Moved On. Day One. Devastated.
My first post ever. I will try to stick to the point and be as clear and fair as possible, but this post only scratches the surface.
tl;dr I would love advice for how any of you out there have moved on from a family after giving everything of yourself. I don't think reconciliation is possible as I have zero support and it has set the stage for everything that followed.
I am 50, no kids of my own. I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend (55), father to three girls (SD18, SD14, SD10) for 6.5 years. He is a devoted father and has a big heart for his kids. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. Our collective relationships were wonderful before the commitment ceremony. I wore a black dress so his kids could wear white.
I noticed early on that the bias toward and preference for his kids' happiness crept into our adult dynamic. I chalked this up to him being a great dad and me knowing nothing about parenting, and did my best to follow his lead. This began happening in the first year or so, things like the kids are always right, don't upset the kids, don't teach the kids any lessons, don't say how you really feel, talk to me/don't talk to them directly, etc., but then it grew into stuff like 'i can't get married again because of kids,' to defending kids when they are jerks to me, and even throwing me under the bus/disrespecting me in front of the kids. This happened over time, crept in slowly, but the past 16 months (since Sept '23) have been especially painful and intense as something happened with HCBM (oddly around the time of alimony cessation) and at that point in time the two eldest started acting really weird, passive aggressive, excluding me from everything, not talking to me, etc. It had also impacted their relationship with their father a bit as well, but not as much as with me. The strange and cruel behavior continued through last winter and all through 2024. I remained stoic and tried talking with them face to face a few times; did zero good. After about 6 months of this behavior, I admittedly made a couple of mistakes by being passive aggressive myself, but I caught it straight away, apologized profusely for it to all of them in person, in front of their father, and promised I'd never do that again (I was overwhelmed after months of cruel treatment from them - not making excuses for myself, just explaining what happened). They never apologized for their side of things, barely even talked to me in that conversation, and were not encouraged to by their father, so I'm sure they walked away completely villainizing me and feeling they had every right to pull out the big guns toward me. This was in April of '24 and ever since I stuck by my promise, going out of my way to watch everything I say, ensure that I never say anything that could be taken the wrong way, make sure I greet them, tell them bye, ask about them, etc. I did everything I could to "win them over" - even a trip to Europe for the eldest's graduation - but the minute we got home she stopped talking to me. Throughout last summer and fall, behavior increasingly became worse - I was deliberately excluded from family photos, social media posts, party planning, holiday family posts (I was the only one left out), etc. When I had to have MRI/CAT scans in October to check for tumor/aneurisym, and I told the eldest, she looked at me and said nothing other than she needed to go fix her hair. Literally couldn't care less if I live or die. Anyway this behavior continued all the way through the holidays which were also really rough with passive aggression (not from me), not speaking to me, etc. It hurts really badly. I told them that being excluded really hurts (back in April) and they seemed to have doubled down on the behavior.
I get it - they're teenagers. Yet, their behavior was new and abrupt when it first began happening and was completely out of character as we'd always enjoyed a good relationship for the 5 years prior. I brought it up to my "husband" then because I needed to understand, to talk it through and get his perspective so I could feel better to move on. I attempted many times since then to bring up their behavior to him, only to be invalidated and shut down. "They are kids. Deal with it. Don't let it bother you." "No, they don't play the Parent Trap 3 times a week, including on our wedding anniversary, to hurt your feelings" (meanwhile the youngest told me they did because they all wanted mommy and daddy back together). The only conversations he had with them about me were behind my back, just big complaint-fests about me in which I couldn't speak for or explain myself. Stuff I said was twisted and turned into vile things and I wasn't able to defend or even explain myself because nobody talks to me. This family does not have conversations about problems directly; they all triangulate behind my back. It's like four against one. The fights between he and I have subsequently become violent yelling matches (me yelling to defend myself from his criticisms and him yelling to shut me up) and have resulted in his demanding me to move out of his house several times. I've been blamed for his failing relationship with his daughters, blamed for his middle daughter not wanting to be at our house so much lately, blamed for ruining events because I feel awkward and am quiet because I am so scared to say the wrong thing, blamed for everything. I'm told that I'm a sociopath, that there's 'nobody home', that he hates me, etc. (These fights do not happen in front of the kids, FYI). Meanwhile, his daughters suffer no consequences for the way they treat me; I am left holding the bag for everyone's bad behavior. Because he has thrown me under the bus in front of them, they had an open door to disrespect and be cruel to me. I tried to explain that to him long, long ago but in his eyes they can do no wrong, and anything they have done to me I must have done something to deserve. I don't feel at peace or any security in the home (his home) and am often walking on eggshells or making myself smaller so as to not ruffle any daughters' feathers (they hate it when I'm happy and talkative - they literally will shut down if I act like my normal bubbly self - even my own self-deprecative jokes are somehow offensive to them). This has left me with so much resentment, sadness, depression, and anxiety. It has changed me. I have not been able to just be myself for a long time, and nobody has ever accepted me for who I am. I often question who I am anymore and rely on my friends and family to remind me that I am a good person.
