BM Punchline Friday
I did it last week and it was a hoot. So I thought I'd do it again.
Rules: "Deliver a punchline of something silly/stupid that the BM said, or something that you said to the BM. No context is required."
Donkeykong to DW
"I know what the CO says! Unlike you however, I don't sleep with it at night!"
"Yes I know SS is sick, but since you are the one who scheduled this doctor's appointment, I don't see why I have to take him."
DW to Donkeykong:
"You said you challenge SS's intellect and make him think? PLEASE tell me how you do this! I am dying to hear the details!
"What do you mean you don't know what a weasel argument[1] is? Did Google fail you?"
[1]Weasel Argument: A form of argument where a person tries to validate his position by claiming that it is common knowledge (I.e. "Everyone knows that too much video games are bad for you.")
- Drac0's blog
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You just reminded me that
You just reminded me that summer is around the corner which means the custody schedule changes on our end too
Oh my! Donkeykong routinely
Oh my! Donkeykong routinely pulled that line on us. Whenever there is some special event (like parent teacher interviews) we would always advise Donkeykong. These events are usually broadcasted by the school somehow (letters home to parents, billboards, emails, ect.). We would ALWAYS apprise Donkeykong of these things and ALWAYS Donkeykong would bitch that we were informing him of these things "at the last minute" (Apparently, giving a week's notice is "last minute" to him.
So we told him that we wouldn't be informing him of these things anymore and that he can call the school himself for information. We're done playing nice.
I really don't understand the reasoning of parents like this. If you don't bother to keep yourself informed on activities surrounding YOUR child, why is this the OTHER parent's problem?
**RING RING** Me: Hello BM:
Me: Hello
BM: May I speak to MY husband please
Me: I think you have the wrong number
BM: No, I don't may I speak to MY husband please
Me: BM? Is that you? Did you remarry?? I think you have the wrong number, the only HUSBAND here, is MINE. **CLICK**
Me: Hello
BM's Friend: Just wanted to let you know that DH (we weren't married at the time) is at BM's house RIGHT NOW giving him a hair cut and taking care of him because his tooth is bothering him
Me: Really? That's interesting
BM's Friend: Yep, and he tells her DAILY that he is coming home to her
Me: Seriously? That's REALLY interesting
BM's Friend: Yep, so you may as well give up, he will NEVER stay with you.
Me: WOW, that's amazing. You say he is there RIGHT NOW???
BM's Friend: Yep, and after his hair cut I am sure they will go to bed... TOGETHER
Me: How much have you smoked tonight, because he is SITTING RIGHT HERE, wanna talk to him??? ***hands phone to DH*** Here baby, she says she's a friend of yours and that you are getting ready to f*ck BM at her house right now
BM to DH when we first started dating: I saw you today (we all worked for the same company, 2 different buildings, but one cafeteria)
DH: That's nice
BM: You were walking with some girl
DH: Yeah, she's hot isn't she?
BM to DH: My friend SAW you with your little girlfriend at the park last night
DH: That's nice
BM: She said you guys were sitting on the bed of your truck changing your shoes
DH: Is that ALL she told you?
BM: yeah, why
DH: Oh good, I was afraid she told you that she saw us BEFORE we started putting our clothes back on, ohew, I was certain no one could see in the window.
BM: What...
(For the record, we didn't REALLY have sex in the car at the park, we were changing from our cleats to our regular shoes after a softball game, he just said that to get to her, and it worked)
Quote: For the record, we
Quote: For the record, we didn't REALLY have sex in the car at the park, we were changing from our cleats to our regular shoes after a softball game, he just said that to get to her, and it worked
You know, you could have easily left that part out.
Something less writing gives more to the reader
Well, had I not mentioned it
Well, had I not mentioned it was a PARK, I would have... but I don't want anyone thinkin we are a couple of freaks that have sex in parks where there are kids everywhere.
Now THAT is some crazy shit!
Now THAT is some crazy shit!
BM (speaking to me): YOU
BM (speaking to me): YOU have NOOOOOOOOOO idea how hard it is to work 10 hrs a week AND raise two boys
Me: You're right, BM, I don't. Because I work 50+ hours a week AND raise a boy and a girl. How in the world do you find time for yourself??
