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"Wow, she looks rough..."

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Don't you just love when BM not only looks bad, but looks bad in front of other people? We took SD to visit DH's grandma after church yesterday. DH's grandma... isn't fond... of BM, to say the least. When BM and DH were together he was working under his truck at Grandma's house and BM walked up to him and kicked him hard, right in front of Grandma. Grandma told her that she didn't tolerate that behavior at her house. BM left DH about a month later. Grandma visited SD in the hospital right after she was born, but hadn't seen BM since then.
BM was right around the corner at pick up time, so we had her just pick up SD from Grandma's house. She walked in a three sizes too big black shirt with the collar cut off, a white bra on, and holey jeans. Her hair hadn't been brushed and she wasn't wearing any make up. Her eyes were a lot more buggy than normal for some reason. She literally looked like she had just rolled out of bed... at 5 in the evening.
As soon as the door closed behind her, Grandma turned to me and dropped her jaw. "Wow, she looks rough. You would never guess that you're older than her, she looks closer to DH's age than yours!" (DH is 5 years older than BM and I, who are a month apart).

}:) I was quite happy, since I'm 2 weeks postpartum and feel fat, tired, and gross looking right now. BM is almost 6 months pregnant but just looked fat yesterday... :? Seriously, no bump, not even a hint of one.

In other news, SD is starting preschool next month... in "Goodnites" because she has now outgrown pull ups as well as diapers. WTF? How BM got away with this I have no idea. smh


PeanutandSons's picture

What is your visitation like? If you cold turkey her for a weekend in regular underwear you can probably have her mostly potty trained Inca weekend or two since the preschool will be working with her all week.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Supposedly: Every Sunday 9a-5p, Every other weekend from Saturday 9a to Sunday 5p.

It's been a bit messed up the past few weeks with our cars BOTH dying (one was reborn, one was scrapped) and NBD being born and our town having it's summer festival this next weekend (Which was supposed to be ours but BM wanted SD for it because they'd already made plans with BM's grandmother... Whatever.)

kathc's picture

The school accepted her without being toilet trained?!? OR did BM lie to them? If she lied, they will kick her out when they find out she's not potty trained. I don't know of any schools around here willing to accept a child who is still in diapers.

BSgoinon's picture

WHAT??? Most schools here won't take the kids unless they are fully potty trained. That is insane.

And I LOVE it been people tell me BM looks rough. She DOES look rough, but it is always nice to hear. LMAO

PeanutandSons's picture

It depends on the school. My kids school has no problem taking them I in diaper because the school is a daycare too. So they take kids at age 2 and work with the parents to potty train them. My older son is 4 and there are still kids in his class that wear pull ups because the parents don't work with the kids at home.

PeanutandSons's picture

I find it to be crazy personally....I had bs4 potty trained by his second birthday. But I know a lot of people who subscribe to that new agey theory that kids will potty train when they are ready and not to push them. So the parents give up as soon as they start trying because "little johnny is t ready yet" when it doesn't happen like magic over night.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Is THAT what BM is thinking? I asked her what her strategy has been with potty training and she said IF SD went on the potty she'd give her a snack pack of M&Ms.
DH said that for a while (when I wasn't paying much attention to BM and her antics) her strategy was to put SD on the potty every hour on the hour. Sounds exhausting to me. I just paid attention to my kid and BD2 is already almost potty trained (Had a bit of a set back with me being in the hospital twice in the past few months). I have no doubt she'll be fully potty trained by November at the latest.

PeanutandSons's picture

I already have bs-14 months on the potty. Its just pre-potty training since his verbal skills aren't there yet, but he knows exactly what the potty is for and will sit on it himself. When ever I go to the bathroom he will follow me in, pull up the lid on his potty chair, sit down and make little grunting noises....then he gets up and claps for himself. He actually pees on the potty 4-5 times a week.

I can't imagine wiping crap off a 4 year old twice a day.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

She's in Head Start, so I know it isn't a daycare as well. BM is just plain lazy and hasn't potty trained SD at all.

Notmyownlife's picture

In refrence to BM looking like garbage

Our BM likes to prance around like shes a hot tamale, all 5' whatever and 280 lbs of her, plus her attitude makes her look uglier,

about 5 years ago i wa ssick and tired of her bashing us and running her mouth so I challenged her to a sit down meeting to hash this allout,,,well she went with the idea of trying to act mature and all holier than thou and im fairly sure she was trying to fish for compliments should have seen the look on her face when the waitress at the restaurant took my order and then asked what can she get for my mother,,,hahahahaha and BM is exactly 1 year to the day ( how fun is that) older than me

I also used her hatefulness and ugliness as my motivation to lose 65 lbs after my hysterectomy ( i had cancer) and she turnes green now every time she sees me or someone comments on how amazing i look for being 40 and having cancer and all the stress we have been through,,,,,,,,,its the only joy i get from all the bs she puts us through