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It must be Christmas 'cause suddenly we matter

AliceP's picture

I saw on the caller ID that SD's 10&11 called. I listened to the message and all it said was SD10 going "Fine don't talk to me than"....These are the kids that get on the phone and say "make this quick I have a friend waiting" etc...But their dad is an asshole for not waiting by the phone for their call, this is the firt time in over 2 months he's talked to them because BM never tells them he called or has them return calls. He called them back right when he got home and they gave him their Christmas lists.....they didn't ask about their little sisters, they didn't ask about dad, they didn't ask about me, they gave him a christmas list...yea right. SD10 also said she was taken out of Art class to be put in a reading class because she is not doing well in school, which did make me sad, the kid already hates school and their answer is to make it totally unenjoyable for her. Sad


RedWingsFan's picture

Sounds exactly like SD14...I'm sure DH will be getting a call from her in less than 2 weeks to get her xmas list even though she bailed on him on Black Friday and hasn't called since.

AliceP's picture

hrumph...and the really stupid thing is DH was giddy that they called him!!! I said "they called to give you a christmas list!!" and he agreed it was screwed up but it still seemed to make his night.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep, DH gets the same way when he finally hears from the brat. My heart breaks for him because he truly doesn't deserve to be treated the way she treats him. He's the sweetest man alive and would be an excellent father to her if she'd just LET him and give him the time of day, but ooohhhhh noooooo, DH doesn't shower her with attention and expensive gifts like BM and BM's boyfriend so he gets ignored.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

My DH's kids are 19, 20, and 23. They do not call him ever. It is only texts or emails, and that is only if they want money or something. It has been almost 2 years since he stopped giving them money (it was out of control and they were out of control), and they have been pretty quiet until about a month ago. So, far, they have "suggested" over $3000 in Christmas gifts. His daughter is now emailing and using the word, "Dad." She NEVER calls him that, but she wants a new laptop to replace the one she threw at the wall when she found out we got married. All 3 of the skids are disgusting. Even if they were decent, we do NOT have, nor would we spend this kind of cash. That is not how we feel about Christmas.

It makes me sad that your skids are still so young and are headed on this path. But, I am not surprised. And my DH still gets giddy (not as much anymore) when they text or email. ANY crumb they give him, he latches on to because all he wants is for them to show their love. It is very sad, but I am past that and into just a permanently disgusted zone with these "kids."

checkedoutsm's picture

My skids are the same way, sd18 and ss14. Awhile back I read Dh a blog where someone's 30 yo Married sd asked her dad for iPhones for Christmas, and then he was so horrified he cut sd off. She hasn't sent a Christmas list yet, but he didn't buy her that designer bedding she put on the wedding registry online. This also follows her having a baby and blowing her car money on a tattoo so I don't think he is going overboard by limiting the gifting aspect of their relationship.

hereiam's picture

SD21 is mad because we didn't let her to come over this past Monday. The reason she wanted to come over is because she knows we bought her Christmas gift and she knew we would give it to her since we won't see her on Christmas.

She has not asked to come over to visit for about 6 months, which was right around her birthday! How's that for coincidence?

dreamingofhappiness's picture

At least you got the phone call... I sent a text message. Asking very politely for sizes and wish lists... I get "this is pathetic that MY CHILDRENS father has his WIFE inquiring... just pathetic"