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SD14 prom, continued

wreck's picture

I talked to DH about SD14's prom. He said that he told he that she should invite me, but she doesn't want to. When I reminded him it's the POLITE thing to do, you know, invite a married couple as a married couple, he said he knows it and he told her, but it's her night and if she chooses not to invite me there isn't much we can do. "I can't force her to invite anyone", he said. "It's her night, her prom, and if she only invites me, what can I do, not go?" I reminded him that it's an OPEN event and there would be no problem with me being there, except that it would mean disobeying precious princess.(Didn't say the last part) "It's open, but the kids invite the people they want".
"Do you think it's okay to let her exclude me like this?"
"No, but it's her prom"
"You're her father and you should teach her something."
"I'm not going to ruin her prom."
"She's disrespecting me as your wife, us as a couple".
"She's not, you're overreacting, you don't get it... She just wants the people she's close to. It's not personal, it's not about you."
Then I just stopped the conversation because I felt like punching him in the face. Yeah, only people she's close to.. That's why she invited every relative, every neighbour, every friend, except for me.
I would leave- but my finances don't allow me + I have a baby with him. Recently gave birth, actually, and he doesn't care at all.


Willow2010's picture

This is what I think I would do. I would tell DH..."You know...since your DD does not really want me around her...I am starting to feel the same. She does not want me at her functions so that makes me not want her at our house. It is hard to open your home to someone who does not like or respect me. Since she obviously does not want to be around me, can you please take visitation somewhere else."

wreck's picture

I'm not sure could I say that, it's his apartment that I moved into..
Plus it's not visitation, it's 50/50. It's their home too.

wreck's picture

It's not about me wanting to go, it's about SD being allowed to disrespect me and our marriage just like that.

RedWingsFan's picture

^^This is the only reason I went to stepdevil's school thing last month. Just because she said "Don't bother coming, I don't want you there". Well guess what precious? We're adults, we're married and we can go wherever we please. It was about driving home the point that YOU do not call the shots anymore. YOU are not in control little girl. FUCK YOU!

I'd go with my baby on my hip and smile, smile, smile at her. Fuck that bullshit. Stand up for yourself and show her that SHE is not in control. Period.

Good luck!

Shook's picture

Absolutely Red. Not right at all & don't even think about pulling that crap again young lady is what her DH should've said. He sounds like an ass.

wreck's picture

If I went like that, I'd go alone, without DH.. And except for it being very awkward and uncomfortable, I think it would be even worse if we went separately than if I didn't go.

Shook's picture

It's not right. Your DH has been a real jerk the whole pregnancy, the whole hotel for the girls business, post pregnancy & now this. It's not right at all. He sounds like an asshole. Sorry.

mommyof1girl1boyangel's picture

did you contribute to any of her attire? if so , i think i'd have to ask for it back.

Shook's picture

Will your mom charge you rent? If not, then go there till you finish nursing & lactating. There's always options.

Justshootme's picture

How are you going to handle this when she says the same thing about her wedding? Because if this is her attitude now, there's no guarantee it will get better.

wreck's picture

She probably will say the same thing, and it will be the same situation all over again

Shaman29's picture

Then I strongly suggest you do what any single mother out there would do and start looking at options for a job, day care, housing options and public assistance until you get back on your feet.

You keep saying you're stuck, you have no where to go, etc. I think you do and you're too afraid to take the step you know in your heart you want to take.

If you've had enough and you feel it's time to leave your DH, request temporary spousal support and obviously child support.

You have options but you're making up excuses to stay in your situation.

As far as your SD goes, disengage. Ignore her. Don't lift one goddamn finger to help her or help your DH when it comes to her. If she wants something, send her to her father. Don't go to this goddamn prom BS thing and stop complaining when she doesn't include you. The problem isn't your SD and her BS games. It's your DH's unwillingness to deal with it.

I don't mean to be harsh, but all of your responses are excuses to put up with it. I have yet to see a viable reason why you're sticking around and taking this crap.

wreck's picture

I don't really have many options for a job. Maybe to be a cleaning lady but even that would be hard. Day care? Expensive as hell. Wouldn't be able to pay for it. Housing options? Pretty much none. Maybe I could rent something,but I'd have a very hard time payinf. Public assistance? they don't give it to ANYONE, not even orphans. let alone a grown woman.

