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WW3 here!!! Please help!!!!

lostinbrazil's picture

Ok, so if you haven't followed my story I will give you a quick backstory, if not, just skip to next paragraph. My fiance(FDH) has a SD5 who has a BM that is unbearable. BM had framed pictures of my FDH and BM all over her house, BM calls up to 10x a day, asking what SD5 ate, where she slept(in bed with FDH and I or alone) what she is doing, where is FDH, what are his plans, etc,etc, etc. EVERY DAY! Whether we have SD5 or not. We now have her about half the time, but they have NO schedule for her and that contributes to BM's daily calls to find out when SD5 is coming home, when FDH is picking up SD5, etc etc, etc. I have been putting up with this for 2 months and now FDH's mother(MIL) is here visiting. MIL has told me that she would NEVER put up with BM's behavior and that I am being a doormat. MIL spoke with FDH and he finally spoke with BM and is now making changes to the schedule and BM's calls. BM replied by calling him a faggot in front of her whole family and he did nothing.

But now, FDH is telling me that he is doing ALL of this only because I asked him to, that he is extrememly stressed and when he was single he didnt have to worry about these problems. He said that after this I BETTER NOT ask him to change anything else. He has also said that MIL is talking badly about me to BM and so I shouldnt trust her when she talks bad about BM. I have asked him point blank, "do you honestly not get bothered by BM's constant calling?" he replied by asking me for proof of her calls. and said that she just wants to know how her child is. I said I am not going to play that game, I have been living with him for more than a year and we both know how often she calls.

I told him, I dont want you to do anything only for me. I want you to make a decision from your heart. Do you honestly like BM's behavior towards you and the way that things have been with you and BM? Do you honestly think that it is normal?? Or do you honestly think that things need to change? If you dont think that anything should change you need to be honest with me and I dont want you to change. I will just make my own decision from there. I am NOT a controlling person and I dont intend to start now. He told me he only wants peace and he is now in the bedroom thinking because he told me he couldnt take anymore of this conversation.

I CANNOT for the life of me understand why he isnt bothered by BM's behavior and I feel that she controls him and his thought process WAY more than I do. She is extremely fake and I have NO INTEREST in controlling a man, if he loves me and we share common life goals and interest, good, if not then its time to say goodbye.

WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT??? what are your opinions???? please advise!!!!


smdh's picture

I think you handled it very appropriately. You aren't trying to control him. He agreed with you and is no blaming you. He needs to be honest - either with you and himself - or with his ex - so you can make a decision from there. He can't impede your decision by telling you what you want to hear.

I think the situation is ridiculous. Not having a schedule is stupid for everyone involved. The kid needs structure. She needs the stability and security of knowing when she is going to be where. And there is no reason for the ex to call all day everyday. Our court order allows BM to call once a day. Yes, she has a right to check on her daughter and to speak to her daughter. She does NOT have the right to intrude on your home and your family at will.

lostinbrazil's picture

What exactly is that baby bond thing you speak of? Thanks for the motherly advice and yes, I am also deathly afraid of what will happen after
1) I return to the us
2) he stays here for 6 months waiting for his visa
3) him and I are living together in the us
4) time passes and he wants to see SD5 again (how and where)

I am 28, never been married and have no kids..... Is this the setup for a life of hell?????????????????

Anywho78's picture

Oh Brazil...this board is full of (mainly) women who's men "want to keep the peace" with BM so they (our men) chose to allow these horrendous BM's to rule our lives and our homes.

It took me a LONG time to get my FDH to see that his allowing BM's issues to affect MY home was unacceptable. There are still times that he wants to cave to her, but he generally comes around.

I don't think it's fair that your FDH is acting like this is all about you. If it was SOOOOOOOO easy when he was single, maybe he needs to stay that way if he is unable to ensure that HIS X isn't causing havoc for his fiance. At the end of the day, HE bred with this nut case, not you.

As SMDH said, this situation is ridiculous. A CO is important to ensure that the rights of the child & the NCP parent are protected.