My DD15 and a possible uphill legal battle to get her
Talked with DD15 again last night. She and her father had another explosive fight (they tend to do this at least once a week) and she told him she definitely wants to move to Colorado to be with me. He'd originally told her she had 30 days to decide but he had the "final say".
He claims I'm the "party parent" and wouldn't provide her the best environment and if I wanted to try and gain custody of her I'd have to prove him unfit. He's had primary custody of her since 2010 and I get visitation of every other spring and xmas and every summer. It was my choice to allow her to move in with him since my ex husband had us moving all over the place and we were unstable.
Anyhow, she asked him what she'd have to do to convince him to let her live with me and of course he fed her a line of bullshit like he always does about improving her attitude, grades, etc. If you remember my blogs, he had done the same thing several times by promising her if she did her chores and improved her grades, he'd allow her to do xyz (most recently a concert on March 29th) but always and I mean ALWAYS finds fault in something and tells her to forget it, she blew it. She's been grounded more than not and he doesn't allow her to hang out with her friends on weekends because oh heaven forbid, he'd have to actually DRIVE her somewhere or pick them up!
He's been neglectful of her, not buying her basic necessities (always counting on my mother to do it since she used to pick DD up for one weekend a month until we had a falling out in Dec). She had to borrow tampons off a friend last month and when I told her to pack very lightly for spring break in 2 weeks to avoid baggage fees, she was totally geeked when I said we'd buy her a new toothbrush! She said she can't remember the last time she was given a new one.
Her friend texted me once and said "Can you PLEASE send her some conditioner for her hair? It's really thick and she can't get it to do anything without conditioner and her dad refuses to buy it". It's true, he only buys things for himself, his live in girlfriend and her grown adult son that lives with them. Tells her she doesn't need tylenol for headaches, grounded her when he found out she borrowed some from a friend for her really bad menstrual cramps. Hell, he won't even give the dog aspirin for his sore hips and the dog is 13 and limps around all day.
Anyhow, I have fb messages from his girlfriend saying it was always DD's choice to live with them and it will ALWAYS be her choice. I have texts from several of DD's friends saying she'd be better off with me and they have all told her the same.
She's willing to leave her friends, her neighborhood and her high school and start all over again here - wouldn't that say something to a judge? Most of the time a teenager will NEVER want to leave their high school and friends!
I guess my question would be - if I can prove that I'm in a stable environment, could put her in an exemplary school, work the same hours every week with weekends off (her dad and his gf have crazy hours and DD15 is home alone A LOT)and would provide for her without any CS help from the ex, plus DD15 expresses her desire to move here, would I have any chance at all at reversing custody?
They're in Michigan, I'm in Denver. I know a judge could say that since she's been established there for 3 yrs now, her family is there, they'd be reluctant to move her away. However; her dad isn't providing basic needs, leaves her alone a lot, doesn't fulfill his promises to her and she WANTS to leave...would that have any bearing on a judge's decision to allow me to gain custody?
- RedWingsFan's blog
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The state I live in, once a
The state I live in, once a child is 12 years old, a Judge will take the child's choice into consideration. If she will tell the Judge herself that she wants to live with you, that should matter.
I thought when kids get to
I thought when kids get to that age, they let them make the choice after a discussion with a judge and if thinks the child is mature enough to make the decision.
Thanks. He tries to put me
Thanks. He tries to put me down in front of DD all the time and since he and his gf basically are fuddy-duddies that never do ANYTHING or go ANYWHERE, if I take DD out to a restaurant to eat I'm considered the "party parent"
I know right? After her
I know right? After her friend told me she made her stepfather get a cupcake and take it to my DD15's house on her birthday since her dad couldn't even bother to get her a cake, I decided to let DD know that I would do whatever I could to get her here and I mean to.
Ex husband was the one who
Ex husband was the one who started taking us there when she was younger. I continued taking her there after we split up. I think she was 3 the first time she went. It really is no big deal. It's not like we're there every week. I have taken her maybe 3 times in the past 3 years since she's been living there.
How does taking a kid to a restaurant equate letting her do whatever she wants and being her buddy? I'm not following there.
She's not testing boundaries - she knows her father. He was the same way with me. That's why I finally left his ass too. She won't test me. She tried early on and I came down HARD on her and she knows now not to cross momma. She even tells her friends that. Don't ever cross my mom, she don't play. It's true. I won't. I'll strip her room and take away everything she loves and she has to earn that shit back. It's not pretty. I can be a hard ass (DH constantly said I was way too hard until he saw the results).
At 15 I believe she is
At 15 I believe she is allowed to say who she wants to be with.
If you VOLUNTARILY let her live with her father I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get her back.
As long as in your heart of hearts you KNOW that she is better off with you than do it. Kids belong with their mothers. Unless the mothers are drug addicts or prostitutes, I really believe kids belong with their mothers.
My SS was 16 when he was
My SS was 16 when he was asked by a judge if he wanted to live with his father. When the judge asked him why, he told him he wanted to go to a better school. Good answer. The REAL answer was more than likely that he wanted his own room, was sick of his spoiled sister and his nutjob mother, and wanted to live in the dream house with us. Judge listened and gave DH custody.
That's awesome. I know that
That's awesome. I know that the schools here compete on the same level (rated the same) as the school she's in now, so not sure how much of an impact that would have.