Last night, after months of fighting and what I can only characterize as a nervous breakdown, I decided I'd had enough.
This morning I woke up in a hotel. I feel like I'm floating, not in the good way but in the super-shocked, disassociated kind of way. Can barely put one foot in front of the other. I am devastated. I feel like I have wasted 7 years; I've stuck through everything with this man from mediation to parenting coordinators, to kid drama, through COVID and homeschooling his kids, to the daily drama dished out by BM. I thought I had a partner who would put me at least equal and value me.
I am going to miss watching these girls grow up, being a part of supporting them (even though I wasn't recognized for it, I still loved watching them achieve things); I am going to miss feeling like a part of a family. I am going to be wrecked when the man I love moves on one day. I am going to be gut-punched by the hate these kids will have toward me. I am still close to the youngest - she is my little buddy and to think of not being in her life is literally killing me. I have nobody now, yet I've never felt more lonely than I have trying to fit in with this family. I would love advice for how any of you out there have moved on from a family that you truly loved and only wanted love and acceptance in return. I don't think reconciliation is possible as I have zero support and it has set the stage for everything that followed. It's such a difficult set of feelings to deal with, and this is only Day One.
Read the blog entries of la_dulce_vida.
Read the blog entries of la_dulce_vida. She has chronicled her break up and her journey to happiness - it will inspire you! There are other posters who have ended relationships and every single one has ended up in a better place. You in no way deserve to be treated the way you have been by the skids and even worse, by your SO. It sounds like once alimony stopped and you became a member of the household that BM engaged in some serious parental alienation. Once the kids are alienated against you, especially if it is re-enforced by your partner, there is little chance of things getting better.
My advice would be to immediately get a lawyer and find out where you stand financially. If you have shared bank accounts, take half and open accounts at a different bank. If you share a cell phone, get your own. Start therapy, you will need help to get through this. And find some real life support from family and friends. I know it sounds impossible now, but you will get through this and you will end up happier and healthier.
Thank you - I will absolutely
Thank you - I will absolutely read the blog entries and thank you for mentioning. I do whole-heartedly agree that the BM went on a campaign. There's so much more under that topic but I need a lot of time to devote to that post to even do it justice.
Luckily we aren't officially married, and the state we are in it makes all of this easier in that we aren't financially entangled by common law. I was financially independent before and am still, thank God. I have also been in therapy for two years (curiously I am the only one in therapy) and am going to double-down now as I definitely know I will need it. Thanks again for the reply; this is so difficult.
It's time to read this essay It was life changing for me. It helped me take my power back and get control back of my life. You aren't mourning him. You are mourning the dream that you had for your life. An amazing life could stil be yours. Let this man go.
This is heartbreaking to read
This is heartbreaking to read AND I feel proud of you for getting out! Leaving this abusive situation is courageous self-affirming self-care, even though it feels like shit. DO read as much as you can on here. And I agree with NoWire:
I know it feels shocking or hopeless now. I get the loneliness. But you will soon feel so proud of yourself for making this move.You have just opened yourself up for a wonderful new life. You can/will grieve the 7 year loss, but you will come out of this stronger and wiser.
