Since when is it a sin to love another human being?
As a parent, all I hope for is that one day my child finds someone that loves her as much as she loves them. Someone who cherishes her, respects her, is her best friend and confidant; someone who won’t be capricious with her feelings. What race, creed or gender that person is, is inconsequential.
Am I in the minority? If your child fell in love with someone of a different religion, would you be upset? What about a different race? What if your child fell in love with someone of the same sex as her or she?
My sister in law is (I should say was) an Evangelical Christian
Her son came out of the closet as gay
She loves and supports her son and his partner
They’re both loving, responsible, upstanding members of society.
They are in love, the way any couple would be in love
They both have jobs
They pay their taxes
They have friends
They are both very musically talented
They help people and commit time to volunteer work
They dress ‘normal’ they talk ‘normal’ they act ‘normal’ in every way shape or form
And they love each other
Her church has basically ostracized her
(he quietly disassociated himself from their church when he went off to college)
Her so called ‘friends’ have posted things on her facebook page equating the “sin” of homosexually to murder… because after all a sin is a sin, right?
Since when is it a sin to love another human being?
- cpreston's blog
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Echo, I love my kids too. I
Echo, I love my kids too. I don't care if they are gay.
But if they bring home monkeys or dogs they are screwing, Im REALLY going to have to reevaluate where I went wrong raising them. And maybe blame the subscription to The Animal Planet!!!
came home with a gigantic
came home with a gigantic hairy Orangutan and said "This is my Orangutan. I love him/her very much. They treat me with respect, they take care of me, they honor and love me"...I'd open my arms and say "Welcome to the family. Can I get you a banana".

came home with a gigantic hairy Orangutan and said "This is my Orangutan. I love him/her very much. They treat me with respect, they take care of me, they honor and love me"...I'd open my arms and say "Welcome to the family. Can I get you a banana".
I thought this was soo cool and hilarious!
Divorce is also a sin...
Divorce is also a sin... unless your spouse cheats on you and your petition for divorce MUST read adultury.
Working on a sunday is a sin.
Eating pork is a sin.
Shellfish? Sin.
People comb through the bible and point out to others what they are doing wrong.
Meanwhile they miss the big thing they are doing wrong.
God said "Love thy neighbor". He didn't say only love your neighbor if they are devout heterosexuals in a monogamous relationship that have sworn off pork and shrimp.
He said "Love your Neighbor."
He also said let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I think people in your SIL church, seriously need to go to remedial religion classes.
Just.his.wife… according to
Just.his.wife… according to the “church-goer” that felt the need to vocalize her opinion
“every sinner's sin should be treated equally” and she is seeing a “societal acquiescence to sin, and we still need to call homosexuality a sin, just as quick as we say murder is a sin. Love the sinner, but don't whitewash the sin.”
Can you believe this shit?
Because people are finally realizing that homosexuality isn’t a mental illness that needs to be treated? Because people are (slowly) becoming accepting same sex marriage… that we are acquiescing to ‘sin’??
Pisses me off…
We have openly gay people at
We have openly gay people at our Church. They are welcomed. Many of the more modern "bible churches" are embracing them because common sense is slowing prevailing.
The "church-goer" is also
The "church-goer" is also sinning by sitting in judgment of anyone who doesn't believe as she does. SMDH
I don't identify with a
I don't identify with a religion butthought this was awesome:
You will go to hell if you
You will go to hell if you are a Southern Baptist and work on Wednesday night instead of going to Church. (I assume they are Southern Baptist, it is a Baptist Church in Alabama) A church member told my professor that.
dupe sorry
dupe sorry
A sin is a sin and Jesus
A sin is a sin and Jesus forgives, so I don't get the big deal? I am probably sinning now typing this post.
Personally I don't want my kids marrying someone of a different religion. It is hard on the couple and hard/confusing on the kids. My husband is in medical field and I see all the time people of different faiths/cultures trying to either a)raise kids in two faiths or b)fighting over what religion to raise their children. It never ends well for either the couple or the kids.
