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Meanest Mom in the world

overworkedmom's picture

I just found out I am the meanest Mom in the world! :jawdrop:

I sent ss to his room for ignoring what I was saying. So now I am trying to decide if I should let him down for the brownies that are almost done or if I should really be a mean mom }:)

I am fed up hearing this crap from an ungrateful child....


overworkedmom's picture

Thank you! I feel like all my hard mean mom studying has finally paid off. I just never thought I would make the world title. I thought state level at best Wink

3LittleDragonflies's picture

"If your kid doesn't hate you at least once a week, you're not doing your job properly."
-- My DH's great aunt, foster parent for >50 years and over 80 children.

Anon2009's picture

If it's any comfort, I told my my own bio mom that all. the. time. But you know what? Looking back I can say she totally made the right decisions. Hopefully ss will be able to do the same when he's an adult.

I don't think this particular instance is one of him being ungrateful, but I don't know him at all. It's one of you making the right call and him not being mature enough to understand that.