Trying not to be morbid but
I think BM might be dying, or thinks she is dying, or want people to think she is dying based on some odd conversations with SS7 and some observations.
She has always been a little dramatic and has a need to be center of attention so it's hard to tell which it is. DH and I noticed about a year and a half ago that BM was starting to rack up the medical bills, because she tried to make DH pay for some of it 'by mistake' thinking that it was for SS5 but a call to the hospital proved that it wasn't and for obvious reasons they refused to say who it was for, but the 'bill' that BM showed us, which did not break it down my person, was for $200 bucks after insurance. (FYI we were not 'spying' on BM's medical history just trying to figure out how SS5 racked up a big bill like that with BOTH DH and BM have insurance)
She also started showing up to drop offs with band-aids and bruises from blood work or limping. She couldn't make an appointment for SS7 this past winter because she was 'having surgery' when we dropping sKids off at her house she was moving around slowly but it didn't stop her from picking up SS5. A few weeks later she admitted to DH that she has 'Genetic Lupus'. I think it concerned DH a little but more from the stand point of the kids. Though BM already seems withdrawn more than usual from the kids. She admitted to getting 'spinal blocking' done but having to go back for more.
I know people that have Lupus but are still alive and doing well most of the time. But every time I see BM lately she is oddly quiet, doesn't argue like she used to and moves slower. Basically she acts like a person that is sick or not feeling well. She also however lies like crazy so I don't know what to believe.
The other day I was hold my cat, how is very old and SS7 asked me when he was going to die. I shrugged and said some day, but he is health for now, just old. He asked if it made me sad to think about it and I said no, i no that I can't keep him forever and someday he will leave me. i will cry and I will miss him. I added that 'mommy' will always love him. - yes I baby my cats! SS7 then launched into this weird rant about how when your mom dies they don't really leave you but they watch over you from heaven. Um... okay. was my response. Still not sure how we went from my old cat to a mother dying.
SS7 has made a few other comments along those lines and I asked DH if he though BM was dying. At least she hasn't said anything to DH about it, just the Lupus comment. But she loves sympathy and I could see her putting on a show like this just to get DH to feel sorry for her.
Has your BM ever faked a major ailment like this? Do people to that? Or could she really be that sick?
- SisterNeko's blog
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I think bm1 faked a stillborn
I think bm1 faked a stillborn baby
I have no proof and I would never call her on my suspicions, but so much of her story just doesn't make sense.
Oh I am not going to call BM
Oh I am not going to call BM out just trying to 'prepare' myself in case she isn't faking. I don't like the woman but I don't want her to die, it's selfish but I don't want to deal with the heart ache and drame that would immediately follow, as much as I think she is a horrible mother and the kids would be better off without her at times it would be nice if she were still around.
BM has had "cancer" several
BM has had "cancer" several times. We don't believe it, she lies about everything, lies so much she believes her lies. She has overshared way too much information with the skids about her "illnesses", they are always very concerned and protective of BM. I believe that is her plan, she wants the skids to be sympathetic to her (more PAS). She has recently lost a lot of weight, she looks horrible, but skids say she is bulimic....I think its more like anemic and probably some of their ADHD meds but I'm not a Dr.
DH had back surgery a few years ago, he recovered at home and needed to talk to his kids, BM refused to let him with the excuse that skids didn't need to worry about their Dad, they just needed to be kids. Hmmmmm, next time she had "cancer" and the skids came over, he called her on her BS. Told her to provide a Drs note. She even had the nerve to ask him that if she died would he allow her parents to raise the skids.....NO!
She hasn't died yet, I'll keep you all posted.
Lmao keep us posted.
Lmao keep us posted.
I don't know if BM ever faked
I don't know if BM ever faked any of her own illnesses but she has dramatically blown up skid issues into major things.
Like when my SD supposedly had "bone cancer" which turned out to be shin splints.
Or when she got a second opinion on SS's back problems and THEN decided to take him to the Mayo Clinic (!!!) to get a third opinion. All of which came back: SS has scoliosis. Mayo said the only thing he can do for it is exercise and possibly PT. BM never put him in PT. Not sure why, she would take them into the ER for minor things...
Your DH should ask BM if that
Your DH should ask BM if that has been talked about in her home? Because ss is asking question. Its is his right as ss father and should be aware if Bm has a illness that is terminal.
Our BM has genetic lupus. Was
Our BM has genetic lupus. Was in the hospital for a week or two last year with a blood clot in her chest. Scary? Terrifying. But she also blows things way out of proportion. She told me once she had a "genetic disorder" that didn't allow birth control to work. Right, I've heard of that. I think it's called mantrap-itis.
I had never heard of Genetic
I had never heard of Genetic Lupus until she brought it up, I mean I have heard of Lupus. BM according to SS7 has been in the hospital a few times not sure for what. And from what I have heard it does explain some things about her and things that DH has said she had when they were married.
I am waiting for her to blame DH for it since according to what I have read lupus is made worse by pregnancy and according to BM she didn't want to have kids, DH TALKED her into it because they always did what he wanted. (which isn't true he tried to give her the world) They talked about adopting but DH had questions so in her mind he 'ruined their chances of adopting'. I guess during the divorce she accuses him or wrecking her body.
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