If my kids were gay? Don't care... and I am mixed myself so I don't care about race either.
Hmmmmm, as far as
Hmmmmm, as far as homosexuality goes, Jesus was never married, never had kids, wore a dress and hung around with TWELVE other men all the time.
I always wondered was David gay? When Jonathan was killed, David wrote a song for him saying "I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother, you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women." :?
As far as religion goes, my family is Jehovah's witnesses. I was disfellowshiped for sin (sex before marriage). Being disfellowshipped means no on in the church is allowed to talk to me, not even say hello. Sure, my dad still comes and visits, but he has to be discrete about it, or he could get in trouble for it, possibly even disfellowshipped himself. I haven't talked to my sister or my other JW family in years.
I am so sorry you have been
I am so sorry you have been shunned like that. That is the most unchristian like thing you can do to a person. I never understood the mentality of churches that do that.
Thanks, they basically take a
Thanks, they basically take a few scriptures in the bible and interpret them to say you should not speak to someone who is a sinner. I don't have a problem with the bible, I just have a problem when man thinks his interpretation of it is infallible.
I don't get that whole
I don't get that whole shunning thing
I had a friend who was JW
Her mother converted to JW when she was young
Then left the father because he wouldn’t convert
Then ‘took in’ her boyfriend
Then they kicked her out of the church because she got pregnant by the boyfriend
Then the boyfriend was sufficiently repentant that they took him back in
And he married her mother
Years later, she was sufficiently repentant so they took her in
And then she married her ex-boyfriend/Step-father’s younger brother who was 8 years younger than she
I was invited to the wedding reception, which shocked me because since she was brought back into the fold she quit her job (waitressing at a pub, they sold booze, so she had to quit)
Her father and I went out to the parking lot to have a cigarette (I smoked then)
He had a bottle of Yukon Jack in a cooler in the bed of his truck
He said “the only way I’m getting through this is with a buzz”
I always liked her Dad…he’s a really nice guy
Shame she’s not allowed to talk to him anymore
Nothing against the entire JW religion, but this family… this family is toe up crazy
I gave up on organized
I gave up on organized religions ages ago. Love is love .. I don't care what people define as "sin".
If a man loves another man, I am in no way personally injured or effected. If my stepdaughter falls in love with a black man or an Asian woman, I am in no way personally injured or effected.
If my future biological children or my stepchildren fall in love with people who love, cherish, honor, and respect them, why would I be anything but happy for them?
My Church teaches that we
My Church teaches that we MUST love one another. It doesn't specify "only under ideal conditions". Its something I struggle with in my own spiritual journey as let me tell you, there are certainly some people I most certainly do not feel I love-BUT I just focus on loving them as a human being, a creation of GOD but not necessarily accepting or approving their actions (I'm not talking homosexuals here-I'm talking about my dh's family). I personally could care less if someone is gay-Id rather my children NOT be as I believe it makes their path more difficult, but if they are so be it-it wouldn't change how I feel about them.
We must love even our enemies. So even those that disagree with homosexuality or whatnot, should still come at this situation from a viewpoint of love not hate or judgment. There are people I choose not to be around and have nothing to do with as they are just not walking the same path as I am-My God instructs me to pray for these people and continue to love them but gives me permission to not associate with them.
1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love
1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
My God is a loving God. I believe that love is what matters, not if they are gay.
I love this.. if yer gonna
I love this.. if yer gonna quote from the bible then THIS should always be THE QUOTE!
The church I grew up in
The church I grew up in (Mormon) has the following view on gays: It's true you are born gay. It is not a choice. However, you cannot act upon this. It is a sin to date/marry/be intimate with someone of your own gender.
How the hell does that make any sense?!!?!? For as long as I can remember, they said that being gay was a choice. Now suddenly they want it both ways. How can they believe that a God would make someone gay, but ban them from being with someone they love!? *Eyeroll*
And my parents wonder why I want nothing to do with their religion.