You will find people deserving of your kindness.
Please stick around for support.
My heart goes out to you but
My heart goes out to you but KNOW that you did the RIGHT thing.
If you have time read my post. I just turned 50 and finally have walked away from my EX and my two SD's and I'm just starting to feel better about it.
Your eyes are wide open and I'm so proud of you for recognizing it and getting the heck out of there because there is no getting through this with them. It'll never change. I say this from experience. LOTS of it and my story is full of tons of emotional abuse, gaslighting and physical at times.
You deserve so much more! Keep the focus on yourself and be done with your ex and his spawn. You're going to be so much happier.
Feel it out. All of the emotions you're going to go through and keep on keeping on. A better beautiful life free to do what you want, when you want and how you want without being anchored by being an unappreciated step mom awaits.
You got this! Cheering you on. SO PROUD!
I'm proud of you, please_help
I'm proud of you, please_help!
Super happy to read this from Please_Help!
Don't be sad. Be proud. Never look back.
Now, why TF did you tolerate this failed man, failed father, failed partner and his shit puddle gene pool family baggage for 7 years?
What is there to miss about watching a shallow and polluted shit puddle of a gene pool rot, fester, and grow shallower and more toxic? Answer: Not a damned thing.
You have not wasted anything. You experienced what will be the foundation of moving onto your best life. You will now know much more clearly what that life is as you have experienced what it is not. Growing the testicular fortitude to move on is epic and living your best life for every Pico-second going forward is what you owe yourself. None of the regrets you forecast will happen if you block him and them completely and give them no more space in your head. You owe yourself to live your best life. That cannot happen if you engage with that shit puddle of festering effluent. Don't waste another Pico-second of your life sacrificing yourself on the altar of SParental martyrdom to this asshat monumental sub-human failure, non man and his failed family baggage.
Living well is the foundation of a life of adventure, finding a love for the ages with a man of honor, character, and quality. Things that this POS isn't and never will be. Living well is also the best revenge. Enjoy living that revenge and moving on to your life of adventure finding a mate of true quality to build a love for the ages with.
Now for Rags' 3 Day rule. A breakup always hurts. However, it only hurts the worst for 3 days. Day 4 it hurts just a bit less and hurts a bit less each day until eventually it is little more than a rare unpleasant memory. Unless, you re-engage. Re-engage and the most intense pain returns, you reset back to the worst, and have to go through the whole thing again. So, no contact. None. Not even when you are in the throws of grief and sorrow. No contact with him, no contact with his failed family baggage. Ever. PERIOD! DOT! Block them all, get on with your life, do not give them your new address.
I know that breakups hurt. I went through a blessedly short first marriage that ended in divorce from my serially adulterous XW who was knocked up by her geriatric Fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy when she moved out of our recently purchased marital home. Fortunately I did not pollute my gene pool with that skank whore.
Even after a devastating break up a life of adventure and building a love for the ages is possible if you commit to living your best life. Each of us owes ourselves that. My DW and I celebrated our 30th anniversary in 2024. We both are the right partner for each other because of our life experiences before we met. Your experience will make you perfect for THE one when you find each other.
So, get on with being your best you, living your best life, and flushing this shit puddle down the toilet leaving it where it belongs.
Invest in moving on. Do not invest in wallowing in the misery of their toxic shit puddle existence. He did this. He grew these shit spawn. You owe him and them nothing.
All IMHO and experience of course.
Take care of you.
thank you so much for the
thank you so much for the keeping-it-real perspective and for helping me see that I need to grow a spine. I also did enjoy a couple of laughs at the way you phrased things, thank you!
I also like Rags' three day rule. I'm at the end of Day 2 and while the emotions are all over the place, it's better than yesterday.
Thank you for taking the time to digitally smack me upside the head.
We need to hear it like this in these difficult times.
I'm happy to help and share my experiences and perspectives.
Deep breaths. Invest in you.
One thing you must of learned
These BM who rely on CS for there life style. Can't live with out that tax free money coming in. You upset the apple cart by cutting off her money she is making you pay for it
In the 6.5 years of being in this relationship. Is things will NOT change. What you see and the disrespect you are getting. Will be there for good. You are being disrespected by DH, and his kids. They are happy to accept gifts. [ trips] then disrespect you after getting home. You can not change this behavior.
