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Pointers and Tips for Custody...

lil_lady's picture

We have a court date next month! We have documented everything thus far


lil_lady's picture

when we had the kids their schedule and routine, what was spent on them... The crazy things BM does that shows she isnt the most stable human being... Recently started looking into old court cases... to argue case law. my FH went through mediation initially and it turned out to be a waist of time for him so we are more then a year and a half past when they split... I am fairly new to the picture (1 yr) His ex is trying to move with his kids so she can take a course that is offered distance asking for alimoney and child support and wants to take the kids for sole custody giving him visitation. He has managed to keep a fairly good routine of 50/50 thus far. Question is are there other things we could be doing?

She makes a habbit of pawning her kids off to go drinking lavishly spending her money (aka his) on silly things which we have documented. Since we are are circling the drain in debt esp with lawyer fees. Anyways any pointer would be much appriciated!

lil_lady's picture

Thats done we have a log book and he writes down the things he does with them and their daily schedule...

whatwasithinkin's picture

She makes a habbit of pawning her kids off to go drinking lavishly spending her money (aka his) on silly things which we have documented.

Leave in the pawning off her kids and going drinking ...take out what you assume she spends her money on. NOT YOUR BUSINESS how she spends child support if the kids are fed and have their essentials.

It is very very important not to look petty in the eyes of the court.

The court will look for a "change of circumstance" like BM has a better oppurtunity for work in another state, or she has been offered a job in another state, ect.

If there is not "valid" change in circumstance then fight it from that angle

good luck

lil_lady's picture

Thanks! Thats a good point. As for the money stuff we have made a point of for the spousal support side as he does not give it to her now so why should she need it in the future if she can already afford more then us... hoping that will come across as a plee for something we truely cannot afford.