and all around were bs4 and I are getting has plenty of time to get ready after we leave.

Yet he doesn't. He gets up and is trying to get ready in the exsact same places we are, and is constantly in the way. I go to brush my teeth, he's jumping into the bathroom right before me. Bs4 goes to the shoe rack to get his shoes, SS is right behind him and they are tripping over each other. I go to the kitchen to put my lunch together, instantly there's SS who needs a cup of orange juice so we are bumping in to each other. BS goes to brush his teeth and SS is right outside the door telling him to hurry because he has to pee. No matter where I go, there he is. Sometimes for no reason. Dh needed to scan something so I went over to the computer to help him and as I WS turning to leave who do I literally bump into, SS. After I bump I to him he just turned and went the other way. "SS, did you need something over here?" "No"...... (Screaming in my he'd) then why the fuck are you over here?!?!?

My god, its like having a toddler underfoot.....only he's 11.5!!

Would it be completely horrible to tell him to just find something to do in his room until we leave the house in the morning?


Starla's picture

I'd shout "Go lay down your acting like a dog!" and carry on as you were. If DH doesn't like it, he can either correct his son or treat him like a dog when he's on your tail. That's just the way I roll though.

I would too explain later after he isn't so on your tail that you don't want to be turning around and running into him or anyone, people can accidently get hurt that way. My first answer is so get his attention then you or his dad redirect him after that.

I use to do that to my step sister and was clueless as to how I was getting in her way. After she corrected me, I quit doing it myself.

furkidsforme's picture

I think this reads kind of sad... obviously he wants your attention. Does he not get any of it? I bet he feels so excluded... he just wants to get ready with you and the rest of the kids... the kids he's not welcome to be a part of.

Onefootout's picture

@ Love4Lemons "Hemmoroid boy,"

Haven't heard that one before. Lol. SS16 is very clingy, doesn't respect personal space. I call him Velcro boy. I also told him he needs to learn how to be in the same room as myself and SO without being all up in SO's butt. There's gotta be a balance.

Pinki3663's picture

MY two SK's are very much like this. They are 10 and 14..We have them for the week and a least three nights a week while I am getting ready for bed, brushing my teeth, washing my face..I have looked up from what I am doing and realize I have two kids and two 100+lbs dogs in the bathroom with me! For what I don't know..they do this all day long, Yes they get plenty of attention but 100% attention throughout the entire day wouldn't be enough for them.

When they get in my way I say "move" as I continue walking where I need to go, I don't stop and if that mean I walk right into them so be it. They are still right there for no reason but it did free up some personal space and if they get too close I will probably end up stepping on them or bumping them.