Indigo children - for overworked mom
Didn't want to hijack the thread, but her DH's stupid response to his son's growing behavioral issues reminded me of a scary parenting fad going around.
A couple of my more extreme pagan friends believe this of their problem children. I don't talk about it much, because it's none of my business how they parent, or don't.
But I gotta say, this is some scary stuff. Google Indigo Children, and see the horror for yourself.
And yes, a lot of people actually believe this. I know some of them.
overworked mom... is your stepchild.... an ****indigo**** child?
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OMFreakingGod!! I just
OMFreakingGod!! I just looked it up and this just jumped right off the page at me:
Some characteristics include:
- a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here."
- resistance to rigid, control-based paradigms of authority."
ROFL!!! Riiiiiight... It couldn't just be lousy parenting, they must be "special".
I think I peed my pants a little I laughed so hard!!!!!!!!
My favorite one was "doesn't
My favorite one was "doesn't like to wait in line"
As if any kid inherently likes waiting in long lines
Hahahah! I missed that one!
Hahahah! I missed that one!
Hahaha So indigo is another
So indigo is another word for brat
Winner, Winner!!
Winner, Winner!!
It's coming to people have
It's coming to people have litters of children and then setting them free on the community.
Indigo Child = Feral Cat
Indigo children, according to
Indigo children, according to a pseudoscientific New Age theory,....
I stopped reading after that. Anything that has the word "pseudoscientific" gets my geek-rage on. It's wrong...Like "throwing-out-perfectly-good-bacon" wrong!
I think scientology might
I think scientology might actually be more legit.
So now spoiled, poorly
So now spoiled, poorly parented brats have their own special category?
oh but it started that they
oh but it started that they are just so special, advanced little aliens amongst us, their ET brains not wired for such primitive stuff like reading. Or obeying adults! Because they are so much more evolved! And stuck in our backwards culture - which they're supposed to save!!! Gah. :sick: :sick: :sick:
Yes, why must everyone be
Yes, why must everyone be "special" nowadays? When I was a kid the last thing you wanted to be was "special".
Where the heck is my
Where the heck is my participation award??
I was special once... And
I was special once...
And then I got the sh*t kicked out of me by the other kids. After the crowd dispersed and I stood up, I was normal.
Been there, still
Been there, still metaphorically doing that in my "normal" life...
They may have
They may have dispersed......but did they get pictures???
You know, I think a better
You know, I think a better name for this particular fad in parenting would be to call it "Ostrich Parenting". The ability to stick your head in the sand rather than acknowledge ANY fault in your child.
Yeah, I have a HUGE problem
Yeah, I have a HUGE problem with that mentality (everyone wins!). Let's NOT teach them to deal with disappointment! Oh yeah! Great idea! Because that is going to work wonders for our children when they grow up and start doing activities where losing and rejection are very real possibilities; like playing actual sports, asking out people on dates and job interviews.
Likewise. I tell my boys all
Likewise. I tell my boys all the time that in life I have lost a hell of a lot more than I've ever won. And that life is riddled with disappointment, and rejection. It does not define who you are, but it helps you figure out who you want to be. It's not a matter of losing, it's a matter of getting up and trying again.
How dare you infer that my
How dare you infer that my perfect little Indigo Child is NOT special??
They will be handed that job, and will be handed that win and will NOT wait in lines for anything!
Geez.......I would have to kick someone in the back of the head for saying something like this to me.
Gotta go pick up my participation award now. It's shiny!
The most offensive thing
The most offensive thing about the whole idea, IMO, is the suggested course of action.
That rather than discipline your child when they behave poorly, you should encourage them to continue to think that they deserve entitlement, that they are of 'a higher conscienceness' etc...
If you REALLY think your child is genetically superior (like I do
) why wouldn't you teach your child to do the best they possibly can?
And that means, being able to function in society AS IT IS, because it will not change as fast as the 'special' kids apparently are.
I mean, WTH, you might as well say, your kids are SO smart that you should teach them to be hobos.
"I mean, WTH, you might as
"I mean, WTH, you might as well say, your kids are SO smart that you should teach them to be hobos." LMFAO!! Right on!!
Rubbish indeed.
Rubbish indeed.
Well, this totally explains
Well, this totally explains why SS19 walks on couches, why none of the Skids can close a cabinet door, why SD12 is totally addicted to her computer, and many more issues. They are special. If I'd just listened to FDH and BM all this time, I would've known that!
The ignorance of some who
The ignorance of some who know nothing about children always amazes me.