Fucking stepdevil14 strikes again!
I so want to scream! Such bullshit from her!
DH hasn't spoken to her since December, when he tried to connect with her for Xmas. He's texted her every week to say he loves her, misses her, wishes she would come around, etc (much to my dismay). He texted her in March after parent-teacher conferences to say he was proud of her grades and she responded with "I don't want to talk to you anymore, it's MY choice, has nothing to do with MOM, goodbye". That was the last time he's heard a word from her.
Get this - she texts him last night!!! "I'm being given an award for outstanding achievement at school on Thursday, but don't bother coming. I don't want you there".
I WAS LIVID!! How fucking rude can you get? So since DH's dad doesn't believe how nasty SD's been to DH regardless of what he's said she's told him, he forwards the text to his dad. His dad responds with "Well at least she's texting you now!"
OMFG it gets worse. He calls his dad and was like "were you serious? My daughter just basically told me to fuck off and I'm supposed to be happy she's TEXTING me after months of not hearing from her?" And his dad said "well, am I going to her school award ceremony alone then?" Ummm, yeah dad, you are!
That little 14 yr old snot needs the shit kicked out of her.
DH texted BM and said "it's in the new custody agreement that YOU inform me of her school events, NOT her and especially not with the way she's talking to me". BM responds "I can't control her feelings for you".
Can I fucking scream now?????????????????????????????
Such bullshit. And his family wonders why we want to move out of Colorado and away from this bullshit?
There, I feel better now. Happy Thursday everyone. Part of me wants to tell DH we're BOTH going to that stupid awards ceremony and I want to confront the little bitch, but I know he won't go for it.
- RedWingsFan's blog
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I want to but I know DH won't
I want to but I know DH won't go for it. He already said he's "over it, let's move on" and doesn't want to think about it anymore. She's been so nasty to him for so long now that he expects it.
The worst part was seeing his face LIGHT UP when he noticed she texted him and then fall flat when he read the nasty words she wrote.
What a little snot. And so
What a little snot. And so is her mother. Are you sure it is not her mother that is sending those texts?
And WTH is DH's dad doing in the middle of all this??
Yeah, we were sure since her
Yeah, we were sure since her mother was at work at the time. We're thinking her mother (being a lazy bitch) told SD to text her dad about the upcoming awards ceremony since it IS part of their new agreement instead of doing it herself.
DH's dad has been pushing and pushing DH to reconcile with SD saying "she's your only kid, you need to force her to have a relationship with you whether she likes it or not" and didn't believe his precious granddaughter could ever talk nasty like she does. He forwarded the text after his dad sent him a text about the awards ceremony. Of course, SD still talks with granddad because he takes her places and rewards her...
wow she is ridiculous - just
wow she is ridiculous - just trying to kick him while he's down. and yeah, fuck his whole family if they can't see it.
It burns me up that these kids get to act like little assholes to their parents and never have to face a consequence because they are poor little children of divorce.
I'm just so over this
I'm just so over this bullshit. It's like things are quiet for a while and then she has to pull this kind of shit.
He did text her back and tell her he wasn't coming to the ceremony and that she needs to stop being so nasty and disrespectful. I told him he's lucky *I* wasn't allowed to text her. I'd have let that little bitch have it.
I honestly don't understand
I honestly don't understand this. When I think about it, her message tells me that she's obviously trying to get his attention. Not in a healthy way but she is. You don't text someone, out of the blue, to tell them they aren't wanted somewhere that they don't even know about. If she really didn't care about him, she wouldn't say a word.
What is the background on her ceasing communications with him? Was it a sudden or gradual change? Was there some sort of argument leading up to it?
No, her mother told her to
No, her mother told her to send the text because the awards ceremony is tonight and she's supposed to notify him about these things at least 24 hrs in advance. SHE is supposed to do it though, not SD. BM probably forgot about it, went to work and then remembered and instead of texting DH to tell him, told SD to do it.
SD added the nastiness on her own because guess what? She's turning into BM. She doesn't give a shit about DH or his feelings.
SD got pissed last year when DH caught her having phone sex/sending nasty texts and messages to her 13 yr old boyfriend and then we found out she was actually HAVING sex with him and he implemented some consequences for her actions. Took her to the women's clinic, had her tested, made her write essays about teen pregnancy, STD's, how much it costs to raise a baby, etc. She got pissed, ran home to mommy, mommy undid everything, told her DH was being "too hard" on her, and that she didn't have to visit him anymore. She made up lies about DH saying he called her names (slut and whore) and that she was "uncomfortable" at our place. So he let it go all summer and then forced her in October to resume visits. Mortal failure on his part.