All you can do, is take your life back. Getting away from that crazy train. Start by open a bank account in your name only. Putting every cent you can get a hold of into that account. Start looking for a place to live. Some place with a active community. Where people go out to ear. Have activities going on clubs, charity groups.
'Start taking your life back, one step at a time. Join a group..
You have not wasted 7 years.
You have not wasted 7 years. You have learned lessons and gained strength, though it doesn't feel like it now.
Nothing about your situation was good. 3 SD's, they wore white at your fake wedding and you wore black?! Wtf. This guy won't even marry you for real. Taking their side no matter what. Not to mention the verbal abuse he gives you.
Seriously, you were in a losing battle. Things would likely get worse as the little Angels in White got older.
3 SD's, they wore white at
thank you for putting it this way. Reading it from someone else's perspective is like a much needed slap in the face. I wanted marriage, he did not. I gave in. The girls wanted to wear white, as did I, but I decided to wear a different color so THEY would feel extra special. etc etc etc
I think I taught everyone how to treat me in this situation. I am too much of a people pleaser and I'm paying the price for that. I have a lot of self reflection and work to do here.
Thank you for your reply!!!
I'm a people pleaser too and
I'm a people pleaser too and can totally see myself caving on the dress. For years, whenever I was with both DH and SS, I always deferred choices about food, things to do, etc. to SS. It seemed natural because he was a kid/teen and I felt weird about asserting my preferences over a kid. It's easy to get along with someone when you cater to all of their preferences. When SS learned that I could also be a thorn in his side because sometimes his dad and I did our own thing, had our own activities, that's when he turned on me. I struggled mightily and still do for many reasons, including angst about being the cause of another's anger and displeasure, and not being able to find and stand by my own needs and preferences. The silver lining has been that I have learned to stand up for myself a lot more through this process. One thing I've learned: I don't have to earn my place or my voice. I am entitled to respect and will not accept anything less. Also, what I've learned is that SS is not just some naive kid whose wishes should automatically be granted. Because of his upbringing, he was and is needy and manipulative, and my caving to his wishes fueled his sense of entitlement. I hadn't had experience with that with other young people in my life, and I was blind to the fact that even 12 year olds are capable of manipulating people for their gain.
StepmominHades, my heart
StepmominHades, my heart hurts for you when I read your story. You have received so much great advice here. I, too, am proud of you for the courage you have shown in leaving. Blessings to you, I care.
I am sad reading your story, but that this post ends in you being away from your crap "partner" and his rude spawn made me happy, and hopeful.
I am so glad for you that you left. Hopefully you will not need to re-engage to get your stuff, or work out any financials. That you have managed to remain independent is GOLDEN. Good for YOU.
The pain you are experiencing is HARD, but is temporary - it will lessen with time. Remain no contact. Grieve all you need to.
Keep posting as appropriate and as needed - it helped me a TON.
Im unfortunately sort of stuck, because I married the dolt, and we bought a house together. I decided to work on me first, to gain my strength and see where it takes me.
You have accomplished the most difficult first step of leaving.
Im sorry you went through all that. Sucks. Unfortunately this is way too common a story. But you dont see this in any movie, or fairy tale - we are the hated and forgotten ones that only another stepper can seem to understand and empathise with.
Again, welcome.
Thank you. I am now in Day 5,
Thank you. I am now in Day 5, which is much better than Day 4. Still in a hotel, signed a lease on an apartment this evening. My conviction and strength was restored after a conversation this morning in which he told me, again, that I'm "the adult and should always take the high road" and that I "cannot handle what it takes to step-parent." Okay, but not every PARENT can even take the high road 100% of the time. I HATE the double-standard. These kids are still dwelling on a few passive aggressive comments I made a YEAR AGO (and subsequently profusely apologized for and didn't repeat since!). Meanwhile, he again deflected my point that there was/is a disproportionate amount of terrible behavior toward me. Thankfully, I didn't linger there. Just let him go and and realized that I'm definitely moving in the right direction. Movers come next week, on Day 13. I've been journaling a lot to remind myself of all the good I did. It was a lot of good, completely unrecognized and/or conveniently forgotten. I should post that list next time
I'm sure we could all participate and commiserate. At least this year I won't have to sit through the c-section birth photos that they love to look at on TV each and every birthday, followed by the Parent Trap. Yay, go me.