I'm just intrigued by the
I'm just intrigued by the special underpants. That's the only thing about the Mormon Religion that I ever want to learn about. 4 years in Christian High School, 4 years of Bible Class-A Study of ALL Religions (from a Baptist POV), and the only thing I took away from it was that Mormons have special underpants.
They are not "special
They are not "special underpants" they are called garments and they go over your underpants kind of like girdles and they help you dress modestly. your pants should not go higher than your garment and your sleeves of your shirt should not go higher than the garment. Its not a joke for those whom really take it seriously.
Oh for Universal Deitys sake
Oh for Universal Deitys sake !!!!!! -__-
It has to do with a covenant
It has to do with a covenant you make with God and is a reminder of the covenant and to respect your body and stay modest for both men and women because your body is for you your spouse and heavenly father. I really don't talk about it but I just want to clear the air. As for the same gender love. Growing up I was taught to love everyone and judge no one.
It is kind of like the
It is kind of like the yardstick in Catholic school, to let you know that your clothing is appropriate. If the undergarment shows then the clothes are too revealing. You wear them so that you know if your clothing slips and shows too much.
I believe it is a very
I believe it is a very "closed" topic and not really even discussed within the Morman church unless you reach that level. From what I have heard and read, certain "high" ranking members have special under clothing with some sort of symbols that respresents certain levels or spiritualism. :?
I wasn't intending to "mock".
I wasn't intending to "mock". I was in high school, and I am being honest in saying that is the only thing that I learned in that class... something about sacred underclothes... sorry if "special underpants" was offensive. I was 15, that is how I remembered it. It's been A LONG time since I have even thought about it.
One has to go through a
One has to go through a special ceremony in the temple to be "worthy" of wearing garments. Try asking a Mormon what goes on in the temple!! You'll never see someone get so uncomfortable so fast. Sorry-- again, my family is Mormon and I respect them. Sometimes it's just so ... WEIRD.
It’s still a ‘hardship’ in
It’s still a ‘hardship’ in some places to be in a mixed race relationship.
Actually, I live in one of those places. My mother is a ‘closeted’ racist
She’s one of those people who say “oh, well that Suzy is a nice lady… why can’t more blacks be like her???”
WTF!?!? Really MOM?
My Daughter’s first boyfriend is black....threw my mom into a tailspin
I told her ‘too bad, this generation is our future and luckily they don’t hold the prejudices that you do’
BUT the prejudices to exist… not EVERYBODY in this country is accepting of mixed race couples and that can be a hardship
I am just glad that we're seeing less and less of this kind of prejudice and I am hoping and 'praying' that one day people will come to their senses about homosexualty
Don't forget drinking is a
Don't forget drinking is a sin and many of us members here like our booze.
I'm confused about the same sex relationships to be honest and I personally don't view it as a sin. Just pretending for a minute here that we are against the same sex- is it fair to marry the opposite sex just to do the "right thing" not ever fully loving the one you married bc your doing the "right thing".. :?
My DH had kids with a woman who decided that she was gay and left him saying "I need to find myself". That is wrong in my book. DH just wanted a wife and kids with no divorces and broken homes for his kids.
When I was 16 going to an alternative school just trying to finish high school, my mom forced me out and to move saying bc "you can't be with a girl". So what I had a gf, I was doubling in pace to finish school. I begged to finish and assured my mom that school was my focus and I can finally do it this time. Yeah we moved and I was pulled out regardless and that messed with my head. All to eventually learn the real reason we moved was bc my mom had an active warrant out for her arrest.
So when it comes to same sex marriage, I believe as long as they are being honest with themselves and their partner its all good.
O/T hope your not a
O/T hope your not a smoker..paying another $1.60 a pack }:)
>>>These are the same types
>>>These are the same types of people who bitch and moan about welfare mothers — the very women they applaud for not "murdering their babies." These are the same types of people who sin every day as the sit in judgement of others and do not practice God's love, but use mans' words, misinterpreted a thousand times over, as bludgeons for their hate and excuses for their ignorance.<<<
*soft sigh*
I think I love you LadyFace
you're pretty awesome! you
you're pretty awesome!
you remind me of my kid
she stands up for what and who she believes in
I personally am a christian.
