OT - On my last nerve
I swear to Dog......I am on week 2 of 2-3 hours of sleep a night and I am on my last nerve. The next person that pisses me off is going to end up having their body dumped off at the nearest pig farm.
That is all.
- Shaman29's blog
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Dang girl! Don't blame you a
Dang girl! Don't blame you a bit! Time for a starbucks run!
Shots shots shots shots shots
Shots shots shots shots shots shots!!! **pumping fist and dancing around my office**
You're killing me. I would
You're killing me. I would love coffee and booze. Both eff up my sleep.
Though a nice glass of bourbon and shotgun sound great right now. Too many dirt eating morons, so little time.
Ok fine, no shots... how
Ok fine, no shots... how about a big bag of coffee beans and some privacy **wink wink** STEP AWAY FROM THE SHOTGUN, but leave the bourbon for me.
Dirt eating morons, I freakin LOVE that. I'm using it right now. Who can I use this on... hmmmm... oh, I know. This chick in my office that talks NON-STOP. This is gonna be fun. **jumping out of my chair**
Take pictures!!!! I did call
Take pictures!!!!
I did call someone a dirt eating moron yesterday. There is an over abundance of hipsters where I live. Yesterday I was pulling into a street parking space and three of them crossed the street, in front of traffic. Then proceeded to walk in front of my car while I was parking. So I waited for them to get past my car. And waited, and waited.
So I finally got sick of them, laid on my horn, rolled down my window and yelled "You three dirt eating morons need to stop stumble-fucking your way across the street and shag ass onto the sidewalk!"
Then I gunned my engine and started creeping forward.
I may or may not have clipped on of them.
My kingdom for a wood-chipper to rid the world of hipsters, Fargo style.
HAHAHAHAHA, that made me
HAHAHAHAHA, that made me laugh out loud!!! I think I like Sleep-deprived Shaman!!
OHhhhhhh a paint ball gun,
OHhhhhhh a paint ball gun, GREAT idea! Stealing...
I have actually done this.
I have actually done this. LMAO. I worked in an office with all men. When they would piss me off, I would make them sit in a chair in the corner with their nose to that wall... of course they were disgusting and would sit in the corner pretending to jerk off... it was funny, the first time.
Are you sure they were
Are you sure they were pretending??
Not 100%, but I have to tell
Not 100%, but I have to tell myself that to keep me from ending up in a mental facility. One morning I walked in the office and all the lights were off except one, way in the back. One of the guys was laying on the couch, all I could see was a silhouette of him and what looked like... him pleasuring himself. I panicked and didn't know what to do. I could see a bottle of lotion on the coffee table. I panicked MORE. He starts cracking up and flips the light on. He was holding a banana. WTF? Yeah, it was THAT kind of an office. We were usually drunk by 4 and not home until midnight. Good times... good times.
LMAO!! I would sooo fit in at
LMAO!! I would sooo fit in at your office
We had a lot of fun, no
We had a lot of fun, no doubt. I always had to make sure my work was done by 3, that's about the time they would slam a drink down on my desk. Most offices decorate with pictures and plants... not us, we had empty vodka bottles and a WII. One time I was on the phone with a client. One of the idiots turns on the TV and it was up REALLY loud. Whoever was watching TV last was apparently "lonely". I literally hung up on the client so they wouldn't hear as this guy fumbles to turn the volume down. Apologized and told the client that our call was dropped.
Yeah, I work in the mortgage industry.. not a bar.
I would too. I have the sense
I would too. I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy.
Once in a meeting, our CFO kept bringing up the duty costs in Brazil.
Duty, duty, duty.
I couldn't take it any more and finally quipped "He said doody."
He nearly wet himself.
YES!!! I LOVE it when people
YES!!! I LOVE it when people say Duty. Doody... or anything that can be turned in to something gross.
My BFF tells me all of the time I have the sense of humor of a pubescent boy! That's why she loves me so much!
You said "dongle".
You said "dongle".
She said kitten too. And you
She said kitten too. And you know what that means.
Here kitty kitty...
Here kitty kitty...