Not in Michigan. It's 18
Not in Michigan. It's 18 (which defeats the whole purpose anyway). A judge will LISTEN to anyone younger than 18, older than 12, but it's still up to the NCP to prove that the CP is unfit or the NCP can provide a BETTER environment for the child than the CP (according to everything I've read about Michigan law anyway).
I don't have the $5,000 retainer fee to hire a lawyer and fight it. I just figured that I'd let it ride for a little while, get some opinions and see what happens by June. If I can get him to agree, then we'd just have to file a new parenting plan in court and have it approved and I could get the CS order stopped. If he doesn't agree, I don't even know if it would be worth filing a motion to change parenting time or not.
Most courts will take into
Most courts will take into deep consideration what kids over 12 say and their feelings. I would still talk with a family law attorney in Michigan who will do a reasonably priced consultation.
And that's another thing is
And that's another thing is I'd have to do everything over email or phone, even if a hearing in court was scheduled. If I have any chance at all at reversing custody, I can't afford to take time off work and fly up to Michigan to appear and I can't afford to pay an attorney to appear on my behalf.
All I can do is hope he comes around by June and agrees to let her go and then we can file in court for the change so I can get it in writing and enroll her in school here in Colorado.
I guess I just wanted to see if anyone out there had any advice for me
I know this is probably just a wait-n-see kind of thing.
No worries girl! I know
No worries girl! I know you're busy. I just got another bug up my ass after talking with her last night. I just want him to shit or get off the pot. Quit dangling the carrot in front of her face only to yank it away each and every time she gets close to it.
I am a planner and would start planning for her permanent arrival NOW if I knew he'd agree to reverse custody arrangements.
"If he doesn't agree, I don't
"If he doesn't agree, I don't even know if it would be worth filing a motion to change parenting time or not."
Ouch. You don't think it would be WORTH it to get your daughter out of there?
That's not what I meant. I
That's not what I meant. I meant with what I've read about how difficult it is in the state of Michigan to remove a child from an established environment, I'm afraid a judge would laugh me out of court for trying. I could pay the $150 filing fee and they'd set a hearing date, then I'd have to try and fly out there and with the deck stacked so far against me trying to remove her (even if she WANTS to go), I'm afraid it would be a waste of time and money.
I guess I just need to call some lawyers and see what they say. I just don't want to get my hopes up and get taken for a bunch of money and STILL not see any results, you know?
Not to mention the fact that
Not to mention the fact that many contested battles can be drawn out for a loooong time.
DD is 15, so in 2 years & how ever many months she'll be free to go where she wants to go anyway.
ETA: I would discuss it with a few different lawyers...the free consultations, & get their thoughts & suggestions.
In Michigan, you have to be
In Michigan, you have to be 16 and show just cause for emancipation. She'd have to have a job, a car, a reason to leave. It's not easy.
I would think that taking the
I would think that taking the correspondence that you've received from your DD's friends stating that her father refuses to buy her conditioner, tampons and other basic needs would easily show a judge that BD should NOT have custody of your DD.
Him saying that you have to prove him to be an unfit parent is something that you can easily do. Providing the basic needs of a child is pretty high up there in parental responsibilities. Feminine products, hygiene products & medical care are all things that a child should have the right to have.
You won't know unless you try. If you truly believe that your X is treating your DD like this, then it's your obligation to at least TRY to sue for custody.
Oh I know he's treating her
Oh I know he's treating her like this, since my mom used to buy her a "care package" every single month and when she'd run out of things, she'd ask her dad and he would "forget" because he knew my mom would be there soon to do it!!!
Now that I KNOW for a fact that DD wants to leave her friends and school (that was my main concern, was not to do anything against her will), I can go in guns blazing. I just don't know if I have a chance in the eyes of the court.
our disgusting BM dumped the
our disgusting BM dumped the skids on us. She then wanted to keep getting cs. DH told her fine he'll pay but she takes the skids back (we knew she wouldn't) She was then told to sign the custody change papers or take the kids. Sounds harsh but she had no business living like she was with them. It was horrible to say the least. Anyway, find what makes your Ex motivated. Ours was take the kids back or sign them over...we also did not ask for CS because I knew she would never pay it so why spend years fighting for it. Maybe you could forgo CS or something. Good luck
The motivation is not having
The motivation is not having to pay CS, but I can't afford to continue paying him CS of $500 per month if I had her and her two pets. It means us getting a bigger place in a better school district, increased utilities, medical coverage for her, a cell phone, clothing, food, school supplies, etc. I can't afford to keep paying him and have her full time.
I think he'd be more than happy to relinquish control if I said yes, I'll still give you CS even when I have her full time, but I just couldn't swing that financially.
^^^Exactly. And yes, he is
^^^Exactly. And yes, he is being an ass and is always on a power trip. It's the only control he can exude over DD15 and I and he uses it every chance he gets. I don't think he thought she was serious when he said "fine, you have 30 days to decide if you want to leave here and live with her".
I haven't talked with his gf in more than 6 mos after I told her to lay off DD15 and she said "when she's with you, you have control, when she's here, *I* have it" and I told her BULLSHIT, she's not her parent, isn't even engaged to my ex and she could fuck off. DD hates her.
