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There I said it, "skid is an idiot"

step off already's picture

Man the kid is a giant dork. If I have to hear him one more time,...

- dad, I love you
- hi dad
- dad, are you mad at me?
- ate you coming in the pool dad?

We ate at the fricken pool and ss14 had his shorts pulled up to his belly button to "hide" his extra weight. He has shouted for his dad like 8 times and it's making me nuts. Play with the kids.



step off already's picture


He acts like it sometimes, especially when he's looking for attention from his dad.

I try and subtly let DH know that this is not standard behavior for a 13 year old boy and he just shrugs it off sayi g, "he's messed up because of his mom".

Yesterday I took the kids to the pool in the middle of the day in the heat. SS wanted t look cool, apparently, so he wore skinny jeans, a hoody and a beanie.


step off already's picture

He's also a pig. He always wants seconds - tonight at the pool it was another brat on a roll- and the kid does NOTHING physical at all ( minus my now taking the kids to the pool). So it's not like he's worked up an appetite.

He's always asks about working out and I tell him if he wants to slim down, the best way is to stop with the second helpings. He thinks I'd he does sit ups and push ups every day that's going to help him. It isn't.

Onefootout's picture

Step off, your DH and my SO need to get together and have a big ol' blame fest letting them off the hook for their messed up sons.

My SS16 is emotionally 10 yrs old. He is the biggest dork in the world. He actually wears his Storm Trooper Hoodie with the mask pulled over his face, in public! Great birth control. He does absolutely nothing physical except marching band, so that's something at least.

Whenever his dad and I are watching TV he's always like 'dad! Dad!' then SO says, 'may I help
You?' SS replies, 'I don't know....' and then wanders off because he didn't get the attention he wanted.

Oh how I wish SS would get a friend to hang with. I live with a teenage shut in, and apparently it's all his mom's fault.