Then it was pretty much "dad I want to work on our relationship gradually" but every time DH would make plans with her, she'd blow him off or refuse to come along. And it had nothing to do with me, since I was already so pissed at her I didn't want to be around her anyway. The last time he saw her was October, other than to stop at her house once in November to make Xmas plans that she cancelled on him.
He texted her in March after parent teacher conferences to say how proud he was of her and her grades. She responded with "I don't want to talk to you, this is MY choice, has nothing to do with mom, goodbye". That was the last time she's responded to any of his texts until last night.
She doesn't care about him. She was just doing as her mother said and being a bitch about it.
See, I also worry about that
See, I also worry about that as well. She's already had a pregnancy scare (at age 13) and BM refused to put her on birth control saying she just wouldn't have sex again till she's 18, SD promised her. BLECH, right...sure and if you believe that shit, I have a couple slices of ocean front property in Michigan to sell you...
Disgusting isn't it?
Disgusting isn't it?
Holy hell. Wow, so sorry!
Holy hell. Wow, so sorry!
Christ on a cracker! That's
Christ on a cracker! That's horible.
I swear 14 year old girls are
I swear 14 year old girls are just the devils spawn....All our problems started at 13 with SD and she has never had any ramification for the way she treated and still treats DH. At least yours is recognizing the bad behavior. Mine has barely ever said anything to SD17. Exactly why she is not in my life anymore...
Oh it's bad and he's tired of
Oh it's bad and he's tired of her shit. I can't imagine if he were to bury his head in the sand like BM continues to do with her. I'll tell you one thing, we never would've gotten married and I likely would've moved on from him if that were the case.
EXACTLY! And I've told DH's
EXACTLY! And I've told DH's dad (who I have a great relationship with) that he's REWARDING her bad behavior by allowing it. All he wants is for everyone to get along. He doesn't care that she's being so horrid to DH, told DH he has to force his presence on her and she'll eventually "come around". Then again, he's a majorly religious man who forced DH to attend church all his life. Guess what? DH won't set foot in a church unless it's for a wedding or funeral now.
We have the same kind of
We have the same kind of inlaw-my MIL is constantly telling my DH what he should/should not do with the (adult) kids. For awhile, she was telling him he should give them anything they want, because they will "learn to love him if he gives them things." He ignored her. Now, she wants us to rent an apartment for them. OMG!!!!! I am unable to work right now because I have been really sick, and when I find a job, I have to pay back a ton of student loans. DH does not make anywhere near enough to rent an apartment/support them. There are 3 of them, and only one works-20 hours a week. But MIL thinks we should help them. They are as nasty as your SD, and they only get worse, which is the biggest reason we are not helping them, other than lack of finances. I want nothing to do with them. They only contact DH for money. He refuses. My MIL throws the religion around, but only when it fits her needs. It is sick.
I feel bad for your DH, because my DH has been in his shoes. It is not as bad now, but he has been hurt so badly by his kids. All he has done is try to help them. His sons sent him a picture via text once (his daughter took the pic) where they were flipping him off. They sent the same to my MIL, but she still insists they need help. They call me horrible names. Their issue is they want him back with BM, which will never happen. I came along way after they split. They also think he should be supporting them-forever. Since he is not doing that, they attack him and me with nasty words.
You mentioned your DH's face lit up when SD texted him. My DH was like that for awhile. I think he is more jaded now. I know he is still kind of waiting for them to wake up, but I think he realizes that it may never happen. They are 19-23 years old, but they just get worse.
I hope your SD changes her ways, and realizes how horrible she is behaving. If she does not, I hope your DH finds peace. Mine has not totally found it, but he lives his life knowing he has done all he can for his kids. I hope your DH will get to that place.
If she does not, I hope your
If she does not, I hope your DH finds peace
^^^This is all I can hope for. I don't see her changing anytime soon or even after she's grown up (IF that ever happens).
I'm sorry to hear of your issues as well. It just sucks to see someone as loving and caring as my husband and his only child hurts him time and time again.
personally, I would ignore
personally, I would ignore it. actually if my SD17 left tomorrow and started this shit again (and she has done some things like this) I would never even look back. and if DH got that text I would say Im so sorry honey but it is what it is. she will be back...they always are.
