Vacation a secret??
Today is a ranting kind of day for me!!! I am dealing with a lot of emotion and need to get it off my chest and know that what is making me crazy is not just me being juvenile.
My DH and I got married(2011) and did not take a honeymoon. So, my boss gave me a week stay in Destin for free for my DH and I to enjoy. I was so excited. This was going to be the first time in 5 years(ever) that my DH and I will go away on a trip alone!!!! I was stupid excited and giddy about the whole damn thing. As the date approaches he tells me that we cannot tell the kids we are going. We ended up lying and saying that DH was sick and that is why his kids could not come stay with us that weekend (he has his kids every weekend).He did not want me to tell my kids(they were with their dad that weekend) b/c they might say something to his kids. I was totally bummed that I had to lie about taking a vacation to my own kids. I wanted to buy them gifts and show them pictures. I was heart broken but was going to get over it because we were FINALLY getting away ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, the whole time we are there he kept saying how this would be so much fun with the kids yadda yadda. THEN, he is ready to leave two days early!!?? Like a pansy.......I just went with it because it was evident he was miserable being on a vacation without his kids. Needless to say........we have never ever been on another trip alone.
Is this just me or does this just seem odd????
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That is horrible. What is his
That is horrible. What is his justification for lying? Didn't want to hurt the precious kids' widdle feelings?
That is just it............he
That is just it............he did not want them to think that daddy would go do something fun with just his wife and not them.
So, after all these years together we have done only ONE thing together and it was not a pleasant experience.
Agree. You can let him make
Agree. You can let him make the choices he wants in regards to the way he deals with his children, but you shouldn't be lieing to yours to help him with his lies.
DH needs to man up and let the family know that adults are allowed to take some time alone. End of story.
His kids are nearly 13 and
His kids are nearly 13 and 11. Yes, he is "in love" with them.
I don't mind cutting things short at all!! BUT this was our first time ever doing something. OH and I forgot to mention.........we were given a whole week in Destin but because of work and such we could only go for a long weekend. Left Saturday morning and returned Monday. I had my mom and her sisters use up the rest of the week since we could not!
My mom and her sisters had a blast!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you 100% but
I agree with you 100% but they cannot function without daddy at their side. Literally! Went to the mall yesterday SS12.5 and SD10.5 were holding each of his hands the whole time and would not let go. And here I am following behind them with my DS12 and DD9 as we walk chit chatting and such. I have my DD begging to go into every store and almost leaving me while my DS rolls his eyes at her says she LOVES TO SHOP!
DH walks out the room and the skids are all............where is daddy?? REALLY???
They also REFUSE to make friends at our house.
Odd - indeed. I'd be pissed
Odd - indeed. I'd be pissed if I were you. There's no way in Hell I'm lying to my daughter or DH is lying to his about what the hell we're doing any time. If we want our honeymoon we're taking it (we never got one either). I don't give a rat's ass who gets upset that they're not allowed to go.
We have to keep secrets so BM
We have to keep secrets so BM doesn't ruin our weekends by not being available to take the skids.
The weekend my DD got married, BM was told many times that there would be out of town company staying with us and not apprpriate for kids. When DSO picked up skids to come to wedding, BM told him that she was going somewhere the next day and he couldn't bring them back after wedding.
I told DSO that I was even sorry HIS kids were allowed to come. It was a turning the bad our r'ship.
Oh I might keep it a secret
Oh I might keep it a secret before I left to keep it from being ruined but if DH made a remark like that I would talk about it non-stop when I got back - with lots of souvenirs for MY family.
All of this talk just as my
All of this talk just as my DH and I are getting ready to leave on vacation. Every year at this time we go somewhere, just the two of us, for 5-7 days. Kind of a tradition since the first time my DH "traveled" was when we had a destination wedding (just the two of us), now we go some place every year around our anniversary.
I remember at first DH was very hesitant to say anything to his kids about us going away for a week. They don't even live here, and quite honestly don't give a rats ass about what he's doing during the week. But once my kids let it out of the bag Skids were whiney as all get out about "never getting to go anywhere fun". And I don't even want to discuss the drama BM started... like freaking out that DH would not be available for ONE WHOLE WEEKEND to do her bidding, and what exactly did he expect her to DO with her kids on a weekend??? We went anyways, and stayed 6 glorious days!
Fact of the matter... just do it. And keep a promise to each other that once a year you will do something like this together, just the two of you.
Oh, and we also make a point of taking all the kids (his two and my two) on a vacation in the summer. If it wasn't for us, the SK's would never go anywhere outside of our city limits.
I always have to make a point
I always have to make a point to let the SKs know that I am paying for ay trips we take. Otherwise, BM starts all kinds of financial drama as if he's blowing HER money on fun. It's insane.
DH & I go to Vegas twice a
DH & I go to Vegas twice a year to blow off steam and I quite enjoy making BM jealous of our travels. }:) I'd kick DH in the teeth if he ever told me I had to keep our plans a secret. Eff that. I'll take out a billboard if he ever told me to keep it a secret!
Hey my almost 30 year old SS
Hey my almost 30 year old SS whined to me that he "never got to go anywhere". So your parents never took you to DisneyWorld - you really think I am going to take you? Honestly he asked me if he could go with us. We spent our honeymoon there.