Message from fil..
So he calls dh today and leaves a message asking dh if he's just done with ss? That's it.
This man has not spoken to dh since September. Has never in the 18 months ss has lived with them ( 2 different times) ever notified dh of an event for ss, has never assisted in facilitating phone contact- in fact my mil has done everything she can to exclude my dh from ss' s life. Last year when dh lived there he was very up front about wanting ss over here every single week, wanting to be as active as possible in all things related to him- he foolishly thought he'd have tons of access to ss with him with his parents- the closest thing to him actually living here. But my mil apparently did not want him over here. She'd say she bring him and then not show up. Dh would call and askwhyand shed say "I didn't feel like it". He'd try and speak to ss, and he would not even answer messagesor speak to dh- formo ths at a time. Then when gift giving times rolled around he'd call dh.
So this time around - my dh has no communication with Inlaws- they put their names on all school related info, they don't even speak to my dh any longer. Months went by in which ss did not speak to dh. Meanwhile he was telling peers wild stories about all of us that impacted all of us. He has given my dd the finger at school, has spread rumors about her, and has made no effort to contact dh. Until Xmas. Dh did speak with him on that day and told him he'd call him later. Well later did not come soon enough and within a couple of weeks the kid texts and tells dh he is done with him. That he has no father. Called him a paranoid, and referenced an argument they had 9 months ago?
So fil calling out of the blue after deciding that HE was done with HIS son (dh)to ask about his relationship with ss-which fil has never facilitated only helped to prevent- is extremely ironic. I don't even understand their game. Is their a problem with ss? Well, if there is then say so! Does ss want to speak to dh? Well, again freaking say so. Or have the kid call and apologize for sending the nasty text. Leaving nasty voicemails is juvenile and ridiculous.
- hismineandours's blog
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Good answers! Dh thinks its
Good answers! Dh thinks its number 2. I am more inclined to believe it is just something to eff with dh about. Earlier this week we had fil posting on facebook about how much he loves and misses dh, how special he is, and how he hopes that he is having a good life with his family.
He does not want my dh to have a good life with his family- if he had he would have left well enough alone all these years.
I hadn't considered any connection t sil. Dh filed another police report just on Friday- we founds other card that she had been making payments on and then stopped so they started calling dh repeatedly demanding payment. They wouldn't even let him file fraud on it- just kept calling and telling him he had already made payments on it so it couldn't be fraud. We are really hoping she used her own personal check to pay the payments.
I agree with hmd. My money is
I agree with hmd. My money is on 2 and 3.
"in fact my mil has done everything she can to exclude my dh from ss' s life."
I have to ask if this is a possibility DH considered before he sent SS to live with the in-laws. Not to be mean, but because it sounds like MIL has always been like this, maybe just not to the extent that she is now.
I hate to say this but I feel that this kid is a criminal in the making. And I hate to say that about any kid. I think this kid "knows better" but, like so many criminals/budding ones, that urge to do these things just takes over.
Does DH ever go on the school website to look up school event dates, and get the emails of SS' teachers?
Honestly dh had no idea that
Honestly dh had no idea that mil was going to exclude him- it completely threw him for a loop. He'll, it threw me fora loop and I had already figured out she was not a nice person. Dh had sort put her on a pedestal because she always acted nice to him- he felt- at least I have one good parent. He was totally shocked. This was prior to all the drama with sil. He had no argument with mil at the time and was totally butt hurt and confused.
I do agree that my ss is a criminal in the making. Hence why I am not comfortable with him in my house. I think my dh has come to the realization that there is just nothing we can do for him. We've tried and it doesn't work.
I checked the school website for him- as I was checking the other kids- but about a month ago we somehow lost access. I even emailed the school counselor- she gave me a completely different student I'd from the one he had with his same old password. It didn't work- she had an attitude when I asked why the number had changed- told me the numbers are whatever the computer says they are and she didn't know what else to tell me?
That's too bad about things
That's too bad about things with dh and mil
I know you have to protect your bios and I wouldn't be comfy with him around my kids either. I do feel bad that he has to live with a pot farmer though, but it does not sound like notifying the authorities about ss was doing any good, either
In terms of school info, I think dh is going to have to do more of getting that. He's just going to have to be much more aggressive about it. Not in a mean way, but in a way where they'll know not to fool with him and that they need to give him the info. As much of a fight as "professionals" give many dads about this stuff, they're even worse on the SMs (unfortunately, as you well know
). He will likely have to jump through hoops but he will still get the info.
I would ignore fil passive
I would ignore fil passive agressive msgs. like you said, and FB. If they want to talk, they need to just say what they mean, with no BS.
DH should go to school and get password info, make them show him on the computer.
They are probably trying to give SS back to you. It sounds awful but maybe ss should be made a ward of the state?? as he won't listen to anyone!! No point in blaming anyone ... I think ss seems to be a law unto himself, and just needs a place to live til he is 18.
Ask ss what he thinks he should do. Is he satisfied that this is his best life?
Is there any hope of a religious conversion?? Many people become devout as teens?? Give it over to God?????