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SD15 Sent Multiple Hustler Style Pics of Herself to Dif Boys

Worndown's picture

My familly shares an Icloud. 5 weeks ago I found several NUDE and CLOSEUP pics of my SD 15 on the cloud. I told my HB and we confronted her. Most of her answers were lies and "I don't know". She was supposed to move back to her BM, but my HB got soft. She only lives with us because we thought her BM was doing a terrible job and that we could help her. Turns out there is no help for her, but my HB doesn't want to "give up on her". We fight all the time now. We have 2 great kids 3 and 8. They are well behaved because they have consequences! SD is supposedly grounded, but still has texting priveledges and is still allowed to go to 8th grade dance. YES 8th grade. She failed the 7th grade. She is openly defiant towards me. She is so jealous of my kids. I tried to take her in when she moved in with us 2 yrs ago, but she just steals from me and my kids. I taught her how to do her makeup and hair. We had to fight her to take baths in the beginning. I now have a real key-lock on my bedroom door. I have to keep my son's lunchbox items in my bathroom closet. I have a personal fridge in my room because of her. She steals food out of my son's lunchbox. He's 8. She steals my daughter's (3) hair bows,etc. She just has a sucky, shady, worthless soul. My husband says SD is getting "better", but has "bad genetics". We fight all of the time now. My son walks in and tells us to stop. He doesn't even like seeing us alone bc he's affraid we're fighting. I'm soooo tired! I would leave if it wasn't going to hurt my kids. As it is now, she's still a bad influence on them, and a HUGE strain on my marriage which stresses my little ones. I'm sorry this went on so long. This is my first time.


misSTEP's picture

Got any friends in law enforcement? Sometimes the seriousness of the situation sinks in better when it comes from a third party.

RedWingsFan's picture

I could see stepdevil14 doing something similar. She already was busted having phone sex and sexting a boy at school she was "dating" at age 13.

I'd definitely put a good scare into her as suggested by LadyFace! Sometimes either humiliating them or scaring the shit out of them is the only thing that gets through!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

My gay SS did something similar when he was 15. He had a yahoo page I found that has nude pics of himself and men from around the World were commenting on it. There were over 200 pages. I did not see the actual pictures but could tell from the comments that he was nude.

I showed my DH and then he showed BM and neither one of them did a thing about it. Sickening.

I hope your DH does something about it because honestly she is well on her way to becoming a teenage Mom or like you said a sex offender.

Starla's picture

I fully agree with the comments above! It is nothing to be messing around with, she may end up having stalkers and rapists coming around too..who knows.

misSTEP's picture

And make sure she is on the SHOT not the pill that they can "forget" to take like my SD (mother at 16).

DaizyDuke's picture

Gross.. I could totally see my SD15 doing this. She is a sneaky sneak and DH is just that dumb or turns a blind eye. He NEVER checks her phone, FB, twitter anything. SD has bald faced lied to DH I don't know how many times, yet he'll still believe ever word she says.. for instance. SD just started working at a farm near our house a couple days a week after school. DH said something about how he was surprised she would want to work on a farm. I said, there is probably some boy there working that she is interested in. DH says, "oh no, SD just told me the other day that she has no interest in boys" Really DH and you just believe that crap like it's the Pope telling you? How about you go on her Twitter and read where she wants to know who the hot, tan, farmer boy is at the farm and how there are so many hot college guys at the store she's at and on and on.

I don't even bother to tell DH this shit anymore, he just turns it around and makes me the bad guy and blames all of SD transgressions on the fact that she has a shitty mother/upbringing or the ever classic "she's just a kid" It's a losing battle.

JMC's picture

My SD21 did this too when she was 15; my MIL caught her in the act of taking the pics. Needless to say, DH just played ostrich and stuck his head in the sand. Not so surprising is this girl had 3 abortions (unknown to us at the time) between ages 17-19. I keep waiting for those pics to show up on our local topix.

3rdParty's picture

We were in a similar situation with SS16. In that case a girl in his class texted him a nude pic of herself which he turned around and sent to everyone on his contact list (yes, douchebag move I agree). Long story short, police were called as this picture was shown to a teacher and reported.

In Canada, any pictures of children under the age of 18 are considered child porn. The girl was facing charges of producing and distributing child porn, SS was facing charges of distributing. The fact that she alone was responsible for taking the pic of herself was irrelevant. The police did not pursue charges against any of the kids but did hold an assembly to inform all the students of the ramifications of such actions.

The fact that these pictures are in your computer system is bad for you and her father. Your SD needs counseling for what sounds like a lot of issues beyond your control.

Worndown's picture

He definitely plays the ostrich move. He thinks she'll tell him when she gets the "itch to have sex" so he can get her on "the pill". (That she'll forget!) And if she does get pregnant that he'll "put her out or 'bump her down the stairs' (only a BAD joke). I told him, "NO, you'll be in your closet CRYING, and she'll live with us until I move out!"