Out of the mouths of babes
Today, we had SD2 from 10-3. It's not much time, but it's a start.
We were in the car with SD and BD on the way back to GBM's when we stopped in front the store DH's Biomother works at (red light). From the back seat I hear "Gabababa BITCH" :O DH and I turned to each other with the "Did she just say what I think she said?" looks. I said "SD, that's not a nice word, we don't say that word." She keeps saying it over and over again, DH turning redder and redder. I'm listening really closely and trying to see where exactly she's pointing. Then I see it, there are two dumpsters next to the store and SD is pointing at them saying "Garbage".
Oops. Nope, that word is fine, but we might want to work on the pronunciation a little
On a side note, SD kept insisting on calling me "Mamatoo". I asked why and she said "Because you are my mama too." She didn't get that from BM or GBM so no idea how she got that thought in her head, but I can live with it. She also refused to hold DH's hand and wanted to hold my hand whenever we were out. I feel special. Just remind me of this when she's 13 and screaming at me that I ruined her life and she hates me.
- 3LittleDragonflies's blog
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She sounds like a cutie
She sounds like a cutie
She is. She can be a complete
She is. She can be a complete terror at times but I love her anyways! Focus on the positive and all that
(Plus, I just tell myself her bad behavior is all BM's fault for sitting at home watching movies and stuffing her face all day instead of parenting her damn child!
Lol! I can totally see one of
Lol! I can totally see one of my girls doing that, not sure how I'd react though. I'd probably be holding in the giggles while scolding them on how that word isn't nice to use.
Lol I was hoping you'd read
Lol I was hoping you'd read it Dtzy and that it'd make you smile since you're not having the best day. Tell your DH I said to take a very long walk off of a very short pier for giving you grief.
ROFL That's awesome!
ROFL That's awesome!
I have a nephew (now 9, then
I have a nephew (now 9, then 2) who couldn't say the "Tr" sound. He replaced it with "F". He also was obsessed with TRucks... Couldn't take him in public for months because of the looks we'd get anytime a truck was nearby
Cute. With the younger steps
Cute. With the younger steps I wonder if it's because they're used to just having a predominant female presence in their life? SS3 is similar in that, he'll always hold my hand in parking lots, to cross streets etc. He will always cuddle with me on the couch. He wants to show BF all the cool things "Dad look at this! Dad watch me!" But when it comes to affection it's generally geared towards me.