I personally am a christian. I would like for my kids to marry someone who believes what they believe whatever they choice to believe. I just want them to find their equal. I try my best not to judge others. Everyone has the right to live their lives and make their own choices. The only person I can really control is myself. I know what I would like my children to do and be but really whatever they do as long as they are happy is all that matters and I will love them even if I don't agree with their choices. I feel like no one should judge anyone you can't say all christians are bible thumbing judging people. You can't lump anyone into a category what you choice to believe is what you choice to believe. no one has the right to put down or belittle anyone for who they are who they love or what they believe. People should just live their lives and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.
Am I in the minority? If your
Am I in the minority? If your child fell in love with someone of a different religion, would you be upset? What about a different race? What if your child fell in love with someone of the same sex as her or she?
Race---Not at all.
Religion---I would hope it would be Christian based.
Same sex---(this is where I am sure I will get blasted for my opinion.)---I would not like for either of my kids to be gay. Would I treat them different or ostracize them? Of course not! They are my kids.
Well said bear!
Well said bear!
"they came home with a
"they came home with a gigantic hairy Orangutan and said "This is my Orangutan. I love him/her very much. They treat me with respect, they take care of me, they honor and love me"..."
I thought you were describing my first ex (huge football player) until you put in the "treat me with respect, take care of me....etc stuff.
In this country (and others)
In this country (and others) there is alot of things driven by hate but that does not make the hate okay. Nor does it neccesarily make the original concept okay just because some have misdirected hate.
Race - Not at all but I think in some areas it might make it difficult for them and their children.
Religion - Yes. I think it is very confusing for the children to have to grow up with parents that have different beliefs. Been there done that and it was not pretty.
Same sex - Yes.
IMO, as parents we love our children and try to the best of our ability to encourage the best in them and for them.
After FDH died I went through
After FDH died I went through a really tough time where I wanted to die too. I thought about it a lot. I also thought now wouldn't it be a waste if I killed myself to be with him and there is no afterlife? I would have left DD for nothing but void. That was how I knew I was seriously depressed, for the first time ever I didn't care about being with DD.
Two most controversial
Two most controversial topics....religion and politics.
My Youngest Brother is Gay, admittedly it has been hard for him, more so in the fact of others judging him for a biological predisposition he cannot help. He has even said he wishes he wasn't gay(which is sad)...he now has a boyfriend, they're both 23 and his bf seems like a really great guy and will be getting his masters soon. Both his parents and my parents accept them for who they are, not what goes on behind closed doors.
BM follows an Anglican Sect and is ULTRA Devout that sometimes I am afraid to joke around with the skids, I even saw a Psychic when we went on a Mini Holiday and thought "Damn they're gonna tell her". Nope. For believing in EQUALITY for all she is very demanding on receiving money and tithing and according to SO, is judgmental. But I can be too. The irony I find is that her parents are millionaires, yet she receives some sort of social assistance. I am not sure what is practiced with her religion, but I dont think that is a christian thing to do, receiving social assistance(some form) when your parents can help you out financially...just my opinion. Taking away money from people whose families are not wealthy...
Just my thoughts...maybe they are wrong(i am not religious and dont understand what she practices)....
My uncle was gay and with his
My uncle was gay and with his partner for 42 years before he passed away last year. They had one of the most loving, strong and supportive relationships I've ever had the pleasure to witness. They were together for as long as I can remember......their relationship started back in the mid-60's. They were always Uncle A and Uncle B, I never once questioned their relationship. I still remember the day the light-bulb went on and I realized they weren't just buddies but just like my parents.
I do not believe homosexuality is a sin or that my uncle is now being eternally punished for loving another man.
Now ask me about those a$$holes from the Westboro Baptist Church and I'll tell you exactly why they're all going to have some 'splaining to do when they meet their maker.