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MIL has BM and DH's wedding picture on her wall

WWSMD's picture

DH and I went buy MILs house to drop of some wedding pictures. She has this big picture in her hallways of DH's first marriage with BM. DH gave her one of ours to replace it. She doesn't want to replace it. She hung our picture in the dining room but still has the one from the first marriage in the hallway. She says she doesn't want to disrespect BM and hurt her feelings by taking down her pictures. She still calls BM her daughter. She told me not to be offended that I am a sweet girl and she is happy to see DH happy again.

Am I wrong in feeling offended?


princessmofo's picture

Nope, not wrong. I have been fighting this same battle for years now. I finally just cut dh's parents out of my life for the same reasons you gave. Only dh's mother actually attended bm's second wedding. After dh begging her to please not to because it is disrespectful to our union. But horsefaced bitch devil cunt's feeling are more important. So I said enough. We don't visit anymore, and they don't come here. It's better this way...

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I would probably say something like "MIL, I know you don't want to offend BM by taking down that picture but have you thought about how your son feels everytime he sees it?".

Try to make it about your DH and his feelings maybe that would work.

crushed step-mom's picture

I would go through's his responsibility to tell his mother she is disrespecting you and him and until the picture is taken down you guys will not be coming to her house to visit!

Anon2009's picture

He (or you) can say something but at the end of the day, it's up to her as it is her home. I wouldn't like it either. Thankfully, my mil doesn't put up pictures of anyone but her kids and grandkids. I could care less whether she puts up pics of me.

I think if she wants to be friends with bm, fine, but she should do so out of your and DHs sight and earshot, and on her time.

tryingmom's picture

I'm sure my ex-ILs burned all the wedding photos with me in them, or cut me out of them. I can't remember if they displayed any on their walls.

Now my mom passed in November, DH and I flew home for the funeral. I walked into their home (my childhood home) and it was a time capsule. My parents were big on family photos being displayed. I walked into my mom's room and there on the wall was a wedding portrait from my 1st wedding....GAH!!! I didn't make a big deal out of it but DH did not go in that room. I asked my Dad right before we left that he take that down, his response, my mother loved that picture of me, thought it was the most beautiful ever....nice....then he told me that the picture also reminded my mother of all I've overcome in life, divorcing a creep that she always hated. OMGoodness, never knew. OK, the picture can stay but can we put a sticker over the face of ExH?? }:)

overworkedmom's picture

My parents actually had a picture of my and my exH up in their hallway that was still there 3 years after we split. I had given my mom one of my wedding pictures but she still had not hung it up for six months. FINALLY I just went over took the wedding picture and put it in the frame covering up me and my ex. I don't care how it made her feel, and if she switches it or anything else the picture will be shredded next time.

Its completely disrespectful to me and my husband to keep pictures of my ex around the house.

oldone's picture

Everyone is right that MIL can do what ever she wants in her home.

But it would be a cold day in hell before I ever stepped foot in that house again. I mean like NEVER.

And I probably wouldn't let her in my home either. I could be civil if in the same place for some reason.

But what she has done is just as bad as if she slapped the shit out of you and then spit on you.

I wouldn't have a problem with her still seeing BM, etc. or maybe even if there was a picture of BM with the kids.

But a WEDDING PICTURE???? Hell to the no. And this obviously wasn't just something she overlooked. It was a clear "eff you". Her "don't be offended" was just another version of "Bless your heart" (translated as fuck you bitch)

Shook's picture

100 points if you hit BM on the nose with a dart. Winner gets a free movie pass. See it came in handy after all. }:)