Too late. He was super upset
Too late. He was super upset and responded back with something along the lines of "I'm not attending this awards ceremony and you're not to speak to me like this" or "you're not to be rude to me" or something like that.
You say they come back, God I hope NOT!
Wow! And the award, for best
Wow! And the award, for best dramatic actress in a hellish nightmare step-daughter role is. . . this little bitch. I am really beyond comprehension as to why your dh keeps trying, Red? If this isn't the proof nothing is. It would almost be beneficial to block her number from his phone so he can't get any texts from her. I mean why keep trying?! He needs to just throw in the towel and walk away. She and her mother are toxic and he deserves better than that.
I know right? I mean, this
I know right? I mean, this is his only child, so I can understand he wants to keep the door open to her and let her know he loves her. I get that. But this is beyond bullshit.
Child schmild! Pfffttt! I
Child schmild! Pfffttt! I understand parental love, blah, blah, blah because I am a parent but I would have NO problems, and I mean NONE in cutting out one of my own if I had to deal with this level of bullshit. Hell, that's just the way I am. When I close the door on something, bam! I don't look back. The surest way to get someone's attention is to stop giving them any of yours.
Yep, I totally am with ya. I
Yep, I totally am with ya. I shut my mother out once before for 6 yrs because of her disrespect and I just did it again at Christmas time. I'm not looking back, I'm done with her. Sure, she's my mom, family, the woman who brought me into this world, but she will NOT disrespect me and my daughter and expect us to just take it because she's family.
I'm so livid.
Hey Barbie - trust me, I have
Hey Barbie - trust me, I have walked away and she's pretty much "dead" to me. I just have to sit by and watch her slowly destroy the man that I love and that's the part that makes me so mad.
He was SO excited to get a text from her until he read it. I watched him go from SUPER happy to "god I want to kill myself" depressed in a flat 5 seconds. It was horrible.
I agree. I know he won't go
I agree. I know he won't go for it though. He'll say "but what happens when she really DOES want to work on our relationship but can't reach me to tell me?" And trust me, I don't want that shit on my hands so I'm not even going to suggest it.
He'll continue getting kicked in the teeth by her over and over again because he holds out hope that she'll "come around" one day. I don't see it happening while she's living with BM.
God I want to move!
Cheri, she only did it
Cheri, she only did it because her mother told her to. She doesn't care about him in the slightest. And he has gone more than a couple of weeks without texting her. Hell he went a full month during January. NOTHING. NO text from her at all.
Yes, I know he lived his life a certain way with her before me. She controlled him, ruled the roost and was his mini wife. HE did that to her. It's HIS fault he elevated her to that status. But it didn't change the minute I stepped into the picture. It was gradual. She LOVED me until she realized we were serious about each other and her parents weren't going to reconcile. That's when she started getting horrid. She wasn't getting her way anymore, she wasn't the center of attention anymore and God forbid, dadddddy wasn't bowing down to her and taking her orders.
He was living his life for himself now and she couldn't stand that. Meanwhile, she was still ordering her mother around (and she gave plenty of examples of how she was accomplishing this) and mom was eating it up with a spoon. Put her on a pedestal and never took her down.
Yes, her mother has PAS'd her from day one. She refused to allow her to have any type of communication with me outside of me being at DH's apartment (she couldn't control that) and told her that her dad dating without HER permission was wrong. She was doing everything the "right" way, unlike DH, who only cared about HIMSELF and not his daughter's precious feelings.
She hates change. She's lived a sheltered, babied existence. Her mother wanted more kids, DH didn't. She wants to keep SD as young as possible. STILL holds her hand at the grocery store (yes, I've seen them). Still wants to be a friend to her.
No, SD doesn't give a rat's ass about DH. She's made that perfectly clear. And yes, I DO have the balls in the marriage (at least in the beginning, I've since let go of his issues with SD and BM and let him handle things himself without my input). He had no spine. He bowed down to their every desire. He was living HIS life for them even a year after he split from BM. It was disgusting.
He won't get a response from her until she wants something from him. Again, the only reason she texted last night was because her mother told her to. He sent an email to her attorney stating that she's breaking their new agreement by using SD as a messenger even though it clearly states in their new parenting plan that SHE (BM) is supposed to handle all communications regarding SD's events and schedule. NOT SD.
