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Dear Amy today... boy, does THIS sound familiar!

StickAFork's picture

Dear Amy: I recently got engaged to "Carol," who will eventually be stepmother to my 9-year-old son. We are madly in love but want to take our time setting a date. We're not in a rush, and no one is pushing us, except my ex-wife.

On Saturdays she insists on making herself at home in our kitchen when she drops off our son for the weekend. We're friendly, but then she'll start butting into my personal business. For instance, recently she insisted that we shouldn't wait to get married.

She stated her opinion several times, but bringing it up in our kitchen on a Saturday morning crossed the line! It was obvious that Carol was uncomfortable, but we let it go, knowing that my ex and I should be peaceful toward each other. How can I set a boundary around my personal life without upsetting my ex? — Conflicted Ex

Dear Conflicted: I'm stuck on the concept that you are worried about setting a boundary for fear of upsetting your ex-wife. Why should her feelings take precedence over your feelings or those of your fiancee?

If your ex-wife starts making suggestions about your romantic life, you should tell her, "When we're ready to discuss our marriage plans, we'll let you know."

Do not play this out in front of your son.


xtina's picture

"When we're ready to discuss our marriage plans, we'll let you know."
Why would he even need to let her know? Why is she even an issue. If I were Carol, I would be PISSSSSSED!!

StickAFork's picture

That's what I thought!

Both of my husbands had been married before me, so I've had two BMs to deal with in my life. I can honestly say not once with either of them did we discuss marriage plans.
Shoot, one found out after the fact.
The other? I KNOW she wasn't happy since I heard about it from the skids (the ones who told her in the first place) but it was NEVER "discussed."

Same thing with having babies. Never mentioned or discussed with BM#1. None of her business!

xtina's picture

Also, why would BM in this story be allowed in their house far enough to get into the kitchen.
I'm friendly with my ex, but I would never go as far as to be in their house or care about their marriage plans.

StickAFork's picture