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They don't want anything?

vikki0's picture

So SDs were here this evening, and they went on with their properness.
When BF asked them what would they like for Christmas and New year, they said "There's nothing that we need at the moment, but thank you for the thought. If there's something you and Vikki would like from us, please let us know" , with a smile.
So when he asked do they want a gift card, money, or us to choose a gift, they said that they don't want a gift at all and that it would be unnecessary. He insisted,but they did not want anything.
It's really weird since before they always wanted something,and untill the problems arose they had wishes to get things all the time, or money. But now? Nothing? Nothing at all?
This is suspicious.
You guys were right, they ARE playing a game.
I am acting normal,but I'm worried about what they are trying to do. :jawdrop:


justtakedeepbreaths's picture

Oh that is very suspicious!! I've never in my life met a met a kid that would turn down presents. Hell, I'm an adult and I wouldn't even turn down presents! Lol. But in all seriousness, I went back and read your past blog posts, and there is definitely something fishy going on. I can't even begin to guess what it is, but I would say definitely keep your eyes and ears open and try not to let their games get to you or your BF. Also, don't let them know if they are getting to you. Good luck!

pixiedust10's picture

I would suspect it's building up to something bigger than any Christmas present could be...JMO..they want something...there's a bigger prize they want somewhere...