I remember watching that one time with Skid and husband. Was super uncomfortable, even as one of the things I DONT have to worry too much about is the skids wanting their parents to get back together. No, the skids just want me to fade into the background and go away.
I look forward to your next post about your new place (as well as a recap of your positive contributions to the steplife you just got out of - Ive got my own ready to reveal)
Congratulations! One thing I
Congratulations! One thing I've learned is that toxic people love to poke, taunt, and generally mistreat, and once you've had enough and strike back--be it by yelling at them, giving them a taste of their own medicine, or otherwise justifiably losing your $hit, they take that one action and treat it like gold. They polish it and place it on the fireplace mantel for all to see. They never let you forget that even for a moment you got down in the mud with them.
Well, screw these people. Do not beat yourself up for being human. It sounds like you will be doing great. Don't listen to toxic gaslighting BS. Living well is the best revenge, even if you're not out for revenge. Putting these people in your past is the best thing you can do. Stay strong!
Somehow I doubt that what OP
Somehow I doubt that what OP said, was vilified for, and apologized profusely multiple times for, was even all that bad.
It actually wasn't that bad,
It actually wasn't that bad, at all (I think - you tell me!). Here's one:
At dinner table.
SD17yo: My birthday is next weekend, what should be my theme song? Ah, I know, Dancing Queen!
me: That's a great one! My birthday is coming up soon too? What should mine be?
SD17: (deadpan, no eye contact) Maybe the funeral march?
me: Um. Er. Ha ha.... then, said in a light and sort of laughy, sing-songy way: you know, you're going to feel really bad if something happens to me between now and then! ha ha...
and then i laughed and asked them to pass the potatoes. and moved on. came to find out two weeks later that that evidently sent her and her sister into a tizzy. I don't think I said it with a passive aggressive mentality/bent. I was stunned and I think it was just an awkward response bc I really didn't know what to say in response. The wasy she said "funeral march" was very dry, no eye contact, sounded mean. Totally caught me off guard. Of course I tried to defend/explain myself to no avail.
Well played.
That was the perfect response; you called her out in a gentle way. As in "I see you!". Very appropriate, considering what was said to you.
Agreed appropriate and didn't
Agreed appropriate and didn't need any explaining on your end. Ridiculous how the stepparent is expected to take the hit/abuse/behavior but ANYTHING you would have done would have been weaponized. These fragile snowflakes know how to dish it but...can't take it.
You should not have tried to
You should not have tried to defend or explain your response to a VERY inapporpriate comment. She basically was wishing you dead and that was okay? Your partner did nothing?
There was nothing wrong with how you responded. Her comment was hateful and uncalled for.
This is exactly why you document, record, archive, and present
This is exactly why you document, record, archive, and present and publish the facts and records of the entire repertoire of the toxic people in the blended family equation. Then keep beating them and everyone else drinking their toxic noxious Kool-Aid about the head and shoulders with their comprehensive record of toxicity.
Lather.... rinse.... repeat.
It was not a concerted plan or strategy on our part, but we did just this. When SpermGrandHag would call and leaving profane ranting answering machine message, we saved it. When the Hag would call and blow a gasket on my DW, we recorded the entire call. I set up a micro-cassette recorder on our home phone (pre cell-phone years). When caller ID showed the Hag, DW would hit record before picking up the call. We had dozens of micro-cassetes full of ranting answering machine recordings, bitter abusive calls, and a few crying pouty "I wuvvvvv and miss you and I misssssss my family" calls from the SpermIdiot. Complete with my DW laughing at him and asking if he wanted to speak with "his" son. We also had an official copy of every second of all court hearings. Never once in 16yrs under the CO did any of them ever call just to speak with SS and never asked to speak with him. DW had to ask if they wanted to talk with him after she shut their bullshit down through laughing disdain for their pathetic ranting pouting, bullshit. We had annual journals of their calls, SS's comments, and stories about his visitations. We had multiple copies of the CO, supplemental county rules, and State regulations.