From what I've read on legal websites in MI: The moving party must assert facts in the motion that support proper cause or a change of circumstances that will enable the Court to ultimately examine the “best interests factors” under the Child Custody Act. This first threshold is intended to “erect a barrier against removal of a child from an established custodial environment and to minimize unwarranted and disruptive changes of custody orders.”
“Proper cause means one or more appropriate grounds that have or could have a significant effect on the child’s life to the extent that a reevaluation of the child’s custodial situation should be undertaken.” As to what facts or grounds will fall within this definition, trial courts look for guidance in the twelve factors developed by the Legislature for determining what is in the child’s best interests. MCL 722.23(a)-(l). The grounds presented must be “legally sufficient,” i.e., they must be of a magnitude to have a significant effect on the child’s well-being to the extent that revisiting the custody order would be proper. Trial courts make this factual determination case by case.
“To establish a “change of circumstances,” a moving party must prove that, since the entry of the last custody order, the conditions surrounding custody of the child, which have or could have a significant effect on the child’s well-being, have materially changed. Again, not just any change will suffice, for over time there will always be some changes in a child’s environment, behavior, and well-being. Instead, the evidence must demonstrate something more than the normal life changes (both good and bad) that occur during the life of a child, and there must be at least some evidence that the material changes have had or will almost certainly have an effect on the child. This too will be a determination made on the basis of the facts of each case, with the relevance of the facts presented being gauged by the statutory best interest factors.”
It would be very difficult to prove.
A judge will let her have the
A judge will let her have the most input. I would pursue it. After 14 in GA what the kids want is what happens. If you pursue this, do not be the "Disney Mom". Step up and do what is right for her. I would also sue for CS.
You have to step up here and do what is right for her. Our SD16 sued us to live with BM and we spent 10K fighting it and ultimately gave in when we realized that we couldn't win. Our home was the better home but it didn't matter. Start fighting now, that was a year long process.
See this is what I'm afraid
See this is what I'm afraid of. A long, drawn out and expensive journey that I know I can't finance. We're BARELY making ends meet right now and with BM taking DH to court next month to have her CS increased, I know that will be another impact and will be looking for a second job.
I am not a "disney mom" even when she's here for visitation every summer. I don't have to be the strict disciplinarian with her because she respects me, my house and my husband. So we have that going for us.
She hates her dad and his girlfriend, but gets along with gf's adult son, who will be moving out in May. DD knows that once the son moves out, things will get harder for her there and I think that's why she's making her plea to move this summer.
I think you have to do it.
I think you have to do it. When we did this with SS to BM we had our lawyers draw up the papers. SS signed them and we had BM served. Had to be notarized. That was all done rather quickly. You need to do the paperwork while she is with you. Have him served while she is at your house. Then, he may realize she is not talking about it anymore, she is serious. You need to have a plan. He will probably settle rather than fight as well. It was 10K that we spent doing all of this. SD now lives with BM and we have SS. Both parents ultimately gave in when they knew the child wanted to be with the other.
No one wants to keep an angry child. If you don't get serious, he will continue to play games with her emotions. Honestly, it sounds like you have to show him you are serious. And she is.
Pay the retainer and start the fight while you have her over the break. My best advice, having lived this. It will give him time to think before she has to go back.
While I agree with you to
While I agree with you to show him I'm serious and all, you simply say "Pay the retainer and start the fight while you have her over break". She gets here in 2 weeks (Easter evening). Where on earth am I just going to come up with several thousand dollars?????????
THAT is my biggest issue. I don't have the money to fight him. Which is why I'm hoping (probably fruitlessly) that she will push him before summer and he'll agree knowing that I'm not going to go after him for CS.
If he doesn't, I most certainly can file a motion in court to show him that I'm 100% serious, but I'm pretty much on my own. I can threaten the fact that DH's grandparents are LOADED and lie and say they'll fund the fight and see if I can get him to back down that way (money is his motivation and if he thinks I'll be dragging him through a lengthy court battle that will COST him, he will likely back down).
What everyone seems to forget
What everyone seems to forget is I had full custody of her longer than I haven't. She went back to her dad's just a few years ago, otherwise I had her from the time we split up, which was age 4. I KNOW how much it costs to have a child. Trust me. Just because I can't pull 3 grand out of my ass in two weeks doesn't mean I can't support her.
I am crossing my fingers for
I am crossing my fingers for your Redwings. Go get your daughter back. Put it out into the Universe and get her back, she belongs with YOU.
Thanks! SO many people that
Thanks! SO many people that have only met us briefly all agree that she needs to be here. All of DH's family LOVES DD15 and wants her here too.
Call your ex. Get it straight
Call your ex. Get it straight from his mouth what he is intending on doing. This is not something to rely on a 15 yr old to relay between you two.
I wish I could. He ignores
I wish I could. He ignores my calls. Has done this for years. I'll email him, text him, call him - he ignores it all.
That's even more evidence
That's even more evidence that she needs to be moved to you. The custodial parent won't communicate at all about issues relating to a minor child in his care to the other parent.
When I forwarded her spring
When I forwarded her spring break itinerary last month, I had to follow up with 2 emails and 2 texts to make sure he got it so he'd have her to the airport on time! He finally texted me back LAST week with "yes, I got her itinerary" and never answered my other text about giving me the online password to her grades so I can monitor her grades online either.
