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Almost 10 months!

goaway's picture

Well as for my husband he's better but still has his days when he doesn't say much and I imagine that's when he remembers that his daughter was "kicked out of the house by me"..It got to the point i just said it's me or her and he told his daughter it's best she left..I clearly told him I was not preventing him from going with her..It's hard to carry on and just pretend everything will be ok..After all this happened he is not that affectionate and honestly i have my days when I think it's better he just left and I can move on but other days I just say hang in there it takes time and he will learn to forgive...sigh...Is anyone going through the same? Has their stepchild left the house and you have to deal with the garbage left behind?


misSTEP's picture

Have you guys considered counseling? Resentment is an acid that will eat away at the foundation of any marriage, no matter how strong it is/was.

goaway's picture

Thank you for the comment. We have done counseling and i have been h onest with him that he is free to go with his daughter if it will make things better..He can go see her 7 days a week if so but I notice he doesn't really make the effort to see her..sometimes he will have days off and relax at home and i mention you should spend time with your daughter and he just says nah! it just doing errands the whole i don't say anything else...

bearcub25's picture


I gave DSO the choice to have SS13 (12 then) go live wiht his Mom...which is the reason he said that he acted up and got kicked out of school every week....or DSO could take both his kids and go. I have owned the house we live in for 20+ years, so wasn't leaving.

DSO has never blamed me but BM and SS constantly say that DSO kicked him out.

BM forgets that she wanted DSO and the skids to leave my house and move in with her. It was her plan all along but DSO just couldn't handle the bullshit with SS anymore.

goaway's picture

It's funny how others are quick to put the blame on you when it was themselves that started all the drama...I see that with my situation mom and dad made the mistakes and made the wrong choices but yet it's my fault that daughter doesn't know how to respect, have morals or values and I put my foot down to put a stop to it and i'm the mean stepmother...Amazing...Just be firm and give people a choice either 1 or 2 make a is too short to live with all those problems...Enjoy life..