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I am so not looking forward to the next 2 weeks!!!

maree80's picture

Today is the start of our 2 weeks with not looking forward to it!!!

Just wish I could get a little excited that he is coming home, but all I am is cranky, stressed out and anxious!!


oncechoosetosmile's picture

I can understand you, I feel the same most times , but I also find that it get's better after the first day or so.2 weeks is long though.Just keep posting here, you are not alone.

mimi719's picture

Yep, you aren't alone. My SSs are back today. I enjoyed the last few days alone with my DH so much. I've recently started disengaging, so that helps, but I definitely prefer when it's just the two of us.

maree80's picture

So 4 hours in, and already he's starting to annoy me!!

He had to use our toilet as my DD was in theirs, and I've just gone to use it 1 hour after him and there is crap all over the toilet bowl and the room absolutely stinks!!! Just went and told DH that now might be a good time to teach him to use the toilet brush!!!!
And now he is walking around after his shower in just his boxer shorts....he knows that he should be wearing a T shirt!!!

It's going to be a loooonnnngggg 2 weeks!!