He wants her to stay so he
He wants her to stay so he gets my $500 CS payment every month and it's the only control he has over DD15 and I. It's ALL about control and money for him.
I even will agree to waive my CS rights if she comes to live with me. I think the ONLY way I could get him to give up the control is to offer to continue paying him his monthly CS AND take her full time (but financially, I just can't do that).
Thanks. He regularly gets
Thanks. He regularly gets his CS and it promptly goes to his girlfriend's Jeep payment. They're financially struggling but her adult son is moving out in May and her real estate business is picking up so I'm hoping that works in my favor.
I would gladly accept CS but only if ordered by the court after I have agreed to waive it (to look good to him and get him to agree to reverse custody).
I have faith, I'm just nervous.
EXACTLY Stepdown, but it's
EXACTLY Stepdown, but it's also about control with him. His girlfriend runs their household (and bosses my daughter around, but I digress), so this is the only thing he can fully control and hold over mine and my daughter's heads. And he RELISHES it. It's disgusting but it's true.
I think what I'm going to do after she returns to MI from spring break, is draw up a proposal to him stating what I am willing to do and let him know that if he doesn't agree to allow her to move here under those conditions and isn't willing to compromise - my next step is to hire a bitch-on-wheels MI attorney and go after him for everything. CS, medical, all of her visitation flights paid for by him, the whole nine yards.
It cost me (well my ex husband anyway) $25,000 to get him to allow her to move to Hawaii after our divorce. I had to fight for custody and the right to move her so far away. I hired the bitchiest female attorney I could find and she nailed him to the wall. And the only thing he asked for after that was "Please don't ask for me to have to pay child support". *I* didn't, my attorney did!
As far as I'm aware, there is
As far as I'm aware, there is NO state where a kid can just say I want to live with so and so and the judge grants it.
The older the kid is, the more a judge will take the kid's wishes into consideration, but there have to be other factors going on as well.
The day my SD turned 14 she
The day my SD turned 14 she went to BM's lawyer with BM's encouragement and filed a paper that she no longer wanted to live here. We were served the following week. We had 50/50 at that time. We fought it for 6 months, because this was a bad mother who wanted to be a friend. We spent 10K fighting it. Finally the night before it went to a judge, the lawyers and DH and BM settled. We gave up. SS turned 14 and did the same thing in reverse to BM.
But, all the paperwork has SD's name and signature on it, not BM's. She just agreed that she wanted her in the papers. But, the main one was from SD.
All I can say is here, if the kid wants it after 14, the judge and the mediators encourage it. Our lawyer said that you really had to prove the other parent unfit. We had things on BM, but not enough.
GA Code 19-9-3 (5) In all
GA Code 19-9-3
(5) In all custody cases in which the child has reached the age of 14 years, the child shall have the right to select the parent with whom he or she desires to live. The child's selection for purposes of custody shall be presumptive unless the parent so selected is determined not to be in the best interests of the child. The parental selection by a child who has reached the age of 14 may, in and of itself, constitute a material change of condition or circumstance in any action seeking a modification or change in the custody of that child; provided, however, that such selection may only be made once within a period of two years from the date of the previous selection and the best interests of the child standard shall apply.
^^^I wish Michigan had that
^^^I wish Michigan had that rule!!
Red wings, I'd take all the
Red wings, I'd take all the evidence you currently have and go to as many attorneys for a one hour consultation as you can possibly afford.
Usually attorneys will charge $50-$100 for a one hour consultation. If every single one of the attorneys says yes you have a good chance, then go for it. But if even one attorney says you don't have a good chance, I'd not go the legal route. Some attorneys will lie and tell you that you have a good case even when you don't because they get paid whether your win or not, so that's why I say if even one attorney says you don't have a good case then I wouldn't risk an expensive fight like this.
So here are a couple of other suggestions: - threaten biodad with a costly legal battle and see if he takes the bait
- become a crazy BM.
harass, harass, harass, call, text with every little nick picking thing you can find. You probably know which buttons to push with SM and biodad. Get so annoying that they finally give up and hand DD over. }:)
Hey Amber, Thanks for your
Hey Amber,
Thanks for your suggestions. I am in Colorado and this would be a Michigan court battle, so other than calling Michigan based attorneys and seeing what info they can give me over the phone, I am screwed with that.
I can call and harass him all I want. He simply ignores the texts, emails and calls. He's done that for years. I don't even have his gf's number and we're no longer friends on facebook after I called her out.
Ugh, that sucks! You biodad
Ugh, that sucks! You biodad does what every SM on here probably wishes her husband would do - ignore the BM!
I've tried to be the
I've tried to be the respectful BM and stay out of their business. We're always cordial and he even complimented me over Christmas when I was there. We try to keep everything civil, you know?
But yeah, he never responds to me. I think he plays the avoidance card very well!
I was kind of thinking the
I was kind of thinking the same thing. If these psychotic BMs who are on drugs and everything get to have their kids back with little more than a slap on the wrist, why should it be so difficult for RedWings?
Can your daughter cause all sorts of issues for them? Cause trouble for the SM until SHE pressures her hubby into letting her go? (Nothing serious like a pregnancy or anything, though!)