HAHAHA, too far?
HAHAHA, too far?
***frantically trying to change the subject***
She said DONGLE!!
Oh hell no. I can't stop
Oh hell no. I can't stop laughing........
Wait.....someone just said asphalt! HA!
Ass-fault!! Oh Lawd... that
Ass-fault!! Oh Lawd... that funny shit right theeerrr
Kitties? I love kittys . We
I love kittys . We got eight of them. Tiggers gonna have her kittens bout the same time as baby Cleetus Jr. is born. I think it will be a real bonding experience for us. I may even let Tiggers and the kitties share the crib.
Hee! My baby will have me and a cat mommy too. How cool? I thinks his nickname shall be Moeglee.
As long as you aren't giving
As long as you aren't giving birth to a lazy eyed kitten in the toilet, you are gonna be as happy as flies on poop.
That would be very convenient
That would be very convenient if they're all in the crib together. The cat can nurse your newborn while feeding all of her kittens. Would free up a ton of time for you.
I saw a show where a dog
I saw a show where a dog nursed a baby squirrel.
If the baby nurses on the cat I can just sell the formula I get from WIC and make a real profit off this baby having business!
Good thinking. Don't forget
Good thinking. Don't forget to drink a lot of beer while nursing, it will help them all sleep through the night.
Beer N Breast Milk - It's what's for dinner!
Shaman, you think it would be
Shaman, you think it would be safe to give the cat beer on the nights I let it nurse the baby?
Oh sure......what's a drunk
Oh sure......what's a drunk cat between friends.
Wait....that really didn't come out the way I intended.
Its ok. Skeeter says there's
Its ok. Skeeter says there's nothing like a little drunk pussy too
******spewing decaf latte all
******spewing decaf latte all over desk******
*****choking and disturbing co-workers*****
I wish. I miss coffee a lot.
I wish. I miss coffee a lot. But I gave it up 2 years ago.
I miss the smell, the taste, running my fingers through the beans......whoa.....TMI.
It's my thyroid meds messing me the heck up. They're giving me hyperthyroid symptoms which includes insomnia. It wasn't so bad at first but now I'm in full on ass-kicking, potty mouth, bitch mode.
Thank you.....the F-bomb has
Thank you.....the F-bomb has been flowing freely from my mouth. I keep having to apologize for my sleep deprived Tourettes.
I'm with you Kay.....I may be
I'm with you Kay.....I may be cracking open my bottle of Tylenol with Codeine.
Midol PM?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
My DH is the same. He's like
My DH is the same. He's like a fucking canary, turn out the light and he's out.
He fell asleep at the movies twice since I've known him.
Shamon!!! That was YOU that
Shamon!!! That was YOU that runned over my cousins Dickey, Rufus, and Elvis??
You bucket of fish guts !
I hope your proud of yourself. I will have you know that They walk like that because they all inhairited Pappys condition of the extra testacle
Bucket of fish guts. Wow, I
Bucket of fish guts.
Wow, I am pickin up so many good things here today ladies, I thank you.
Further more they eat dirt on
Further more they eat dirt on account of low blood iron and Peeka
Its a medical condition. I am so glad you find it fun to pick on the disabled
Love? Am I to assume your
Love? Am I to assume your entire family is required to wear safety vests when they leave the house....I mean trailer?
Yes....that was me. Let me be
Yes....that was me. Let me be the first to congratulate your family on winning three Darwin Awards.
Expect the lawsuit paper in
Expect the lawsuit paper in the mail .
Whew dog! Dickey gonna finally get that fancy used doublewide he's been dreaming of
Bring it on....you may have a
Bring it on....you may have a case, if they can find the bodies.
Here piggy, piggy, piggy.
You gots piggies too? Pigs
You gots piggies too? Pigs AND cats?
I just decided you r my new best friend.
Well fed pigs. They
Well fed pigs. They loooooooovvvvveeeee Darwin Award recipients.
And we walked hand in hand together down the road.
The end.
That's a lovely story.
That's a lovely story.
Sniff....brings a tear to
Sniff....brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it??
