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too much...

vikki0's picture

BF is going to give each sd 100 euros as a holidays gift..
And I think it's too much considering their behaviour towards him, and the way they're acting, but..he's gonna do it.

And he thinks that I don't want them to get that much money because I don't like them.... he doesn't even understand what i'm trying to say Sad

I think he is rewarding bad behaviour, they said they don't want anything and been cold as ice to him, but he's giving them 100 Euros? EACH?
of course I want them to get a gift from their father,but i think that's too much! wouldn't half of it be enough? idk.. maybe i'm wrong ,but..

also. that's a gift only from BF! not from us, from BF. So I'm supposed to buy them something,too, or I'll be a bitch who doesn't wish them a happy christmas.


december82's picture

I don't usually buy for my skids, i love my skids its just that i do for my family and ge does for his. He's never held it against me as i have quite a few people to buy for and he really just has the kids. The kids have never complained either so don't feel so much pressure to buy for them maybe a small stocking stuffer and that's good. DH is being an arse if he complains!