You can also up the ante as Amber said. Call and text etc. Can your daughter go to the counselor at school and let them know about the neglect/abuse and that she would rather live with you? He may not be abusing her physically but he IS verbally and mentally!
This is exactly what I would
This is exactly what I would suggest-have your dd speak to her school counselor and that way you have documented evidence from an outside professional that you can use. It also may help your dd to boot, just to have an uninvolved adult to confide in.
I also truly believe what someone above said-kids belong with their mom's. I mean no disrespect to dads, and of course there are some truly craptastic mom's in which case this would not be true, but I think it's what messed my ss up. My dh really was probably always the better parent-but she wasnt horrific so he really shouldve stayed with her.
She has caused uproars but he
She has caused uproars but he knows her strategy which is why he told her she must be respectful of him and improve her grades or there's no chance in Hell he'll let her move in with me. Of course, she knows by now this is simply a stall tactic of his, as he's promised over and over again and never came through. Always finds an excuse to weasel out of his word.
I've called, texted, emailed, he ignores me. This has been his MO for years. He always ignores me.
I will suggest her going to her school counselor though. That's a great idea! Thanks!
That's what I plan to do
That's what I plan to do Echo. I think I'll gather a few numbers on my lunch hour and see what I can get from that.
I never would pursue it had she told me she was still happy there. She's told her dad they never connected and he gets that she and I have way more in common and get along better, but he's being a stubborn ass. The control and money mean more to him than his daughter's happiness.
I'll update here as soon as I'm off the phone!
My advice stems from a very
My advice stems from a very recent conversation DW and I had with a lawyer.
In our area any child, no matter what age, can ask for a GAL to have the CO as written modified or rewritten to meet the wishes of the child due to circumstances that befits such a change (i.e. A parent is moving, parent is sick, etc.). The GAL can represent the child before the judge and the child need not even be present (this is new; beforehand the GAL and the child needed to be present).
The lawyer we spoke to said that children as young as 9-years-old have had the CO changed. Nothing is clear cut however, and the judge may or may not grant the change in CO based on a variety of factors; most noteable being the maturity and well-being of the child.
So it is definetly worth pursuing. Or at least talk to a lawyer.
HOWEVER - Be advised that situations like this go south faster than wild geese with turbo packs if one of the parents feeds some BS to the child that causes the child to have doubts. This happened to my neighbor's kid. She wanted to move in with her Dad (my neighbor) on account that her step-dad was abusive. BM says to her if she stays, she will buy her a horse. *Suddenly* daughter recants and says that step-dad was not abusive anymore and - really - it was all just one big "misunderstanding". In otherwords, if your DD wants to go this route you and her have to be ABSOLUTELY certain that she is ready to fly the straight and narrow path.
On the topic of CS. CS is the right of the child so even if you don't want it, it will have no bearing on the case.
Thanks for the insight Drac0.
Thanks for the insight Drac0. I do plan to call some Michigan attorneys and see what they suggest.
My DD15 is very clued in on her dad's tactics and wouldn't fall for his bullshit promises. He's already been the man who cried wolf too many times with her (and me too) so we're both pretty schooled on his ways.
She's absolutely certain and even has told her friends she's moving away. They are all happy for her and tell her she's doing the right thing and would be witnesses if needed.
As far as CS is concerned, I would be willing to waive it (or sign a notarized document stating I'd send it back to him if it was court ordered). I know the way to this man's heart is money and control. So I'm trying to play on those weaknesses of his. Give him the satisfaction of knowing that even though he won't be collecting CS to the tune of $500 every month, he wouldn't have to pay anymore. And the control part - well that is the hard part. I'm still working on how I can incorporate his desperate need for control into this whole mess.
This sounds like the best
This sounds like the best bet. I'd focus on the GAL because otherwise it will be the run around with your exH. If the GAL and the judge agree then it doesn't matter what the exH thinks. I don't think you need to give him a bone or try to play nice. Screw him. Payback for being so difficult and ignoring your nice requests. }:)
YOur ex sounds very much like
YOur ex sounds very much like Donkeykong (my DW's ex). It's all about control for these guys. If they feel they are about to lose control they will bully their way into trying to regain control.
We've had to deal with Donkeykong for many years now. We have tried to be compasionate, we have tried to be reasonable and we even "turned the other cheek" to this bastard. It doesn't work. So I did the only thing I could do. I gave my DW a reader's digest version of Sun Tzu's "Art of War" and said. "This is our gameplan for dealing with your ex from now on."
Well, I guess now I have to
Well, I guess now I have to get the Art of War and start reading eh?
When I am about to engage in
When I am about to engage in any kind of confrontation, even if it's a simple board game, Sun Tzu's strategies can apply.
For instance, take Lesson 1
"When you are about to wage a battle. First measure the cost. The result of the battle can end in glorious victory or utter ruin." (I am paraphrasing here)
You can view this as simply as "hope for the best but prepare for the worst". It's meaning is a bit more profound though. This was something that was very VERY difficult for my DW to swallow. When my DW went to court to fight for custody of SS there was a VERY strong possibility that she could have lost. Sun Tzu's lesson here is to steel yourself for that possibility. Custody battles are often ugly and also equaly tricky. I have never, not once, seen any custody battle that was won hands-down (well except for one case. The ex-wife of a buddy of mine decked a cop and the cop agreed to testify to the judge on his behalf to prove that the ex-wife was a violent woman and not a suitable parent).