I want to take the step, but it would be terribly hard for me.
He would only have to pay support if he damaged my physically making me unable to work. Since he didn't, he won't pay it. Child support would be far from enough to support myself and the baby.

Excuses to put up with it?
If I leave him, I can't give a normal life to my daughter, I can't even pay for food, home and the bills. I would leave if I could.

But the situation is much worse than you'd think.

wreck's picture

What hurts me is that he lets her disrespect me, not that I don't go to her prom.

but yeah, I'll just do my things while he's there.

wreck's picture

I don't think he'll push them to invite me.. he has fun without me just fine

I'm trying to save money to get out of this hell..until then I'll disengage.

Shook's picture

Yes that's the problem. When she excludes herself, she still doesn't go & have fun elsewhere. She just complains about them even when she detaches from it. So if you're going to complain, go to it. If you don't want to, don't complain. And sorry it's not HIS house. It's both your houses even if you don't pay a cent. Call it step hell homesteading.

Shook's picture

Is that really you questioning this?? or is this what your DH tells you?
Are you married? If so, it's part yours unless you signed a prenupt. But really, if you don't even feel this is your house, then WHY are you there?

wreck's picture

What a spouse had before the marriage is theirs, and if he bought it during our marriage it would be ours even if I didn't pay for it. In case of divorce, he'd get the house and even now it's his.

Of course it's me- we didn't talk about who the house belongs to lately. It's just that I know it's not mine.

I'm here because I don't have another place to go.

whatwasithinkin's picture

I posed a similiar question to DH about SD17 the other day
"Do you think it's okay to let her exclude me like this?"

My question was after he said that things were ok between SD and I because she has nothing to do with me anymore. My question: "so it is ok for SD to treat me like I do not exsist as an adult with in the walls of a house I pay for"

His response much like your DH, "well what am I suppose to do about it?"

It's to late for intervention with these kids...

Hanny's picture

I think you should get a babysitter (pay for it out of household funds) and go out, even if by yourself, go see a movie or even two. But do not be home when your DH gets home, stay out late, even if you have to sit in a coffee shop and read a book. But don't be home when he gets there. And yes, like the others say Disengage. If you can't get out of there right now, Disengage. Do not do anything for SKID or your DH. Just take care of your baby. And make some plans, check out what is available for you if you haven't really checked this out. I think you KNOW you need to get out of this marriage because it will only get worse. Your DH has made it very clear to you that his girls are a priority in his life, you are not and neither is your baby. Sorry, but you need to realize this and make plans.

wreck's picture

But DH is the only one with an income in the house, he's basically supporting me.. I can't not do anything for him.

I'm trying to save money to go, but it's really hard.

hismineandours's picture

Why cant you not do anything for him? He doesnt own you. If you dont want to do anything for him or his kids then just dont. You dont have to make a big fuss about it. Just dont do it. Dont make dinner, do any laundry, or clean anything. If your husband asks why, tell him, "Oh, sorry, I wasnt feeling well". Then proceed not to feel well every day. If you want to mix it up-say, Oh sorry the baby had a check up today. or the baby had a play date. Or I took baby to get her photos taken today. In fact go get a lovely photo of you and baby together then go home and put it on the living room wall. If he complains, assure him that it's nothing personal against him or the stepdaughter you are just super busy with the baby, ill, or whatever.

Meanwhile, squirrel away the cash to make exit plans. see an attorney for a free consulation. You may have more rights than you think you do.

And for the love of god, stop caring about these people. I get that it is insulting to be excluded (I gt that very well), but these do not sound like people you really would want to be included with. Seriously. Take is as a compliment that they dont want you around. The darkness has never liked the light sort of thing. Think of your husband and your home as temporary. Its where you are going to lay your head until you can put your exit plan into place-but these people are not your "family". Essentially I would just treat them like strangers. Cordial when necessary, but keep my distance.

wreck's picture

I can't not do anything for him because he is supporting me. He buys me food, clothes, medicine, I'm living in his home.
I can not treat him like a stranger, or make excuses for not doing anything. He's not gonna support me while I go to playdates and photos.