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I forgot to call for jury duty yesterday!!!!

GameOn's picture

They sent the stupid jury summons two months ago and yesterday was the first day of my week and I completely spaced calling in.

I've had so much going on recently. Yesterday I had to take off from work early because my grandmother finally got her results back for her biopsy. The tumor in her lung is canserous and now they need to check and see how far it's spread. The size of the tumor alone could mean that she's in the later stages. Needless to say, last night was a long night for me.

I'm going to call in today and speak with someone and explain why I didn't call. Has anybody ever done something like this before? Can and will the courts do anything to me?


oldone's picture

It all depends on the state you are in.

I was supposed to call in every week for about 2 months. My dad had a stroke in another state and I left the paper with the info in that state and didn't even think of it again until I went back 6 months later. That was years ago. Absolutely nothing happened.

Now in other states - wow there might have been an arrest warrant out for anyone who did that.

GameOn's picture

I called and my number wasn't called yesterday but they're already in the 500's. My number is 709. The lady I spoke with at the court house was really nice and just told me to call the rest of the week and that the chances of my number being called is pretty high in the next couple of days. Frankly I'm just glad that I remembered.

Sunflower1's picture

God, I got jury duty summons forgot to call and got a letter for a warrant. I called them back though, the warrant was dropped and got put into another jury pool...the downside is I got stuck on a jury for nearly three weeks for a first degree murder trial. Never want to do that again...

Sunflower1's picture

In my state your employer has to pay you during the time you serve, so I didn't have to worry about that. The crappy part was you are only excused from work during court hours. Managing a restaurant my day off are Tuesday/Wednesday...nearly three weeks of "working" 7 days a week. That and all the trial details, being stuck in your own

realitycheckmom's picture

My town is so small that I called the clerk of the courts office and told them I got a summons for my mom and she is out of state for two weeks and can't come. Ok no problem. She hasn't been called since and that was four years ago. I got called a couple years ago and I had a final that day. Went down and told them they said ok we will throw you in the next round. Never heard back. The creepy people that got foreclosed never changed their address and got a summons. I tossed it since the mailman is literally senile and keeps forgetting they moved and he is not to deliver their mail to me anymore. Then a week or so later a letter (postcard really) shows up thanking them for their service and I am almost sure they didn't show up. WTF is wrong with this town? No one is accountable.

One time I was called in for a trial in the former large city I lived in and the prosecution wanted me badly and the defense didn't. The defense attorney had a nasty woman as 2nd chair and she humiliated me asking me intimate details about a crime I was a victim in. Then she kept yelling at me. The judge told her several times that we were voire dire not trial and I was not on trial and to stop harassing me. I just kept saying I date a sheriff's deputy, LEOs don't lie. It was awful. One guy said he was sure the defendant was innocent. He announced that to everyone in the courtroom. LOL The judge asked him why and the guy said the defendant looked innocent to him. Like we don't know why he said that. Smile

I am sure you will be able to get out of it if you give very concrete views that you cannot be dissauded from. I repeated over and over that obviously the police had evidence against the guy so he must be guilty or we wouldn't be here. LOL