All of that made us always instantly ready to respond to any crap they pulled, any threats they made to go to court, or when they cried and whined about fairness, us being mean, wrong, etc... Nope. All bullshit.
"See you in front of the judge!"
Was our canned response to their threats of court.
They hated getting letters with the letter head of our Pit Bull attorney when they forced our hand. He was brutal.
When we did end up in court it was the bare their lying asses circus resulting in them whining and pouting when they would lie, we would call them on it, they would stand their lying ground, then we would play recordings of them saying exactly what they lied about never having said. We had PI reports of SpermIdiot taking under the table payments from clients who were supposed to be paying his employer for service calls. We had statements from the Constable of him running when the Constable was serving him with the CS review summons from the DA's office. We had records from the DA's office of his refusal of mailed summons and PO records of delivery confirmations that he claimed were never delivered....... One very valuable piece of information was the CS Enforcement office hever having a record of him paying CS for the first 9yrs of the CO. SpermGrandHag was paying the CS. It would dribble in in partial amounts but usually paid in full by the EOM. Being able to call them out for him not paying a Cent of his CS obligation for SS and SpermGrandHag/SpermIdiotMommy doing it for him was notably ass baring in court when it was used. At the first CS review request that information played well with DA who ordered direct payroll withholding of CS. That was classic. He dodged and avoided responding to the DA's subpoena for income information for the CS review so the DA sent my CPA DW the forms to fill out for the SpermIdiot's information. She went CPA auditor on his ass and provided a complete dossier on the SpermIdiot. His state Plumbers License info, his employer'd information and payroll contact information, county pay scales for plumbers in the SpermIdiot's county, rents for homes the same size as the one the SpermIdiot lived in rent free that was supposedly a rental property for the SpermGPs, etc.. DW recommended the median hourly rate for plumbers in that county, etc... The DA increased CS from $133/mo where it had been for 9yrs to $785/mo. When the SpermIdiot got his first $0.00 pay check due to direct withholding of CS he came screaming and begging to go back to c9urt. So, to a Judge we went. A telephone hearing with an Admin Law Judge in SpermLand. Lots of crying, lying, no subpoenaed information provided by them, reams of information provided by us including all of the history, etc... mentioned above. CS was lowered to $385/mo but arrears for two years at $785 was ordered until the arrears were retired. Direct withholding was upheld. After 2yrs at $785 CS dropped to the ordered $385 where it stayed for the remaining 5yrs of the CO.
As SS got older and had questions about things they said to him during visitation, we started responding to SS with the facts in an age appropriate manner. Over the 16yrs we lived under the CO we more frequently found SS in our office going through the Custody/Support/Visitation drawers in the file cabinets.
By the time SS was in his teens he knew far more about the whole shit show than they ever did. He started calling them on their lies and manipulations in real time when he was in SpermLand on visitation. SpermGrandHag would call shrieking and ranting "Why does he even know about that!" Um, well Hag, "WE DON'T LIE TO HIM WHEN HE ASKS US ABOUT REALITY!" You need to read the F-n CO moron!.
Document, document, document. Inform the SKids, inform anyone and everyone in the gravitational pull of the toxic opposition. Never let anything slide. Never tolerate any deviation from the CO, rules, and regs. Ever.
Kids and everyone else need to know reality and they need the facts to protect themselves from the toxicity in the shallow and polluted gene pool side. These people never stop their crap.
My SS learned over his years as a minor under the CO what reality was, he had his own experiences with their crap, he suffered from their lies, PAS crap, and manipulations. As he matured and increasingly approached aging out from the CO, he was more and more vehement in defending himself from their toxicity. Turning 18 a couple of months after his HS graduation did not end their crap. There was a reprieve once they were off the hook for CS and guilted him into not going to University and keeping them on the CS hook for 3 more years. His mom and I offered him a full meal deal mom and dad scholarship anywhere in the world he wanted to go and could get accepted at. Our requirement was that he keep their CS active. He caved to their guilt.
