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If you were a bm and sm laid a hand on your kid what would you do?

Anon2009's picture

I'd have the police way up their a$$. Like one op said, "WTF? I DON'T CARE WHAT ARGUMENT WAS GOING ON, NO ONE BETTER LAY HANDS ON MY KID!
Personally, I think your wife better be watching her ass cause BM is coming for her. If not to physically kick her ass, then to involve the police or courts or CPS or whatever else she can think of. If BM wasn't crazy before, she will be now. And rightfully so."

Anyone who puts a hand on my kid in any way will be made to regret it.


daniellehand74's picture

What if its the other way around and the kid is hitting you. Only he's a 12 year old and has attacked you half a dozen times. He's also special needs but, knows he's not suppose to hit people. He hasn't hit me in over a year but, because of his abuse I cant stand the kid. How do i get over this?

Anon2009's picture

You might want to seek out counseling for yourself. If he's special needs he will need more care from dad and mom longer than many kids once they reach adulthood so he will continue to be in your life to some degree for awhile.

FML's picture

Well. . The obvious solution to this situation is to parent my child so no one else has to. My DD had better never give her SM a reason to spank her. I raised her that way. I discipline my child so others don't have to. If my DD SM spanked her then she deserved it.

FML's picture

And every situation is different. That is understandable. Just like hitting is different from spanking. We have had this conversation before. But the above counts for my situation. I'm sorry for anyone who does not have reasonable adults in their lives. I would NEVER put my daughter in a bad situation. If SM was a crazy abuser it would have been taken care of years ago.

Lalena75's picture

I decided to take this convo outside ST and asked my SO, my exh and his gf and another BM in a step situation. They all see it as "depends on the situation" If say my 17y/o dd was belligerent and screaming in dad's gf's face and called her a B or c u next tuesday, or f u, then yeah she's likely going to at least get shoved away if not popped, same if my ds were to, and know what I raised my kids better and would likely back her if IF she really felt that was the best way to protect her, SO agrees, if my kids were to do that to him (my ds as he'd never hit a girl anyway he'd pick her screaming ass up and drop her in her room) and my exh supports that, as he's waiting for the dad our ds thinks he's bigger and badder than the men in his life.
Other BM would support her kids SM if IF the situation was threatening. My own dad said that's what the last big fight between he and I was asserting authority and independence. All usually boys do it as they become men but sometimes :strong willed independent girls who were brought up as the oldest boyish kid" do the same "if they're under 17 they have to be knocked down a peg, over they need to gtfo and go be a damn adult." same thing I bet my grandpa and his dad would of said. At 13 a foul mouthed rude disrespectful git of a child with pansy ass parents who have ALLOWED that kind of behavior shouldn't be surprised when their kid gets a smack in that mouth be it by SM or another kid.
I won't change my stance on this if parents parented their kids and kept them in line step parents wouldn't have to.

Shook's picture

Sadly, it's true. My dad knocked us both down to teach us we weren't invincible. My brother still gets into lots of trouble but that's because my mom & stepfather let him get away with everything. Not my father. If it weren't for my father not tolerating my brother's disrespectful antics, bro would be rotting in prison by now. But in "Toms circumstance" there's a BM isn't there? BMs don't get that they produce entitled, disrespecting brats so if there is a BM there, a fallout's inevitable.

All I can say, thank god my BD was raised right to not ever antagonize an adult. SS? He's on a harder road to discovering that when he gets his ass given to him in a fight one day when he gets older.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

A friend of mine is a stepdaughter--she threw her father's wife down the stairs after the wife supposedly "got in her face."

Dunno, but if the wife beat the shit out of my child after that, I'd tell her to hold off for a second so I could get there and give her a hand.

If it was unprovoked, then obviously I'd have a problem. But if my daughter/son was mouthing off in such a way that was fundamentally hurting someone (racial, emotional, or painful types of insults--like the kind a poster on steptalk got during her miscarriage), if she didn't at least smack my child in the mouth, I would.

I don't give a damn if it's my child or not, no one, no one has a right to speak to another person that way, and if they do they better deal with the consequences, and sometimes that's physical.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Her and the stepmom are the same age... I don't think anything happened--she got some money from her dad and left the house to live with her boyfriend. I'm not sure but I'm almost positive the wife was pregnant at the time too (since this happened two years ago and her dad and his wife have a one and a half year old, who is completely healthy and unharmed, thank god.)

Mind you, this girl comes from a rough neighborhood and has always been vocal and physical. The wife is a bitch too, so it was essentially a cat fight that went really, really wrong.

Shook's picture

SD threw her PREGNANT SM down a flight of stairs???? Holy! Wow that is insane. Thank god nothing happened to the baby.

It's also a stupid move on daddy's part to think his daughter would fully appreciate his choice in GFs. I mean, if he needed a date, he could have gone & asked her for one of her friend's digits }:)

I will say I have wondered if our skid ever thought about pushing me down our staircase Sad

purpledaisies's picture

I'd get to the bottom of it and if my chikd deserved then I'd tell them not to okay with the big dogs if they don't wanna get hurt! But I raised my kids better than that. Can't say as much fir Tom as he knew the situation which is why he didn't want to leave them alone. Plus he admitted his DD hates sm. That is the most telling part if his story!

If it were unprovoked then yes I'd be pissed and take action. Even my dh when I read him all toms blogs he said the same thing I did. Ton Jew what was going on and choose not do anything. He failed them both!