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BM believes in Reptilians and mermaids

newbiestepmom25's picture

Before I head out I want to share some of the stupid crap BM1 spews. I just remembered this and want to share before I forget again. Ok BM1 was talking to DH a while ago and trying to tell him about some crazy crap that she heard of and that there is proof that through the evolution process not only did we evolve into humans but some evolved into reptilians that can shape shift and they live among us and there is even proof in the bible. She also believes that there are real mermaids that live in the undiscovered parts of the ocean that are to deep for us to explore but have surfaced and there are video proof.

If any of this is actually true and there is real evidence that I even believe one day than color me purple but for now I just think she is full of it. DH laughed his butt off. I think that crap is creepy. BM1 has never been known to be one of sane mind anyways. I also remember another member on here saying their BM believed in that too. I had a video pop up on youtube on the side panel and that made me remember BM's stupidity. I'm sure she thinks I am one of them. Anyways and if you believe in all that I won't judge you I promise.

Does your BM spout any crazy things or believe in anything crazy?


oldone's picture

I'm not sure what BM is spouting as she speaks in tongues - which I as a heathen cannot interpret.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Does your BM spout any crazy things or believe in anything crazy?

^^BM believed that DH was in love with her and secretly wanted to be with her. Does that count?

Onefootout's picture

BM isn't like this, but SO's most recent ex put painter's tape over her mouth and wrote on it "God has my voice." SO took a pic of her washing the dishes with the tape still over her mouth.

furkidsforme's picture

BM claims to be a Buddhist and to meditate, but she is the most judgmental, temperamental, and violent person I have ever met. And she drinks, does drugs, and has been caught sleeping with her DAUGHTERS boyfriends on more than one occasion.

Sounds real zen to me.

NevermoreLenore's picture

My stepkids mother is just a greedy, violent, whorey bitch. No mermaids in the fish pond or unicorns though

doll faced sm's picture

Lol My oldest daughter's bio-dad honestly believes that some famous actor (don't remember which one anymore) is not real. Just a really good computer generated image. He's digitally added to all the red-carpet events.

ETA: It's John Cusack.

kathc's picture

Oh, you could SOOOO mess with her!!! They sell these contacts for Halloween that make your eyes look like reptile eyes with that slit for an iris instead of the round like we have? Get a pair of those and just pop 'em in before you see her. Wear sunglasses. Slip 'em down and look right at her so she sees them. Then pop your sunglasses back on and leave. Wink