Then there is also the matter of counting the cost involved
"Is it worth the fight"?
When it comes to our children, we as parents have no choice but to go the distance for them. People have tried, including lawyers we hired, to steer DW away from a court battle, but DW stayed firm. "I would not be a mother if I cannot fight for my son" she said. My DW may have her faults, but the moment she said that to me, my path was inexplicably tied to hers and I ceased arguing and questioning her. She was right. So I cast my own doubts aside and fought alongside her and to this day I continue to do so.
Makes perfect sense. I am a
Makes perfect sense. I am a pessimist at heart so I always steel myself for the worst outcome. I can't possibly LOSE anything more than what I have now, it would just be the fact that she wouldn't be able to move here sooner than turning 18.
The cost involved is going to be quite high if he disagrees and stands firm that he will not allow her to move here. I can't understand why he'd tell her "You have 30 days to decide where you want to live" instead of just saying "I have the court order till you're 18, period - you live here, get used to it". It's like he loves to give her that false sense of hope, or he's hoping at least from now till summer she'll behave, do her chores and improve her grades with the hope of the big payoff at the end (which we are pretty sure is just a puff of smoke).
All I know is this is his MO. He likes to tell her "if you do XYZ, then you can have A" and even though she follows thru, he finds SOMETHING to deny her with. So I suppose the prize at the end would be to move here and if she doesn't do ALL he asks of her from now till summer, it magically disappears.
Anyhow, I'm glad you stood by your wife and I do plan to file a motion in court by June if he hasn't agreed to something prior. If he wants to fight, we'll fight.
Are you sure your ex and my
Are you sure your ex and my DW's ex are not one in the same?
Your ex is showing classic signs of control issues with passive agressive tendencies which is Donkeykong's MO. On some level Donkeykong does love his son, but he loves controlling his son and trying to screw us on the CO even more.
Your ex's empty promises to your daughter are just that; empty promises. He doesn't realize the damage this is causing your daughter. My SS bears the scars from the same empty promises his Dad gave him. Even the promise of a simple trip to the movies would be cancelled because "oh it's too crowded" (Excuse me sir, but I would like to know how you knew that the movie house was crowded without getting off your fat ass and actually GOING to the movie house).
If you call him on his BS, he lashes out.
My SS knows now that whatever promises his Dad gives, will 99% likely not happen. Neither DW nor I fed him this. SS figured this out on his own just as your DD has.
^^^Sound like twins separated
^^^Sound like twins separated at birth. he ALWAYS has excuses of why he can't take her somewhere or follow up on a promise he's made. She's so over it. She says she doesn't even get excited when he tells her "if you do this and that, you can go here", because she's just WAITING for him to say "well, you didn't do this, or you only did it half-assed or the weather is bad or or or"...and refuse to allow it to happen.
Hi Cheri - I've copied your
Hi Cheri - I've copied your message into mine to answer each line accordingly. I apologize that I don't know how to change the font or highlight any text so this may be hard to follow so I'll just capitalize it all. I'm not yelling though ok?
This is such a difficult situation Red. If I am understanding correctly, you gave custody to BD because you were married to someone who moved a lot and was unstable. Then you divorced that guy and married a guy you met online and moved to CO. I DID DIVORCE EX #2 AND YES, GAVE CUSTODY OF DD TO HER BIO DAD BECAUSE WE WERE UNSTABLE AND MOVED A LOT. I KNEW SHE'D BE HAPPIER. NO, I DID NOT MOVE TO CO AFTER I MET DH. I MOVED TO CO WHEN I WAS STILL WITH EX #2. I'VE BEEN HERE 3 YRS NOW, THE ENTIRE TIME DD HAS BEEN WITH HER DAD.
So your whole basis for changing custody is going to do with your stability. Do you think you will be able to present that? How long have you been married? Have you been paying CS regularly and in full? How stable is your financial situation? I'VE BEEN STABLE IN THE SAME JOB AND CITY FOR 3YRS NOW. DH AND I MET 2 YRS AGO AND HAVE ONLY BEEN MARRIED SINCE JUNE OF LAST YEAR. I HAVE BEEN PAYING CS REGULARLY EVER SINCE THE COURT ORDER WAS ESTABLISHED. FINANCIAL SITUATION IS STABLE, WE HAVE A LITTLE EXTRA EACH MONTH BUT NOT MUCH.
I suspect a lot of judges will look askance at the fact you met someone online and moved to his state to marry him. If this appears to be the case, how will you overcome this with the judge? Because I am pretty sure BD is going to bring it up if BD thinks it will win the case. NO, THIS ISN'T THE CASE. I MOVED TO CO WITH MY EX. IT WAS THE FINAL PLACE WE MOVED BEFORE SPLITTING UP. YES, I MET DH ONLINE, BUT A LOT OF MARRIAGES HAPPEN THAT WAY NOWADAYS. DH AND DD GET ALONG GREAT AND HE'S MORE OF A FATHER TO HER THAN HER OWN.
Are you willing to work two jobs or somehow raise funds for this custody fight? YES
Things to consider. THANKS!