And this one isn't so funny, but shows you exactly how the BM thinks (context - this was the first time I met BM, at SK's birthday party)
BM: So, your first DH died?
Me: (shocked) Um, yes.
BM: Well, at least he died. Not like *me* who had to endure a horrible divorce. It's MUCH easier when the spouse dies instead of the love dying.
Me: *deer in headlights look*
She sent the skids home with
She sent the skids home with a bag of presumably dirty clothes labeled "whore cloths." Still not sure if that was some odd dig at me, or just another example of her inability to put a sentence together.
BM: I feel like I never see
BM: I feel like I never see SS anymore
Me: Welcome to the working world, please get used to it.
Draco you daft busy person
Draco you daft busy person you. You missed the ladies fun fun yesterday. Anne Boleyn's husband contributed to her blog. We noticed there was not one male in the house. So it was StepMom's Gone Wild.
Aye, I was incredibly busy
Aye, I was incredibly busy yesterday. Sorry I missed the party. I'd love to hear what happened.
Does Anne Boleyn's husband need a jock strap too?
Think RedWing's hubby does.
Think RedWing's hubby does. And a cane while you're at it.
LOL he loves his life now.
LOL he loves his life now. Told me that he's the luckiest guy on the planet. Hell, I spoil him, he spoils me. We have the PERFECT relationship. I should get him to sign on here so y'all don't think I'm full of shit.
How could he not, Red?! I
How could he not, Red?!
I need a male version of you. What the hell, I'll take any version. What do they say? Just close your eyes & you can't tell? }:) }:)
Man, I need this today. Court is in a few hours. Oddly enough that's BM's nickname, Fellatio...but not in a good way. It's similar to her name. Been up since 4AM to get my work done for my staff just so I can make this time. So screw my "after court dinner"! THIS is what I want tonight.
Trust me Shook - I was NOT
Trust me Shook - I was NOT like this in my previous life with the exes. I've NEVER been this sexually active, nor have I wanted it this much.
I am pushing 41 (Sept) and am working HARD to get back into bikini shape before that day. I've sworn off sugar and alcohol and have been walking 3x a day. Gonna start weight training this weekend.
I'm just excited about life. And since Stepdevil no longer comes around, I've never been happier!
I hope everything works out for you!
Being in shape and eating
Being in shape and eating right does lead to a more satifying sex life - a fact that still eludes my ex. Ever since me and DW went on our diet we've been a little more active in bed too. I can't wait until the kids are older so I can start hitting the gym again.
BM texted DH in the middle of
BM texted DH in the middle of the night a year ago to say ss was sick and she was taking him to the ER. It was 2 a.m. Our phones go on silent at night. We have a working house phone that does not go silent. She knows that. She then the next day proceeded to rip into dh as he "didn't care" what happened to ss and she would take him to court over it. Dh let her finish and when she was done. He read the CO to her that states she is to "call" over medical issues, not text and then told her "I would call you a cunt but you lack both the depth and the warmth." And then hung up on her.
"I would call you a cunt but
"I would call you a cunt but you lack both the depth and the warmth."
Consider this stolen
Considered the source instead
Considered the source instead }:)
Yeah, DH can be a World Class
Yeah, DH can be a World Class douche most of the time, but he is a funny f*cker. He's really very witty, and has the verbal respose time of a linguistic cobra. He strikes right away. Just when I am convinced I hate the man, he makes me laugh til my sides hurt. Oh, and he is the spitting image of Chris Martin from Coldplay. So I got that going for me. . . }:)
DW used to tell me stories
DW used to tell me stories about her linguistically challenged ex-MIL.
Tylenol was pronounced "Tye-nol"
Rottweiler was pronounced "Rod-Ty-ler"
The church she attended went by the name of "Saint-Paul's Church" but she would fuse the word "Saint" and "Paul" together. DW thought MIL belonged to a cult named "Sanpol Church"
BM-"Where was ss born?" Me-
BM-"Where was ss born?"