Cheri, mom's been putting
Cheri, mom's been putting words in SD's mouth from day one. And it's just gotten worse. So much so that in October, when DH forced SD to resume visitation with us, he looked at her and said "Can you please speak for yourself and not channel your mother!"
Yes, she chose her own words - those that she knew would hurt DH badly. All she had to do was say "I have an awards ceremony tomorrow night at school" and leave it at that. But his point is that SHE is not the messenger and BM insisted that SD not be involved in communications between DH and BM at all regarding school functions. It states it clearly in their new CO that BM and only BM is to inform DH within 24 hrs of any upcoming school plays, awards, events, graduations, etc that SD is involved in.
BM is lazy. Her excuse for not putting SD on health insurance last May causing SD to go without health insurance until just last month? I didn't have access to a printer to print the forms!!!! (DH was between jobs and BM only works part time and qualified for the state funded program, DH and she drew up a notarized agreement saying DH would pay for it all, BM just had to sign SD up for it)
This woman most likely realized that shit, SD has an awards ceremony tomorrow night, per the court order DH has to be informed...ok, SD, text your dad and tell him about your awards...and SD just decided because SHE didn't want her dad there, she'd add that nice little part about don't bother coming, I don't want you there on her own.
Cheri - knowing SD the way I
Cheri - knowing SD the way I do, this is exactly what happened.
I'm pissed for you. What he
I'm pissed for you. What he should have done was texted back and said, really I didn't realize they were giving awards out now for being entitled, hateful and spoiled, but I can totally see how you won the top prize for that.
Or, you could have your own award made for her, you know like a trophy with a donkey's ass on it, and put "Stepdevil, Jackass of the Year" and take it to her awards ceremony and give it to her. That way she doesn't miss out on the award she should really receive.
I'm so sorry for ya'll, it's tough to have your heart stomped on over & over.
Clydella - that is perfect!
Clydella - that is perfect! I wish he would've responded with something equally as nasty, but he's not like I am. I told him I would've handed her ass to her on a platter if this were me and my kid. Hell, my kid would NEVER do shit like that because she fucking KNOWS better.
Anyhow, he just told me he's been in a great mood since all the paperwork, meetings and new custody agreement was filed in court and he just wants to move on from all of this. Of course, *I* am still livid.
I need to go back to not caring about this brat and what she does. I just DARE her to ever say anything to ME...just dare her. I will not hold back.
I hear ya Sister, that's how
I hear ya Sister, that's how I am with my oh so lovely SD who is stb20 but acts more like a 5 year old. I used to get so worked up at the things she would do but once I discovered dis-engagement she no longer matters to me, and I know that drives her plum batty, me not responding to the crazy. But it's hard when she messes with DH, cause my claws come out and I will protect him at all costs.
One day though your Stepdevil will get her nerve up to step to you with her nastiness and then you can put her in place, show her you're not ready to play with the big girls yet honey.
I hope you & DH have a better evening, show him who really loves him, and put all thoughts of her out of his head.![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
Thanks Clydella - trust me,
Thanks Clydella - trust me, she does NOT want to mess with this Detroit girl. I do NOT play!
let me one up you...My DD's
let me one up you...My DD's were inducted into National Honor Society last year as 7th graders.
this year they graduate grade school and move on to highschool.
the 8th graders are inducting their 7th grade students this week into NHS in a big ceremony.
i called the ex, told him Wednesday 7pm, he moved about 45 minutes from us about a month ago. Didnt he give me a big song and dance about how he doesnt have to be there this year its not a big deal for our girls? Really
Can we switch? You'd love my kids as SK because their mother would never allow you to be treated badly or your DH. I dont allow them that power now.
But isnt it funny we have a Dad that wants to go on Thursday and a Dad who is to lazy to want to go on Wednesday?
Oh yes, I get that. And BM's
Oh yes, I get that. And BM's attorney was shocked that DH wants so desperately to be a part of SD's life and be involved in her upbringing. He said "that's usually not the case and all I hear from the fathers is excuse after excuse about why they CAN'T be there, when in reality, they just don't give a shit".
DH LOVES his stepdaughter (my DD15) because she treats him with respect and genuinely appreciates and enjoys being with him and the things he does for her. He wishes she were his own.
You could be describing DH's
You could be describing DH's kid from the age of 13 to 16. She started pulling her head from her ass around November of last year.
DH ignored her bad behavior and stayed in contact with her. She came over less and less (about one weekend a month) but not sure if that was because he was giving her space or the natural swing of priorities at that age.
