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I finally did it. I contacted CPS.

daysleeper's picture

I don't know if anything will even become of it. After BM left SD sick with a sinus and ear infection for over a week before finally taking her to the doctor at SO's request, I said that enough is enough. I filled out a form with every awful thing that BM has done, and I filed it with CPS. It felt good just to get everything out, even if nothing becomes of it.


stepmama2one's picture

If your DH gets pissed then he needs smacked in the face. Sorry but if I was your DH and I knew that bitch was doing that to my child I sure as hell wouldn't get pissed off at someone for trying to help. Just sayin....

daysleeper's picture

Not sure he'd get *pissed*, necessarily.... might dislike the hassle that it might bring. But it was seriously necessary at this point. BM sends SD to school with honey spread in between two pieces of bread and calls that lunch. She sends her in dirty clothes that she's slept in. It's just awful. This has been a long time coming.

sunbeam0901's picture

Don't get your hopes up with cps. I've reported BM twice for poor living conditions, having *literally* NO food for skids, utilities being shut off numerous times for weeks before being reconnected, BM & SD19 smoking pot with SS8 present... All that happened was a brief investigation and more government funded aid for BM. She doesn't have to worry about taking care of those things anymore, since she's moved in with my MIL now. Its disappointing.