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Far out!!!!

maree80's picture

Faaaarrrrrkkkkk..... Just spent 3 days away over Easter with ss9 and I was really looking forward to him going back to his BM's tomorrow but noooooo now we are having him an extra night!!!! :jawdrop:


fedup13's picture

Very good idea. I would be livid if that was sprung upon me when I had been anxiously counting down the hours until I got my house back from his highness and his reign of terror was to be over for a while.

maree80's picture

At the start of our 2 weeks, we got him a day early and at the tail end we get him an extra night again!!!

I just wish I could be excited for DH that he gets his precious son for longer but it just annoys me! I hate the fact that he sits opposite me at te dinner table too.... I can't stand watching him chew his food and listen to be noises be makes when he's eating.....

Please let him go back to his BM's tomorrow!!!