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just thinking

AngeLily's picture

We become parents, usually by choice, and understand that we will be making adjustments/changes/sacrifices (depending on POV). There will always be people who criticize what and how things are done. Being a step parent isn't a lot different, there are still things and people to "share", but oftentimes There is one great difference. Respect. Yes, many of these step kids are in fact KIDS and the respect is not taught or encouraged or actively DISCOURAGED by the bio parents. Many people come here to vent or ask advice, often because there is no one they know in a similar situation or are embarrassed of their feelings. None of us know the entire situation and yet some feel the need to judge or chastise based on what little they have read. Many people try to vent just to be reassured that whatever person they are referring to's behaviour is/isn't common or normal. Most people don't come here to be bashed for their choices, regardless of what we think of them, nor do they come to have people to be rallying for a lynch mob. Constructive criticism, a kind word, or no words are often more helpful than focusing on something that can be picked apart that will make people feel worse or put them on the defense. I don't don't have all the answers, I only know what I have/am/want/will do in MY situation. I only hope my words help someone feel confident in their decisions, hope for other options or at the very least comfort that someone is listening.


stormabruin's picture

"Our slogan is "where stepparents come to vent", but that in no way means that we don't welcome anyone else. We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to this site in a constructive way, even if they aren't a parent at all. "
Really, though, it IS a mixture of parents (& non-parents). It's a place for anyone who wants to contribute.

AngeLily's picture

This is my point I'm trying to make. People can post however they want. We have the option to delete or ignore whatever someone says. When someone posts about how frustrated or upset they are about something, why do some feel the need to suddenly pick them apart? Some do like to be the perpetual victim, but the response to that isn't attacking, that only reaffirms that "victim". I don't take offense easily (lol cheri no worries) but I do see some who seem to try to rub people the wrong way and tell them how wrong they are. Venting often doesn't come out when people have thought things through and are thinking rationally. My personal situation, I know who is responsible for what and I am by no means blameless.