We sill offered him the full meal deal mom and dad ride but he did not want the uncollected CS hanging over his head. So, after some burning platform actions from his mom and me to get him to launch into adulthood he enlisted in the military.
That was when they crawled back out from under their slime covered rock at the bottom of their shallow and polluted gene pool and started badgering him to repay them for the 17 years of CS. He very quickly realized that not nailing their asses for 3 more years of CS was a mistake. After he smacked them around for their "Pay us back for all the CS!" bullshit, they started the full court press guilt fest to get him to set up direct deposit of part of his pay to the Hag's accounts to help support his three younger also out of wedlock SpermIdiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas. That was the beginning of the end of his interface with them.
When he was 22 he asked me to adopt him. We made that happen. He notified the Hag that he had been adopted by me. That was when she wilted and found contact with reality. She told him she was glad that he had been raised by a good man and she wished his three younger had that benefit in their lives.
I was shocked.
About that time Spawn #3 was arrested at 16yo for a gun violation. SS took emergency leave and flew to SpermLand to have a "talk" with their idiot gangbanger wannabe SpermDaddy and let him know that if SS had to come back for another "talk" about the SpermIdiot's gangbanger fullshit impacting his younger sibs that it would not end well for the SpermIdiot. The first talk was delivered to SpermDaddy with SS's hands around his throat and his back a foot up the wall with SpermDaddy's feet flopping and kicking the wall.
A few years after the talk, #3 was convicted of armed felony burglary and sentenced to a long prison sentence. That was about it for any contact with the SpermClan. SS gave up on all of them at that point. His sibs break his heart. #2 is on the dole, #3 is in prison, and #4 is not far behind #3.
Even though we gave him all of the info, defended him to the fullest level we possibly could, and he was fully capable of protecting himself from them, sadly our son did not escape completely unscathed. He has struggled with some adult psych issues and is working with a medical and therapy team addressing the baggage he sadly still carries from them.
The positive is that he escaped their multi-generational failures and is a performing adult, a man of character, honor, and standing in his profession and community. Likely the only person in the entire SpermClan multi-generational gene pool to every accomplish that.
Document, document, document. Publish, publish, publish.
Thank you
One thing I've learned is that toxic people love to poke, taunt, and generally mistreat, and once you've had enough and strike back--be it by yelling at them, giving them a taste of their own medicine, or otherwise justifiably losing your $hit, they take that one action and treat it like gold. They polish it and place it on the fireplace mantel for all to see. They never let you forget that even for a moment you got down in the mud with them.
I needed that today. Thank you for articulating this phenomenon so well. I bust my butt everyday to ensure that BM and SD are fed, comfortable, and secure. God help me if I don't say the exact *perfect* thing to SD 110% of the time. Polished and placed on the mantle, indeed.
I'd REALLY enjoy reading a
I'd REALLY enjoy reading a list of all your positive contributions @stepmominhades - when you feel up for it please submit another blog listign the ways of you as the SM did great things for the failing family.
They did NOT watch the Parent
They did NOT watch the Parent Trap! Say it ain't so! OMG!
I am so happy that you are away from that toxic cesspool!!
omg they've put it on no
omg they've put it on no fewer than 30 times when I'm around, and one of those times was our anniversary last year when we were in the thick of their crazy and unexplained behavior. Of course, SO was like "no way, they're not doing that on purpose. why do you let these things bother you so much?! they're kids. they just love that movie!"
that and Cinderella!
Your DH is a delusional dipshit.
Oh, I would have been tempted
Oh, I would have been tempted to find a few choice movies myself to put on when they were around. . . or place pin-pricked voodoo dolls around the house, etc to scare the crap out them. Then, wide-eyed, say, "Lil ole ME??? Why, I am being SET UP!" when I was accused of it. :) But in reality, getting out of that mess and living well is the best "revenge."
It's so hard to fathom anyone working so hard day in and day out to make another person feel bad and unwelcome. I'm sure these cretins will do well in life (eyeroll).