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How to Act at Events When Trying No Contact

SteppyMonstery's picture

I've gone through the whole teen SD saga and put up with years of narcissistic behaviour we had hoped the child would eventually outgrow by setting boundaries and refusing to acknowledge terrible behaviour. They've manipulated siblings and thrive trying to bring others to their way of thinking.... my husband and I have tried and weathered the storm. He is a very supportive man and coming out of a narcissistic marriage, recognises the patterns he doesn't want in his life either. 

Fast-forward to years later with a grandchild in tow. We had thrown everything emotionally we had into trying to build a loving and understanding healthy relationship. Things had been going great for a while, then history started repeating itself. The same patterns of gaslighting and silent treatment. There is no major event that took place - it was us simply saying no to something we didn't want to do. Just a small thing too. After 3-4 weeks of enduring the behaviour I finally have called it quits. They're an adult now, I don't deserve the treatment- no one does. I don't want to be feeling constant anxiety and confusion every day of my life. Dad tried to sort it out saying behaviour was unacceptable but unfortunately many other excuses kept coming up to try and justify the disrespect and stay angry. Couldn't move past it. Now it's a stalemate pretty much. 

So to my question and after opinions and thoughts... when my main issue was the silent treatment / being spoken to only when couldn't avoid it without looking like they were being rude (which obviously they were)... I would have been willing to accept a relationship that was at least polite and kept their distance, but it just ended up with short abrupt answers to questions and resentful attitude.

How do I engage with someone you've decided to go no-contact with at a family function they will be at? they've done this to me before during their teen years. It's a very horrible and uncomfortable feeling - especially at a family event. 

Yes I can be civil and polite. No I don't wish to engage them any further than a "hello, how are you?" It seems so incredibly ironic doesn't it? Speaking only so you're not considered rude. It does feel a lot like how they treated me (except hopefully I can portray a little more friendliness in my tone)? But I'm not trying to be nasty towards them. I want to be nice and polite. I always just wanted a healthy relationship. I just dont know how to proceed with this. I do know it will be thrown back in my face and I know my justification is my own sanity... but you couldn't explain that to them. They'll just say the same back to you to excuse their behaviour and try and convince us that they were being just as polite...  you can't reason with someone like this. I don't want to try and reason though. I simply just want a peaceful day (& avoid the after effects because I know it will come up as an example when they're trying to convince their father why they do what they do). ... This is the mindf*ck that is trying to separate from a narcissistic family member.

Rags's picture

Keep It Stupid Simple.  Unreasonable people cannot and should not be dealt with reasonably.

IMHO rather than ignoring the inappropriate behaviors, it is better to go scorched earth zero tolerance immediate ass baring destruction on these types when they pull their crap. Even when they are kids.  In an age appropriate manner of course.  Set and enforce the standards of behavior and standards of performance you demand from those in your life.  If they choose to violate those standards, it should be instant game on.  No cursing or yelling. Just directly calling them out on their crap and building an eternally escalating state of abject misery for them to experience based on their chosen behaviors. If they behavior reasonably, interface with them accordingly. If not...... it is game on.


Though for caring people this is difficult, you have to learn to interface with them as if you just do not care.

At family events. Be present.  Be radiant. You  and your SO be unassailably confident and demonstrably happy on each other's arm.  Whisper in each other's ear. Both to flirt, and to comment on the behaviors of the dirt-bags when they ply their crap. Laugh at each others inside jokes and comments. The narcs will lose their F'n minds over your radiant happiness with your SO and his happiness with you.  These are blended family Kidults. They matter no more than any other rude ill behaved adult should matter.  If they make the mistake of behaving inappropriately, being disrespectful, or being demonstrably rude to you or your mate, rip out their throats. Confidently, calmly, maturely, firmly, and immediately. Figuratively of course.

Full disclosure on my blended family/SParent journey.  My crucible to survive was my first blessedly child free first marriage.  I did not pollute my gene pool with my serially adulterous XW. She brought no toxic spawn to our marriage.  She did have one in the oven with her geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy when she moved out of our marital home and another in the oven at the final divorce hearing. She lost the first one tdue o miscarriage but wasted no time in reheating the oven with another.  She is on marriage #3, has 3 all out of wedlock progeny.  Her eldest and youngest conceived with someone other than her husband at the time. Grandpa sugar/baby daddy married her after their second was born and booted her ass out when she got knocked up while cheating on him.  Karma!!!!

I met my DW of 30yrs 3 years after my divorce when her son was 15mos old. We married the week before he turned 2yo. I am his dad. He asked me to adopt him when he was 22yo. We made that happen.  The SpermClan were toxic, PASing, nasty, shallow and polluted gene pool wastes of skin. Fortunately DW had left SpermLand to attend university and took my SS with her.  That is where we met and became a family.  We have never lived nearer than 2K miles from SpermLand.  We lived under a CO for 16+ years.  After SS-32 aged out from under the CO when he turned 18 a few months after graduating HS his SpermClan continued their manipulative crap so after a few years of adulthood he wrote them all off.  His mom and I are very proud of raising the man of character, honor, and standing in his life, profession, and community that our son is.