I can picture our trailer now. All silver, shining in the moonlight just like a Coors Light can. Several cars in our yard, in various states of disrepair. Overgrown grass hiding the sandbox.
At Christmas time even string our used Coors Light cans together, put Christmas lights in them and decorate our trailer with them during the holidays. It's just lovely.
Kitties and pigs all curled up on our sofa.
Just like heaven.
Doesn't it though? And
Doesn't it though?
And stick the beer in the bushes. Let the cold air keep them frosty plus they will let very christmasy the way the police lights reflect off of them
It's all fun and games until
It's all fun and games until some jackass calls the cops on us.
Or until someone loses a
Or until someone loses a testickle
They've all got the extra
They've all got the extra one, so no big deal.
Wait... I thought we aren't
Wait... I thought we aren't allowed to talk about bacon on this site. Bacon and religion, right? Careful with your piggy's ladies, you don't want to get the el BOOT.
no really, I just fell out of my chair. That's some funny shit right there.
Besides this is 'Merica! We
Besides this is 'Merica! We love Jesus, Apple Pie and Bacon!
-- I actually heard someone say that out loud once. LOL
Mmmmmmmmmm bacon apple
Mmmmmmmmmm bacon apple pie.....
Echo.........need recipe STAT!
I am thinking some kind of
I am thinking some kind of breakfast treat with fried apples and bacon...
Well then I guess I'll have
Well then I guess I'll have to cancel my bacon and holy water spa bath later.
Thanks for ruining my day BS!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't cancel, make it for two and I will come with you!!!!
Bring many beers.
Bring many beers.
and Skoal
and Skoal
OMFG....I think I just peed a
OMFG....I think I just peed a little.
Another one? Im finally out
Another one?
Im finally out of Skeeters emergency Depends . Yer gonna have to go to The Pig and get yer own
Dtzy, Its alright love,
Dtzy, Its alright love, anything for family.
Im convinced your stepchile is a lost member of our clan.
Need to borrow Skeeters
Need to borrow Skeeters underpants?
Oh ewwwww.....erm....ummmmmmm....no. I'm good. Got my own.
Only slightly used. He took
Only slightly used. He took em off for the lapdance... member?
Thank you BS.......I've been
Thank you BS.......I've been needing to diet and you've completely taken away my appetite! Rock on!
Must not puke in my trash can.
Arnette took that one home to
Arnette took that one home to stick baby Julies fat ass into.
Don't judge, Pampers is expensive
No judging... It's all good
No judging... It's all good in the trailer park.
It's beautiful in our trailer
It's beautiful in our trailer park. Trailer all shiny where the dust hasn't settled yet.
Oh, that's just cause Dwight
Oh, that's just cause Dwight dared Skeeter that he couldn't spit shine the whole thing.
Who would've thought he had that talent?
We should put him to work at the carwash
I hope to trade up my tent
I hope to trade up my tent for a trailer one day.
Oh hell....what's one more
Oh hell....what's one more person? You can move in with us!
Hope you don't mind the pigs and kittens. They take care of the babies, so they shouldn't be too much trouble.
But can she cook?
But can she cook?
Hmmmmmm.....good question.
Hmmmmmm.....good question.
Polly....can you cook?
Can I cook? Fair ta
Can I cook? Fair ta middlin'. How do you like your kitten?
Wanda? Is that you eating the
Wanda? Is that you eating the damn cats again?
Kittens are fer kissing, not cuisine
Shhhhh. Dayum girl! If
Shhhhh. Dayum girl! If Cleetus finds out about Boudreax he gonna kick me, the baby, and the eight cats out. Then I gonna have to move in with you!
Cleetus and I been
Cleetus and I been discussing. Since so many of yall are piling in we gonna need to.upgrade to something roomy and fancy. Like a used double wide.
So we gonna have to pool the foodstamps to sell and cover higher rent.
And since we are already discussin, whoever milked the cat - stop that, its gonna be for the baby!
Mildreds shitzoo Pookie is
Mildreds shitzoo Pookie is knocked again, you can milk her soon nuff I reckon
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<<<< toads this way please