Regardless (and I know how infuriating this is, trust me on this), the best thing for your health and sanity is to step back and don't get involved with her. She may not turn things around with her behavior, but at some point you'll be able to shrug most of this crap off.
Keep an eye on your DH though during the process. Mine was recently diagnosed with depression and I'm willing to bet his kid and her treatment of him is a huge trigger.
Yeah she's horrible. And
Yeah she's horrible. And yes, I do know DH and BM are responsible for her nasty behavior and what she's turned into because of the way they babied her and elevated her to adult status allowing her to control them.
I'm just over this bitch. And DH was in such a funk after Christmas this past January that he literally had what I call a "mini emotional breakdown" of sorts. He's on a strong antidepressant and when he's distracted or busy, he seems perfectly happy. Right now he's building a huge new cage for our chinchillas (see pics on FB) so that's got his mind all tied up with designing and completing it.
I just needed to vent because frankly, this stuff gets to me more than it should and I need an outlet. I agreed when he went in for his last meeting with BM and her attorney to draft a new parenting plan that if he ever said he wanted to drop the subject, I would drop it, no more words to him about it. Well, that's what I've done with him, but I still need to get it out of ME, you know?
Yeah and it sucks ass. I
Yeah and it sucks ass. I wish I could just turn off my anger and frustration because I know it doesn't help him one bit to know how I feel inside, but I can't. That little bitch needs to be kicked into next week for the bullshit she hands out to him.
What a horrid thing to do.
What a horrid thing to do. Red I'm pissed for you and your hubs. Definitely trying to manipulate him. Total bs.
Thanks Sunflower - I
Thanks Sunflower - I appreciate the solidarity. I know I have to let this go but shit, I'm just not ready to!
What does SD's relationship
What does SD's relationship (or not) with her father have ANYTHING at ALL to do with BM being responsible for letting him know about activities rather than SD???
It doesn't. BM told DH in
It doesn't. BM told DH in their meeting with her attorney to draw up the new CO that she will be responsible for letting him know about SD's activities, and not to use SD as a messenger, but she just did precisely that.
DH did email her attorney and let him know what just transpired and asked if he could please remind his client of the new agreement in place and the fact that it was HER insistence that it be this way, she needs to adhere to the new rule, period.
Wow. This situation is crap
Wow. This situation is crap for DH, you and SD. Bad parenting on BMs part.
Like I have said before, SD feels demoted...that is a huge reason she acts the way she does. I think there are better ways for her to deal with it than the way she's choosing, though, and hopefully you can talk about these with your FIL, or mention them to DH and DH will talk with his dad about them.
If FIL truly wants to help SD, he could encourage her to reach out to her dad and tell him what she's been feeling in a way that isn't rude. He could encourage her to talk with him (FIL)and he'd help her come up with solutions. That's what adults who care about troubled kids do for said kids. And he could encourage her to talk with her school's pyschologist and learn how to properly work through her feelings, and be honest with said psychologist (I know you said before that she lied to her previous therapist). And he'd tell SD, "I know you are angry with your dad, but it's not ok to talk with him like that. Let's think of a way to let him know what you feel without being mean, so you can feel better, but still be polite, and I'll help you."
Anon, you make perfect sense,
Anon, you make perfect sense, but that's just not how FIL sees it. He's spoiled SD from the day she was born and she's his "favorite". All he sees is that she doesn't have a relationship with her father and he wants to force it upon them both, because that's all he knows is how to force things.
He says he feels sorry for her because BM is such a bitch and she doesn't have the support of anyone else. That's bullshit, by the way. DH has always supported SD and she only turned her back on him when he stopped giving into her commands and demands. He decided HE was in control of his life, not her and yes, demoted her back to "child" level where she should've been all along.
Trust me, DH takes full responsibility for how this brat is turning out.
Their school has a counselor but not a psychologist and frankly, BM is insisting SD go back to the same therapist we had footed the bill for because she has a great relationship with that therapist and feels comfortable with her. No, she just knows that this particular therapist believed every word that came out of her mouth and made her feel justified!
LMAO Miss - you just made me
LMAO Miss - you just made me smile through my clenched angry teeth!
I honestly could care less how SD turns out and lives her life as long as she leaves my DH alone!