We tolerated no bullshit.  SS was raised with age appropriately enforced standards of behavior and standards of performance. When the SpermClan stepped out of line we ripped out their throats with every legal, social, and financial tool at our disposal.  DW made our marriage and each other the uncontested priority. SS was our top marital responsibility.  Priority and responsibility are two very different things.  We are fortunate DW, SS, and I have a very close adult family relationship.

So, make sure you and DH prioritize each other and your marriage and tolerate no crap from the ill behaved narc SKidults or their spawn. Or anyone else for that matter.

Focus on living your best lives together. Enjoying continuing your life of adventure and building your love for the ages together.  Living well is what we owe ourselves and our partners. Living well together. Living our best lives is also the best revenge against the enemies at the gates.  They choose to be the enemies. Let them live the instant escalating ass baring pain that earns them.  Make delivering that instant escalating ass baring pain your fondest hobby as a couple.

All IMHO and experience of course.

Take care of you.

Give rose

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I am no contact with my SO's brother and SIL. I ignore them or give a short polite "Merry Christmas." Usually, though, i do what they have done to me for years. Pretend they are invisible. SO's brother will try to bait me by giving me thinly veiled rude comments in front of SO's parents, when he knows i won't speak up (the's very much frowned upon by the parents to display rude behavior in public, and the parents are in their 80s and their English is bad so they don't catch the rudeness of his comments.) I just stare at him a few seconds then go about my business. TBH, i don't go to most things for this reason.  

Rags's picture

Then walk away. MIL and FIL with limited English comprehension regarding rude will think you are being sweet to their toxic spawn.

Have fun!

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Keep it brief- acknowledge "Why hello SKID and SKID-in-law. Happy holidays!" Then walk away. You were kind but you don't need to follow it up with anything more. They will find fault in ANYTHING you do and they will never recognize their own behavior as narcissists so be brief. And if neither of your paths cross at the gathering that's ok too- don't force an interaction. 

I am blantantly ignored by SKID and his bride - they won't even provide me eye contact. I pretty much do not say a word unless DH says somethign to me and then I have my go tos: interesting! wow ! or great! That's all i say and in the off chance they ask me a question to trap me I simply pass the question on to DH and say "DH, SKID has an excellent question- what are your thoughts on blah blah blah?" Then I tune everybody out. I have to see them once a year but that might change to no times a year...I am perfectly good with that!

Also- I really wouldn't ask them "how are you?" Don't open teh door for any dialogue. Just a hello and happy holidays! Hello and happy birthday!" Hello and happy summer soltice!" "Hello and insert-something-that-does-not-allow-a-dialogue."

BobbyDazzler's picture

only my OSS is the issue. The situation heightens around the holidays. It's difficult to be civil around anyone you've gone grey rock on. All you can do is be the polite person that you are.  You know, in advance, that whatever you do, whatever 'attitude' you bring to the time together with SD, is going to be misconstrued, dissected and talked about. Not comfortable but you know that going into it. My DH sees (and is disgustedby) his oldest son's (and daughter in law) behavior. It's a blessing to have a spouse that has their eyes open and aren't in denial. 

The only advice I can give you is be with them, set a time limit, enjoy the time as much as possible and then leave. You don't owe her/ them anything more than that. 

If it gets to the point where that isn't bearable, stay away from them. I've put the responsibilty to agree to and/ or plan get togethers with his OS on his shoulders and he doesn't want to make the effort because of how awkward the situation is. My DH and OSS are responsible for making things better. My DH has tried and there's nothing but 'crickets' from the OSS. 

I used to hate the term 'it is what it is' but the older I get, the more I understand and embrace it.

Good luck. You and your DH deserve better. 

MorningMia's picture

Just ignore. My oldest sister, who was the mini-wife to our Dad and competed horribly with his girlfriend, especially when he was terminally ill, is a full-blown narcissist who attempted to turn every family member near and far against the rest of us siblings because she didn't get the money (read: more than everyone else) she expected from our father's estate. She went as far as to stop communicating with her oldest daughter, who refused to stop speaking to the rest of us as ordered. This is my niece who ended up in the hospital with COVID (with underlying health conditions) and who we thought was going to die, while her dear mother didn't even check in with her, send her a card, or say, "Adios!" 

Occasionally, there is an extended family gathering and the bitch shows up. We stay far from one another. I ignore her. Completely. I am totally comfortable with that. My husband is not. He is dreading a family wedding in 2025. I said, "Hey, bud, I suffered through SD's wedding; this is the least you can do for me." ha! 

Make the people who act like asses uncomfortable by . . . doing nothing.  


AgedOut's picture

I have stages for people who have decided I'm the debbil, not my SS because we do just fine but others who are in my tiny world..

Stage one: friendly fun me.

Stage 2: reserved, still kind

Stage 3: polite stranger I've just met

Stage 4: person who has become so unimportant in my life that I give them a few words, very few and a blank stare, Not even polite stranger, stranger who just showed their ass in public and I can't avoid looking at. Same stare my dog gets when I step in his poop, we both know what I'm tihnking but I'm too good of a soul to say it. 