Me- :jawdrop:
BM-after having ss for an extra day, "Whew. It sure is a lot of work taking care of him-i need a break"
said to me, custodial sm, who had 3 other same age kids or younger, a full time job and a dh who worked out of town most of the time.
Me- :jawdrop:
Quote: BM-"Where was ss
Quote: BM-"Where was ss born?"
Me- :jawdrop:
UM... wasn't she THERE?!
Maybe they applied the
Maybe they applied the epidural too early?
And to the BRAIN instead of
And to the BRAIN instead of the spine...?
I had an epidural with BD1
I had an epidural with BD1 and remember every minute of it... Heck, I could tell you the room number I was in and what the painting on the wall was of! I'd love to know what drugs this woman was on!
BM attempts to add to court
BM attempts to add to court order:
YSD should not be allowed to have anything blue in color to eat. She is highly allergic to blue food dye or blue foods that are natural in color.
??????????? WTF??????????
So I guess Windshield Washer
So I guess Windshield Washer is out?
Not to argue with you, but my
Not to argue with you, but my this reminded me of my cousin.
He'd throw wild tantrums, freak out and try to beat up people, and just generally terrorized his household and class. They tried medicating him and it didn't seem to help at all. When he was 11, his mom started writing down EVERYTHING he'd eat one summer and after a bit of trial and error found the culprit... Red Dye #40. She eliminated it from his diet and... Normal, happy kid. No anger issues at all. However, if he has a lollipop or something else with Red Dye #40 in it a few hours later he's turned into the incredible Hulk.
For a long time they thought he was just a really rotten kid.
Don't under stand the foods that are naturally blue in color... :?
BM: "I was supposed to get 2
BM: "I was supposed to get 2 payments this month because income witholding just started. It says that very clearly in the court paperwork."
DH: "I just called (child support lady). She said income witholding was covered and that CSS expected no additional payment from me this month."
BM: "Well I'm calling her then."
B"M" posted on FB this week
B"M" posted on FB this week that:
DH downgraded when he got w me(even though they weren't dating when we got
I'm uglier than her(Ummm..not to brag, but I consider myself an 8.5 or 9. No one would give her above a 6)
I'm a hoe, she's a lady(wants to call herself that because I told her years ago I was one and not going to stoop to her classless level. She sleeps with any guy she talks to and is now pregnant w her 3rd child(only the 1St is Dh's, the second is her current husband who she cheated on!)
And she has been stalking our FB page. Creep.
BM was being her usual insane
BM was being her usual insane self last summer and messaged me saying she and DH were having an affair and that she needed a number to contact me at.
I replied with a wonderful reply to her craziness and then this line that still makes me laugh
"This is how to reach me by the way. [Number for Local Mental Hospital - Inpatient Services] I live in this place called reality. Come and join us."
The best part? I found out a few months ago she called it. She told DH that I must have given her the wrong number, he said "No, she told you exactly how to reach her... by joining the rest of us in the real world."
my DH, then BF: "I am going
my DH, then BF: "I am going to misSTEP's place. I am not going to fight with you anymore and I am not staying here. I just came to see my kids and now I am leaving." (Gets on his bicycle)
BM: "You'll come back. You always do." (laughs)
That was the last time he stepped foot in her house. }:)
No, it is supposed to be used
No, it is supposed to be used for her to go out to lunch with her girlfriends, pay for cable and internet, AND make sure she has her nails done...
This thread is hilarious!
This thread is hilarious! Here's a few more:
DH: SS11 should be reading by now
BM: He's only 11!
- :jawdrop:
(DH didn't get the kids for 2 wknds in a row due to medical emergencies, so BM texted and asked if he was getting them the following wknd)
BM: Are you getting the kids this weekend?
DH: Not sure. We're still in the hospital.
BM: No. You said you were getting the kids this wknd, so YES, you ARE coming!
DH: You don't tell me what I'm doing. I tell YOU what I'm doing, and I'm not sure yet at this point.
BM: You ARE coming! I was leanient (actual spelling) with you last time, but not this time! Come and get your kids!
- Um, no BM. You weren't "leanient", you had NO CHOICE in the matter, so stop acting like you're a bigger person than you actually are!