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BM asked me to look for the pics of her wedding to FDH because she is feeling sentimental and wants them back. WTF?

Yosemite's picture

I never knew this but apparently when they split she threw the wedding pics at him and said she didn't want them. Now she does and she thinks it would be appropriate for ME to look for them? I spoke to her in person for the first time since Sept. at my future inlaws 50th wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago and again at the visitation for my FFIL who passed on Tuesday. Now all of a sudden she thinks I am her BFF and should be doing her favors?
I never thought it was possible, but it seems she has gone even crazier than she was before over my engagement to FDH. I imagine she would flip out completely if she knew we had a ceremony at FFIL's bedside already. It wasn't legal but it made FDH feel better since his dad won't be at the real wedding. I am choosing to think of it as a rehearsal.
I don't know if FDH still has the pics or not but BM better hope I don't find them cause there is no way I would give them to her so she can look at them and think about how much she wants FDH back. Hell no!


oldone's picture

Even if you don't find them go burn some paper and send her a picture of the ashes - tell her that's what's left of her marriage.

Yosemite's picture

Oh that's good! I wish I had thought of it. All that came to mind was "If I find them I will burn them then call my minister to come over and get the evil spirits out of the house". BUT I didn't think that would go over too well and I didn't want to add any more stress to FDH's load since his dad just passed away. So I bit my tongue....there's a groove in it.

BSgoinon's picture

Wow, sounds EXACTLY like BM here. She told me how upset she is that she had to pawn the ring from her and DH's wedding. I would say the ring DH bought her, but he didn't buy it LOL, she did. I told her it was weird and creepy that she still had it, and that she was upset about it.

She has also told me (and not while angry with me, this is in regular conversations):

1. DH must still care about her because he told her she had no business having a baby (her 1st pregnancy after they split, she had NO job, still doesn't and was dating a complete loser, his real concern was her ability to care for SS properly)
2. DH will always "love" her because she is SS's mom
3. She and DH will be back together some day
4. She will always be DH's "first love"
5. Sometimes she goes back and reads the poems she wrote when she and DH were kids and cries because they were "so in love".

:sick: :sick: :sick:

Something seriously WRONG with these chicks.

bi's picture

my own ex has used #2 on me. he told me that he knows i will always love him because "we have a child together". :O i let him know that my daughter is her own person, not an extention of him, and i don't have to love him to love her. and we don't have a child together. he got me pregnant. that is it. he has never been in her life, never paid cs, never visited her, never sent her a bday or Christmas card, never called to see how she is, NOTHING. that is not having a child TOGETHER in my book. fucking loser. he wishes to God i loved him! i don't know why he wants me to, but he does. :?

Cadence's picture

*Ding ding ding*

This is BM territory pissing. She knows your wedding is coming up and wants you to see evidence that she had all that you are getting so what you're getting is second rate.

See her desperate maneuvering for what it is and laugh at how ridiculous she is clinging onto the past like that.

Yosemite's picture

If I cared at all about competing with her, I could afford a way more elaborate wedding than they had. But I don't. I see no need to worry about her, everybody who knows us is aware that in the end, FDH upgraded in every possible way. There's no need to provide any further proof. I want a nice wedding but will not spend one minute comparing it to theirs or trying to outdo them in anyway. It will just be whatever we want.

BSgoinon's picture

BM asked me the other day if I would drop her exboyfriends crap that he left at her house, off at his office so she doesn't have to look at it anymore. :jawdrop:

Uhhh... let me think about it. NO.

Yosemite's picture

Weird, huh? That's BM for you. IDK if they are here or not but why ask me for them?

somedevilishbeauty's picture

Ha HA Allergic to her face. I am alergic to like everything, I think im going to use this excuse in the near future. Thanks!

Yosemite's picture

If FDH still has them, I wouldn't have any issue with him giving them to SS9. It bothers me to think that BM just wants them as part of her fantasy that they are meant to be together again someday. If she wanted to stay married, she should have kept her mouth off other guys penises. Just sayin.

Yosemite's picture

FDH is not home from work yet so I don't know for sure if he even still has them or not. I doubt he would deliberately hide them from me, but I definitely haven't poked through all of his belongings. It will be interesting to see what he thinks. I wonder if she asked him first? It seems strange to me that she thinks I am the appropriate person to get these for her, if FDH even still has them. We have been together 5 years, they have been divorced 6 and were separated a year before that. So 7 years is a long time to suddenly decide you want some old pictures.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Make sure you salt the pictures before you burn them. That will trap the evil demons. ROFL