No worries, I know my story
No worries, I know my story was a bit confusing at first. All I can do is hope now. Plan on talking with DD15 and showing her around some schools while she's here and then once she returns, I'll have her call me when he's nice and relaxed and not distracted and I'll ask to speak with him.
We'll see!
She is 15. She can decide and
She is 15. She can decide and you don't have to wait for a judge. I had full custodial both legal and residential and my son decided he wanted to live with his father (he was also 15) he taook his stuff and went and when I called the cops they told me nothing I can do since he wants to be there and he is not any danger.
She is 15. She can decide and
She is 15. She can decide and you don't have to wait for a judge. I had full custodial both legal and residential and my son decided he wanted to live with his father (he was also 15) he taook his stuff and went and when I called the cops they told me nothing I can do since he wants to be there and he is not any danger.
Yeah there's no way in Hell
Yeah there's no way in Hell I'd let her just pack her stuff and move in without the proper court order showing that was ok. As much as she and I WISH that were legal and there's be no ramifications, it simply isn't the case.
Well there is nothing
Well there is nothing stopping her from leaving but judges don't like it when one parent or child just decide to make decisions on the spot without giving jurisprudence. However, there are cases of a parent taking the child and fleeing the state, violating the CO. The judge orders the parent to give the child to the other parent but by the time the courts wrangle out the mess, the kidnapping parent has PASed the kid and the kid refuses to return to the other parent. Custody battles can be a quagmire and oftentimes "the good guys lose".
I think in your case though you have a good shot, BUT never underestimate the tenacity of a guy who fears losing control, if you know what I mean?
Oh I definitely won't
Oh I definitely won't underestimate him. His girlfriend has all the control at their house so this is really his ONLY control the he can enforce and stand on his throne and say "I'm the King of the CO, so I don't care what you want, It's MY way or the highway" and he LOVES that.
Plus the money involved. My CS of $500 per month goes straight to her Jeep payment. BUT, she can't stand my daughter and wants her gone. So, if they are financially ok to pay the Jeep and let her go, that may be a motivator to the girlfriend to talk him into it. (That's what I'm HOPING for anyway).
Hmmm...You just made me think
Hmmm...You just made me think of Donkeykong and his situation. I think his current wife wears the pants in that realtionship too.
Which leads to another thought...What about a trial period? You don't have to modify the CO. No one violates anything as long as everyone agrees?
I had thought of that too,
I had thought of that too, but in order for me to get CS payments to stop being taken out of my paycheck, I have to have the CO changed.
I absolutely cannot afford to continue paying him $500 per month and financially support my daughter full time.
Actually what the cop said is
Actually what the cop said is technically true. Violation of a CO is a civil matter, not a criminal matter. Since the child is safe and there is no evidence of a crime being committed, a police officer cannot do anything - except advice you to call your lawyer.
And when the other parent
And when the other parent files kidnapping charges and/or contempt of court, you've got to be ready to face the music! LOL NOT happening here!
Don't throw away your chances
Don't throw away your chances to put your dd in what to everyone it seems sounds like a better situation. I know of no state that allows childs choice at any age. However it's pretty standard to at least let a child over 12 weigh in on what they want and why, and a good portion of judges will go with what the kid wants unless they can read through manipulations and bull that the kid wants the parent that is "easy". She wants out, you want her, a teen will find a way to get out of the situation and it could be detrimental to her in the end (running away, horrible behavior, defiance, bad grades etc) trying to get dad to "get rid of her" I say file, do what you can by teleconference, email, skype etc and have your dd write a letter and have it notarized why she thinks she would be better off changing homes to her mom (she's a teen girl for crying out loud she kind needs mom and a judge will see it like that too)
That's what we're thinking
That's what we're thinking too. I wanted her input first before doing anything. After she told me she told him she definitely wants to move to Colorado, that's when my wheels started to turn about how to get her here.
Obviously, the best (and least expensive for everyone) way would be to draw up a mutually agreed upon parenting time agreement simply reversing custody and responsibilities and file it with the court and then she moves here before school starts in August.
I'm thinking of waiting till she goes back to MI after spring break which will be April 7th and then having a 3-way conference with her dad and her about changing things. See how it goes. If he refuses, then I can file the motion in court. That way, we'll also hopefully know the outcome of DH and BM's CS deal because he has a meeting on April 4th with her attorney to hash things out there. I'll have a clearer picture of our finances after we know what type of an impact BM is going to have.
If you DO have this phone
If you DO have this phone conference, look up the laws on being able to tape (both in MI and CO) and tape the conversation. Some places have it so that only one party needs to know it is being taped. Some states require ALL parties to know.
Good idea MisStep...I will do
Good idea MisStep...I will do that now
It's a one-party law in both CO and MI
That was one of many ways we
That was one of many ways we proved what a liar our BM is
Good to know. Now I just
Good to know. Now I just have to figure out how to record the phone call on my phone!
I think this ^^ is a very
I think this
is a very good idea.
Wish I could think things through like that.
^^ "she's a teen girl for
I agree.
Don't be sorry - not your
Don't be sorry - not your fault right? LOL
Yes, he likely would be paying me more in CS than I currently pay and he did when I had full custody of her. I have also told him on several different occasions that I want my daughter back and would WAIVE my rights to CS. If that's not possible through the court, I would sign and have notarized a document stating I would pay him back every penny if he was court ordered to send it to me.