Trudie's picture

I really like this! It is tough when one is friendly and polite. I don't get in the mud with anyone, nor do I let their bad behavior make me act less than the person I am. It is really tough though!

MorningMia's picture

I LOVE this! If I do say so myself, I am a damn expert at the "blank stare." I can pull it up in under one second. It took years to perfect, but, baby, I got it. LOL.  And, yes, I go through those very same stages. 

Evil4's picture

When my SD35 was between the ages of 15 and 22 she completely shunned me while living with us full time. I didn't know what to do because DH was a yellow belly and the more SD shunned me the more DH fawned all over her. I didn't give a damn about SD but I was so afraid of her influence on DH that I was convinced that if I couldn't get her to love me, DH would divorce me. Oh, what a co-dependent fool I was! I tried everything. I came up with a plan to attempt contact three times a day and for over two years, it failed every time. DH did jack shit. In fact, he put it on me that I "kept wringing my hands over it." I realized I did not have a husband. I had a traitor and almost walked. 

I got a counsellor because I needed support on my way out the door. Counsellor had DH come in for a couple of sessions. Well, the first session that DH was at, counsellor told me right in front of DH that I'm to shun the bitch right back. Stop trying. No more of this three attempts a day nonsense because it just gives her the power to reject me three times a day and it reinforces her behaviour because she's getting off on the power to reject me especially since her father endorses it. DH sat up and looked stunned. Counsellor called him out for being yellow. Taught DH about silence being assent, so as long as he allows it, SD will continue.

When it came to handling SD, both the counsellor and my DH actually told me "if she gives you snot, give her snot right back." Well, that's what I did. I completely shunned the bitch right back. It didn't take long for her to notice. I also didn't give a damn that I shunned her right back at family gatherings. DH's family noticed too. I didn't care. It turned out that they started coming to me with their own stories about SD.

So, shun away! Match their energy. I had no shame at all in shunning SD while remaining totally engaged with SS33. He accpeted me and we had a good relationship, so I remained engaged with him. Therapist even said it would be good for SD to see that so that she can learn that there are consequences to how she treats people. 

AgedOut's picture

and now I'm singing "I'm walking on shunshine whoaaaaa" maybe think of that when forced to be near her and let the humor run free inside your head. 


"I'm walking on shunshine whoaaa, and don't it feel good!!"

Trudie's picture

You are lucky! You had one heck of a great therapist! So glad you matched her energy, because you can shun someone without getting in the mud.

Harry's picture

She is not going to change. Now just disengage from her.  Invite her to your holidays. Say hello, happy holidays.  and jts become DH Job to do the entertaining of her.  Then say happy holidays and good night.  another year down 

Trudie's picture so many of us are in the same boat. 

Steppy Monstery, I understand what you are describing all too well. I truly feel for the dilemma you are in! There are no easy answers. I have gone from saying "Hello", smiling (actually it was proably an involuntary grimace), and walking away to telling DH that I will not be saying anything. Period. I am warm, kind, and gracious...but I am not fake. I just can't do it.

I went so far as to work on Christmas Eve this year. (A benefit of my position is no holidays.) I did not want to deal with OSD. She can have her 'daddy' all to herself. However, not sure how that will go considering he has blocked her from all communication? Now I wish I could be a fly on the wall....

Rags's picture

Engage energetically with those engaging with you reasonably and turn your nose up at the narcs, toxic, and manipulative letting them know by your demeanor that they are something distasteful that you scrape off of the bottom on your shoe.

Watch Harry Potter when Hermoeni first meets the boys.  Do that when you greet the toxicly irrelevant any time it happens.  

These types hate when others are happy and confident. So, be their Kryptonite and live your best life in full frontal happiness in front of them and in spite of them.  Let them know clearly that they, their toxicity, and their manipulation does not matter and are irrelevant in your life.

Have fun!


Little Type Amy's picture

I am grappling with the same anxiety the closer it gets to Christmas Eve, when DH's aunt and MIL's house host their annual shindig which has an open door policy type of thing. I have yet to have SD30 "grace" everyone with her prescence there. Not that I know of ,unless she coincidentally decided to show up on the couple of years here and there that I wasnt able to attend. 

Or just convienently comes and goes in a flash over there before the party even starts. 

I realize I might be making more of this than I need to be, since its more likely this year wont be any different and she might once again be a no show.  However, its just being aware that its so much as a glimmer of a possibily thats enough to make me feel on edge. I know this isnt fair to say, but I wouldnt necessarily be totally disappointed or downfallen if the party ended up being cancelled mainly for this reason.  If SD is there ( and its a smallish home so there are few chances to "escape" and can only keep so much distance from anyone), its just going to be awkward no matter how you slice it, so yes, there isnt an easy answer at all.  Not sure how to handle it myself. Although, I would consider taking a cue from Rags and just flaunt your happiness right in front of her, show her that I am living my best life more and more without any involvement or thanks to her. I know deep down that is a way to really get under her skin, since she think she has to be the center of some peoples universe. Getting the chance to prove her wrong might be one possible upside to be trapped in the same place with her. 

Dogmom1321's picture

Can you skip the event? If a lot of peiple will be there, then I may consider still going, but steer clear.