Oh it definitely hurts him
Oh it definitely hurts him which is why it infuriates me so much. Had she just dropped off the face of the earth and chosen to ignore him, that's one thing. But for her to disappear for a few months and then reappear and DIG at him the way she does, that's what I can't stand.
Thanks Red - I'm on the other
Thanks Red - I'm on the other side of that though. I hope she NEVER comes around. That girl has been nothing but nasty to us and tried everything she possibly can to hurt DH, ruin our relationship, lie about us, make us look bad to her mother and her therapist...I hope she stays gone for good.
I agree with what RedEyes and
I agree with what RedEyes and Misstress said. I've seen some people really pull their heads out of their a$$es once they become adults and move out of their parents' homes. It happens all the time. Once she's an adult and all the teenage hormones junk has run its course with her, hopefully she'll reach out to DH with sincerity. Everyone deserves a second chance (barring pedophiles and murderers). That said, you also have the choice to not give her a second chance. But hopefully her dad will, if she's being genuine.
Hopefully, once the hormones are done with her, she'll accept her percentage of the blame for the way this situation has played out, whatever that percentage is. Hopefully she'll analyze what she could have done differently and do that.
Anon, DH will DEFINITELY forgive her and accept her anytime she does come back. I'll have to see where I am at the time before I'll know what to do.
I know now is that I can't stand the very thought of her returning to our lives. And I don't see her changing while she's living with that horrid woman who birthed her and is so successfully turning her against her own dad.
I don't either, sadly. I
I don't either, sadly. I think this kid was and is so screwed up by the lack of parenting that although she may know what is right and what is not, emotions from being demoted, dealing with change that most will not want (although I agree it didn't happen overnight, but it did happen within a year or a few), and the PAS really fogs up any window that she has that can provide her with the sight of a path to get out of this current situation.
I hope that somehow, that window can un-fog for her and she can realize that she can and should live life for herself, go to school, find a career she enjoys, and/or meet a guy she loves and wants to spend her time with. I hope she realizes that she can and should think for herself, and that life will be so much more fun for her if she would do that. I hope she figures out a way to treat people she may not like with respect. I hope that SOME adult will come along in her life to help her become a better person. And if that doesn't happen, hopefully she will realize these things when she's an adult.
This situation is just so sad. I feel conflicted on blaming SD because while I feel she knows better, her parents really did screw up for 12 years and her BM continues to. DH has done a great thing by realizing his part in this, but sadly for SD, it doesn't seem to be enough. Even though she is 14, she still looks to her BM for guidance, and I do believe it would help her if her BM realized she needs to become a better parent. That her child's emotional well-being and health are more important than hating DH (and you). And that she should help SD accept that while you come first to DH, he will always love SD unconditionally.
Just such a sad situation all the way around.
Yes, it's very sad all
Yes, it's very sad all around. Her parents DID screw her up but we tried to educate her and got her therapy. She chose to lie for sympathy and attention instead of taking the opportunity to truly express her feelings and benefit from it.
I'm done with her. I mean seriously done. Until I see MAJOR effort (if that ever happens I'll be surprised), I want nothing to do with her.
I get that NoDoormat - I feel
I get that NoDoormat - I feel badly for him too. But only to a certain extent, you know? I know he handles things differently than I do, but frankly, I would've let stepdevil HAVE it had she texted me that bullshit. Instead he just said something about not attending the event and she needs to stop being rude...
I honestly hope she never comes back (for my sake) but for DH, of course I want him to have a relationship with her.
This just frustrates the living shit outta me.
Thanks Rising. I just needed
Thanks Rising. I just needed to get it all out there you know? I know things with her aren't going to change and most certainly not anytime soon.
I'm just glad DH doesn't get thrown into a complete tail spin with her bullshit like he used to. Sure, he had that fleeting moment of happiness to see that she texted him after months of radio silence, but it was so short-lived when he saw the real her shine through in her nasty words.
If she ever grows up and comes around, he'll be overjoyed to forgive, forget and accept her. Me? Not so fast...
Yeah, I'll always come here
Yeah, I'll always come here to vent, regardless of who agrees with me or not! LOL
All I can think of is 4 1/2 more years of dealing with her shit. Then it's no more CS, no more visitation, no more BM bullshit, no more. She'll be 19, graduated and hopefully we'll be living FAR away from her.
Yes, she really is poisoning
Yes, she really is poisoning her daughter's mind against her dad and I, but the girl is 14 (will be 15 this summer), so she's not completely innocent in this. I'm just tired of her.