A lot of this has to do with control too. He is very stubborn and his image is a big thing to him. He'd feel like a failure if he sent her back to live with me. And with her living there, it's the ONLY thing he can hold over both of our heads.
I'm very honest with myself about her. She's no saint, but she's a good kid. She does swear but it's not like she's saying "fuck you", she'll say "dammit" if she drops something or call her cat a bitch if she swipes at her. She'd never be disrespectful to anyone. She's not into drugs or drinking, she goes to school every day and gets decent grades. She's not out sleeping with any boy that shows her a lick of attention like Stepdevil14 did last year. She's still a virgin. I can trust her 100% and she won't lie to me because she knows my foot will be planted squarely up her ass if she does.
She just doesn't connect with her dad and his gf. She likes gf's son (he's 23 and lives with them till May when he's moving into his own apt). Dad is this way: unless it benefits him, he isn't having anything to do with it. He's lazy and neglectful. Has been that way all throughout our 13 yr marriage. He already told her he won't change. He makes stupid excuses like "they were all out of birthday cakes" and didn't get her one last month for her birthday.
He claims to "forget" to get her things she asks for, but he and his gf have cigarettes every day. She had to use hand soap in the shower for 2 weeks and has to borrow tampons off her friends because he refuses to buy that kind of stuff and his gf "forgets" (she's 7 yrs older than ex and I at 47 and I think went thru menopause already because DD says she never has them in her bathroom either).
DD knows my rules. She lived with me up until 3 yrs ago. She knows I have structure, routine and rules and consequences. She's ok with that because not only do I offer that, but I also offer incentives for her to do well. She gets rewarded if she does extra chores or helps me with a project. He does nothing for her. He takes her no where. He doesn't care to even just take a nice drive and bond. He refuses to allow her friends to spend the night or for her to go to their place because then he'd have to drive her. He's just lazy.
The girlfriend doesn't want DD there. She has said that on numerous occasions as well. All I can do now is hope!
Thanks so much. I agree and
Thanks so much. I agree and all I can hope for is that a judge would see it the way you do too!
UPDATE - I just got off the
UPDATE - I just got off the phone with a Michigan attorney. She said there's some hurdles (he's had her established there and MI doesn't like to remove children from established homes unless there's drug/alcohol or other abuses going on), plus I want to move her more than 100 miles away from him and his family.
I told her everything I could about the situation. She said the main GOOD things we have going for us is DD is 15, not younger, and is willing to leave friends and her high school to start over again. That is HUGE she said. Most teens would never be willing to do that, no matter what the reward would be on the other side.
She also said that since he's not supplying her with basic necessities and medical care, that falls under the neglect side of things. Judges don't like that either.
She would need a $3,000 retainer to get started (of which we DO NOT have) but told me to definitely wait to approach him until after her spring break trip is over. She said you don't want to piss him off and have him interfere with her plans to come here, since all I'd be able to do is file contempt of court.
Based on everything I've given her, she said "I won't blow smoke up your ass. If he fights, it'll be a long, drawn out and very expensive journey. But if he's willing to do what is best for his daughter and come to a compromise/agreement, this will be a very doable thing".
So, I have hope and of course, know that likely I'm going to have to try and come up with several thousand dollars in a very short amount of time. We're not going to do anything until after DD returns to MI after spring break, and then she suggested having her call me when he is home and relaxed and then handing the phone to him and having this discussion while he's in a good mood. He's NEVER in a good mood but at least he'll be in a relaxed state and we can hopefully talk like two parents concerned for our daughter's well being.
Thanks everyone for your replies, thoughts, comments and suggestions. I feel a little better having talked with an attorney about it and reading all of the information here. We'll see how things go!
The attorney told me to wait
The attorney told me to wait till after spring break but yeah, once she's home, I'll be calling him. I've already made a list of reasons she'd do well here and hopefully once she gets back there and we can talk, he'll come around.
If not, the attorney said for $100, she could send him a letter on her letterhead giving him one last chance to agree to terms set forth in the modification or she's filing a motion on my behalf. She said sometimes, when they get those letters, it makes them think twice about things!
When I filed for full custody of DD to move her to Hawaii (he fought me tooth and nail), it ended up costing me over $25,000 but my ex funded it through his job. My DH doesn't have that kind of money and neither do I so we'll have to rely on the threat of it going into a long, drawn out and expensive court case and hope ex backs down.
Glad you were able to get
Glad you were able to get some legal advice, Redwings.
Hopefully the threat of a long legal battle will be enough to move biodad into doing the right thing.
Keep us posted!
U probably already have this,
U probably already have this, but just in case you dont -
Thanks Tuff - I do have this
Thanks Tuff - I do have this but it always helps to read it again!
Hi RedWings fan -- writing to
Hi RedWings fan -- writing to you as a Pens fan!
This is a good article I found... hopefully it isn't already here somewhere. I didn't have time to go through all of the comments. I hope you are able to get your daughter. We go through the same thing here. We pay $1300 to a BM who doesn't provide necessities to the kids. We hope to soon get them here.
Thanks Goingcrazy40 - I most
Thanks Goingcrazy40 - I most definitely appreciate it.
I wish you luck as well!