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My MIL told me she would never put up with my fiance

lostinbrazil's picture

I finally brought up the nerve to ask my mother in law her opinion on the situation and she has told me that I have been opening my arms to him and putting up with way more than she would have and that she agrees that BM and BM;s mom are fake people. (BM had a pic of my fiance and BM on her coffee table and in the bathroom and also calls 10 times a day. She told me she would speak with her son ie:my fiance but really what good is that? I mean I am already so beat down by the situation I cant wait to hear his response because he is such a mommys boy.


lostinbrazil's picture

Yea that is exactly what my MIL is telling me now.. That I am a doormat. How did this happen? I just stopped trying to be the nagging wife! and so my defense mechanism was to tell him he was right. Guess that backfired big time.....

hereiam's picture

It can be a fine line and a little tricky. Nobody wants to be the nag but geez, these men have a really hard time standing up to these BMs!

Sounds like your honey needs to wean the BM off of him. Does she know they are not together anymore? Does he like the attention? I don't even talk to my husband on the phone 10 times a day.

My husband just told me it would freak him out if BM had pictures of him and her on display.

lostinbrazil's picture

Exactly right!? He should have freaked out and he totally didnt and that freaked me out. I never call him 10 times a day either thats why it is so absurd! Im starting to really think that she wants him back... I dont think its necesarily that he lies the attention but he thinks its normal for some God awful reason. And MIL had said she was going to talk to him and she still hasnt my only hope to get through to him and it isnt looking good....