O/T Help! how do you get a 7 month old to sleep through the night
Baby use to sleep through the night fine. When SS10 came we turned baby's room into his room because the guest room is under renovation ( which just means the flooring is chipped badly and the paint is pealing and we can't afford to get it fixed right now) anyways because of that baby sleeps in my room. Every night at around 12 like clock work he wakes up and sits up in his crib and starts whaling. I feed him sooth him and walk around rocking him back to sleep. I have to work early mornings and my eyes are like blood shot right now I am so tired. He is laying beside me on the couch while I rub his tummy trying to sooth him to sleep. Please help me. How do I get him to sleep? DH works evenings into the night so when he gets home I try and let him sleep.
What can I do. Please help me.
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ROTFLMAO, mine never did. I
ROTFLMAO, mine never did. I breastfed and co-slept. The co-sleeping helped because she was right there and I could go to sleep while she nursed. I was never so lucky as to get DD on a sleep schedule and get her willful self to stick to it. She still is a pain to get to sleep and she is 4.
Cause that lil little fatty
Cause that lil little fatty needed to EAT!!!!

My easiest baby is my most
My easiest baby is my most pain in the ass kid!
DH generally just tries food
DH generally just tries food and diaper. When he really starts having problems is when he wakes me *nighttime backup* up, and I try rubbing diluted lavender oil on her belly and the bottoms of her feet (make sure it's an oil that's advertised to be taken internally). One drop lavender to 5-6 drops of an edible carrier oil, like almond or olive or coconut oil.
Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't. My youngest is about 8 months now, and a restless sleeper some nights.
My daughter was less than a
My daughter was less than a week old when she started sleeping through the night. At about 3 months she started waking up at night and I followed the advise my mom and MIL gave me.
Her bedtime bottle was thickened, very slightly, with infant rice cereal. By eight months she was eating an hour before bedtime then having her thickened bottle right before bed. Lay her down at 8pm and she woke up around 6.
Now, that is NOT the cure all because my son NEVER slept through the night for the first year of his life!
JHW, I tried the thickened
JHW, I tried the thickened with cereal too and it didn't work for DD. I am so glad to know it wasn't just DD being stubborn.
It sounds like baby is waking
It sounds like baby is waking up because he is hungry and then just can't go back to sleep.
Now, I will state here and now that I do NOT believe in allowing a baby to "cry it out". I don't feel the need to go into why, but if you want me to explain it I will.
Anyway, if you are breastfeeding just feed him. If you are bottle feeding, prep a small 2 oz bottle of food for him to eat. (Have the powder in the bottle and the water at room temp nearby and just mix; feed him the room temp bottle.) Feed him and then put him back to bed. He is probably very tired and wants to go back to sleep just doesn't know how to go about doing it.
What is your normal bedtime routine? Find a way to redo it without any stimulation. For example:
Bath, jammies and new diaper
Story (yes I read aloud to my infants)
Rock while nursing
1/2 the time: place into bed (mine or crib depending on which child we are talking about) asleep
1/2 the time: place into bed sleepy
The middle of the night change up would look like this:
New diaper (my babies peed like race horses) with lights OFF, no talking, no stimulation
Rock while nursing
Back to bed
Now, this didn't always work. My dd went through a time where she thought 2am was the *perfect* time to wake up. She had had enough of a "nap" from 10pm-2am and was good to go. This was *not* my favorite time of her babyhood!!
Since this is 'new' behavior
Since this is 'new' behavior for your baby, have you checked the obvious things that may be provoking the new night behavior? You said you moved baby from his room into yours. Could there be street lights now coming through window that were not before? Could it be because he can see you he now stands up and wants momma? Starting to teeth? A change in baby's milk and/or solid food habit upsetting baby's stomach? Colic?
How much is baby actually eating when he wakes and starts this behavior? I mean, is he truly hungry and that's why he's waking, or could it be something like it's time to cut back a bit on number and/or lengths of naps during day so a bit more of normal baby play leaves him quite sleepy come bedtime? Just thoughts.
Thanks guys I will be trying
Thanks guys I will be trying all this advice and I hope something works.