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DH's BM loving cousin is popping by. just greaaaat!

newbiestepmom25's picture

DH's cousin from out of town is here and he wants to stop by. I don't like this cousin because he loves BM1 because back in the day they were drinking buddies and party hoppers together. I am far from a party girl so he doesn't like me. He swears I am stuck up and BM1 was just so chill and awesome. Plus since SS10 is here he is gonna be asking all bout BM2. It just irks me every time I hear the BMs names. I am just going to shake his hand say hi and go out for a while with the baby. I want to enjoy my day off. I just hope he doesn't stay until late and then want to sleep over. I really hope he doesn't want to pop up everyday this week *eyeroll*.

How do you feel about your SO's family who love to talk about BM or BD?


oldone's picture

I'd have no problem telling them to shut the eff up.

My DH's brother and SIL LOVE me. The closest they come to mentioning his previous two wives is to talk about how they have never seen DH so happy.