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DH kicked SD out....

giveitago's picture

SD begged us to take her in because she had nowhere to go.
Rules were she's a home body, no one knows where she is etc. and she keeps away from the company she has been associating with, drug dealers, pimps etc.
Today DH let her use the car to go and cash the baby bonds in that Grandma gave her, I think in the regions of $400? The bonds had not matured yet, they would have been worth much more if the twins could keep their greedy hands off them...SS got his too!! MIL got tired of them asking and wanted rid of the burden, I don't blame her.
Earlier DH lets SD use the car for an errand for her (cashing the bonds in)and one for us, couple of hours it would have taken in total. SD was gone for four hours! Then SD proceeds to tell us she's going to 'work' tonight, dancing or shot girl, and DH said she would not be working anywhere this side of new year. SD wants things to be on her terms, she goes about prepping to 'go to work' and then she starts bitching about mail being here and some checks that would have come for her? DH opened official mail from the bondsman etc. because it was an urgent matter, the amount was piling up. SD still did not deal with it, there is an attachment out for her and she owes $400 in restitution to Walmart (theft of items) and the alternative is 3 months in jail. DH us upstairs and can hear what's going on, SD is complaining about privacy and that she'll have to get a PO box etc. I knew this was her just picking because she was not getting things on her terms. I stayed calm, just as I was about to say 'listen up girl!' DH comes downstairs and tells her to get the #u@K out of his house and out of his life completely. This is the FOURTH time we've been stupid enough to say we'll help her get back on her feet. DH tells her he's not dealing with her drama and to go. He reminded her that this is the fourth time and there will not be another one. SD tells him that she hopes his chemo kills him, she's 19 and beyond help now I imagine. She went to a halfway house after her mother kicked her out but they would not allow her to 'work' the hours and she didn't want the curfew.
I don't know about any of you but if I were down and out, homeless, and someone offered me a helping hand I would not shit on them like SD does. Her mother is done with her, now that's saying something! Her sisters are done with her and her twin brother will probably side with her but be pleased she doesn't live here any more.
This girl has no respect or regard for anyone, or anything. She'll get to work tonight, she'll spin some sob story on some sucker and get a bed too. It's a matter of time until she is left bottomed out and ready to accept the right help, this is not that time and DH knows it, he said as much on Christmas day when we saw her. she's still full of arrogance and bravado, DH used to be her puppet but not any more. I feel bad about how it went down but I am also very relieved, does that make sense? She asked if she may use the laundry room, I said 'no' but she promptly went and asked DH and he said yes. I am not giving DH a hard time, he genuinely did not hear me say 'no'. Besides, that was the last of it.
I do not trust iether of the twins as far as I can throw them! SS is starting to piss DH off now too, he needs to watch out because it might be his turn next!


oldone's picture

I agree with dtzy - you must remove toxic people from your life even if they are close relatives.

Unfortunately some people really are without redeeming qualities. Don't count on her ever "coming to her senses".

oldone's picture

You really don't understand why he kicked out a toxic low-life POS trash? That's what any normal person would do.

If I don't understand something - it is why he ever gave her a 4th chance.

giveitago's picture

I can very well understand 'devil's advocate' but I have danced with the devil (AKA SD) and the devil can be 'plausible'. Let me tell you that she would convince you that she has done nothing wrong in her entire life and that she's the victim in all of this! (chuckle)

giveitago's picture

The severity of things is greater than I ever really care to remember or mention, I have posted stuff before but you might be new to the forum. My apology for not giving enough information. SD is a sociopath, has been in and out of custody since she was 13 and we have taken her back three times already, this being the 4th and last. SD is 19 years old and does drugs, hangs with pimps, dances in clubs, does batchelor parties and wants life all on her terms. She disapeared for four hours, an errand that really would only take one hour. DH let SD know that vanishing for hours is not how to get back on track, she wants back on track she says. Then SD comes and asks me if I can give her a ride so she can go to work, I said 'no'. DH told her that it was not possible to get her to and from 'work' at those unsocial hours so it would be after the holidays, after new years, not this side of the year.
SD started bitching about her mail was not where she could readily get it, Complaining etc. and telling me she was going to get a PO box for privacy and to make sure she got her mail. I stayed calm, not getting caught up in her dramatic shit but SD very volatile and things were not going her way, She tells DH that she hopes his chemo kills him?! If it helps you to better understand then I should tell you that the entire juvenile justice system could not deal with this girl effectively, she was kicked out of two group homes because she's going to do what SHE wants and it doesn't matter at who's expense.
This girl has to be gone! DH just told her to call one of her friends, pack up her shit and get the fuck out of our house. We gave her food and shelter and somewhere to lay low from the people who she said were abusing her. The rules were simple, lay low, no one knows you are here, have a break, rest up and then pick back up at university. She got her daddy's intelligence and her momma's personality...poor kid! See, that's the chink in my armor, I felt sorry for her the first twice we took her back but then I learned that sociopaths do not change their ways, they adapt to suit their surroundings to get what they want. The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder was made when SD was 15, the things she did were more than just teenage rebellion. There's no history of abuse towards this girl, if she's chastized she yells abuse! This girl was put on a time out, stand outside the back door (a time out was at the front door once and she ran off, flagged a cop down and told him we'd put her out the house...the cop sat her down and gave her a talking to) Anyhow, this time out didn't suit her and she started kicking the door, so hard that the glass was about to break, and DH went to tell her to stop it. SD grabbed DH and beat on him, then she pulled her own hair out, banged her own head and scratched up her own arms and then called 911 and it was the ONE officer who did not know her and he believed her story and DH was arrested! We went to court on the due date, the DA said 'go home, pick up the minutes in the morning sir.' They all know SD and they know us a whole lot better than we'd like them to, we did 5 hours of evaluations when SD first entered the juvenile justice system, so bad was her behavior, we got IQ, EQ and questionaires and an interview with a psychologist, all of these we did in the best interests of SD, I took exception at first but it was court ordered so I complied. Five hours of evaluations is a LOT to deal with, DH and I were exhausted by the end of it all. SD just bounces back to her ways, as easily as you or I would shrug a jacket off and on. There was counselling available, family counselling too. We had some family counselling and SD threw a fork at me (wide but her intention was to provoke drama) and the counsellor wanted me to press charges, this was just the first go round and I said 'no'. Silly me!
Her clothes were to be washed the day after Christmas, she stopped her brother using the machines because she'd asked first and then she did not do her laundry. SD was told to get her stuff and get out, this was a delay tactic on her part and an attempt to aggravate before she left. I said 'no' because I knew there was not enough time between that point in time and her ride arriving. She ended up taking soaking wet clothes with her...what can I say?
I'll be glad when she's in jail (doing the three months because I know she will not pay the $400 restitution and there is a warrant out for her) so I can know exactly where she is. SD was in a secure juvenile facility, sentenced to two years for felony assault on the elderly and a cop. She was offered drug court, in leu of jail time but failed that and had to serve out her sentence.
There are whole catalogues of events that I could describe to you but I think you might get the picture now.

LRP75's picture

So this is what my future looks like...

Rather, I should clarify: so that is what my skids futures looks like...