FML continues
Well, well, it seems as if I hit the ground running with my debut post. I do appreciate all the input that I have received. Some of you are probably anxiously waiting for a gesture or apology from my end; well, I am sorry to disappoint you.
However, since I would value some input in regards to my lovely situation, rather than of how much of an asshole I am, I will post another blog. But this time I will choose my words more wisely and attempt to be less offensive.
Where to begin? It is to the point where the smallest things bug me about those two.....their sight, the way they talk, the sound of their voice, the way they eat, but most importantly, their whimpyness. Everything is waaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaah, and waaaaaaaaaaaah. If for some reason MAAAAAAAAM is not around, the little one knows how to cut his food, clean his dishes and many more things. But as soon as MAAAAAAAM comes around, magically, he forgets. Every other day he informs his MAAAAAAAAM that some body part hurts. For instance, today he gave a detailed explanation of how is pinky finger hurts whenever he moves it a certain I tell him to avoid that particular movement (yes, I am being a smartass to him, I hope that wont mentally cripple him too much). Of course, there are all the useless, pointless, and stupid questions that he feels like he has to ask. If it is not a question then it is a statement and each time it happens I thnk to myself "Blob, there goes another brain cell". For instance, I came home the other day and as I walked in he greeted me. I went upstairs to go about my business. About 30 mins later, in quest for MAAAAAAAAM,he came upstairs, knocked at the door, and asked his MAAAAAAAAAM something. All of the sudden he looked at me and said "I didn’t know you were home". I know, I know, to some of you this may not seem to be a big deal but to me all of this is adding water to the cup that is slowly over flowing.
A while back I figured that I should take the first step and get involved with them. So, my wife and I started taking them to places. One night we out for dinner. Afterwards we went bowling. This backfired horribly. The little one kept throwing gutter balls and threw the biggest fit in the history of mankind....ruined the night. I took them to Disney Land over a 4-Day weekend. 4 days and several thousand dollars later (hotel, food, tickets, things that they wanted) all I ended up with was: waaaaaaaaaaaah, complaint, waaaaaaaaaaaah and so forth. In fact, I am not quite sure if they have thanked me for that trip. Maybe all the complaining scared my memory.
I think, this is enough for now as I beleive that most you see my drift. To O.D., this time I used the majority of you; this time I did not wish death or any other harmful events upon my beloved skids. Finally, to that one individual one here that was able to cope with my dark humor (see my previous post) I dont think that this one was quite as funny.......
PS. I evwen raan a spillschek
- TheMan2013's blog
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I like paragraphs. I also
I like paragraphs.![Wink](
I also like the absence of non-stop swearing.
I think you need to choose your battles and not sweat the petty stuff. You need to learn to ignore the stupid little stuff that has no impact on your existence.
Okay...I will start with a
Okay...I will start with a heart felt Welcome!
While it sounds like your SKids are indeed God awful annoying, it sounds to me like their mother is enabling their whimpyness. If they are capable of doing things when she is not around then accidentally forget how to use their brains when she is, that should tell you that yes, they know EXACTLY what they're doing...they know when they can be lazy & when they cannot.
My SO was still cutting up the SKids food, buttoning their clothes, putting their socks on them, etc when they were 5 & 6. I'm sorry but I told him, to his fact that he is treating them like pintards (actual word used) 5 they really should be able to dress themselves, or at the very least, have a good start on being able to do it on their own. Since I came into the picture, the Skids have become much more self sufficient & can now do age appropriate things, whereas before, this was not the case.
I have to admit,that I find myself biting my tongue when one of them ends up doing themselves an injury over something stupid, which they've been warned not to do. Sadly, in my case, I have two SKids (9 & 10) FT who many times pretend that they indeed have ZERO brain activity whatsoever. It happens. But then...their BM isn't the brightest tool in the shed, so I guess it's genetics?
I can totally relate to the Disney thing...SO & I took them last year...SD (then
spend the entire time pouting, crying & being a complete turd to SO made it perfectly clear that her behavior was not acceptable & she did get punished. The 2nd day wasn't nearly as painful (she got tired of having to sit out of fun things because of her crappy attitude). Their being grateful is a constant battle. They walk into the room & say hi to everyone but me, I take them out to lunch & they then just stare at me (no thank you's) SUCKS! But my SO has gone through hell & high water to get them's not working, but he's trying his damnedest.
What does your DW do when they disrespect you? What does she do when they show no gratitude? That's what you need to ask yourself.
Have you spoke to your wife
Have you spoke to your wife about how you feel? Your telling us what you dont like but we have no history about how you and your wide operate and exactly what dynamic you have going on. I knids get the impression that her babying of them may be an issue.
You cant change the kids, well you can...but your soon going to realize after being on this site that the issue is more your wife's handling of this that may be the problem more then the boys.
I think these boys are my
I think these boys are my skids..... can have them. can have them.
I'm curious TheMan2013, when
I'm curious TheMan2013, when you're making these snarky comments and putting her kids down, where is your wife, is she is within earshot or do you mumble these things under your breath? I mean really, when/if she hears any of this, what, pray tell, does she say? Does she just take it? Does she really let you speak to and about her kids this way?
I get being pissed off, I get being annoyed as all get out, I get wishing the kids were old enough to have friends and get lives of their own or a hobby, hell something other than simply taking up space in our home...but dude, come on.
Please say you were saying all of that to purge yourself of feelings you've been holding onto for a long time and you lost it once you got started typing, please!
If you truly feel this way, even if they really are brats from hell, the best thing you can do for yourself, your wife and those kids is to leave. Mom will be left to raise them as she sees fit and at this rate, we will have to deal with them sooner or later, God helps us all!
Unless, you are willing to go to counseling, family counseling that is. Heaven knows I need it in my life, just can't get hubby to let go of his pride and share with a stranger his "dirty laundry".
I thoroughly enjoyed your
I thoroughly enjoyed your first post. I secretly think these things even though I'm not willing to type it out...and, I get that it's just humor. Kids, whether someone else's or your own are frustrating and annoying. Plus, for me, being in a position where they are with me, yet I can't parent them the way I feel is right, makes me more resentful. I want my boyfriend's kids to become productive members of society, but with the way their parents raise them, I worry about their future as well as my own. There is no way in hell that I will let any adult child live in my home.
I used to plan trips for my boyfriend and the kids, but I had enough of the complaints, whining, and general unhappiness. The solution is that my boyfriend and I now take our own vacations, which I plan. We then have a family vacation, which my boyfriend plans and pays for; if he wants to go into debt paying for crap, that's his choice. I don't plan that vacation at all. I don't give any input and I just go along for the ride no matter how the vacation pans out. The family vacations used to be hell, but now, I just like one of the kids, except without the complaining. I put on my headphones and drown everyone out for the week.
Kids are annoying, but in reality, it's the parents that are the problem. Kids only do things that they can get away with. If they were punished for complaining and whining, they would stop that behavior.