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Deep down, they know.

Merry's picture

I believe that my DH knows his kids are jerks, deep down. He lives in a fantasy world sometimes but now and then the truth slips out.

I showed DH a photo of a mini donkey on one of our neighborhood pages. So stinkin' cute. Owner was looking to rehome it.

DH says, "I don't need a donkey. I have a daughter."  Took me a minute and then I couldn't help but laugh. 

How has your DH/DW acknowledged that their kids are difficult without saying they are difficult?


Dogmom1321's picture

I have heard:

 "Her and BM are two peas in a pod."

"SD is exactly like her Mom."

"SD has zero drive."

JRI's picture

Yeah, my DH87 sees SD63's dysfunction.  He tells her to her face, :You're a loser".  Of course, that doesnt stop him saving her all the time.

Kes's picture

My DH went through a phase around 13 yrs ago, of referring to the SDs as "my vile daughters".  It was done in jest, but I felt there was a grain of truth in that he recognised how utterly unreasonable they both were. They were then in their mid teens. I am now estranged from SD29, and recently gave (because he asked about it) him a book I'd bought, about borderline personality disorder.  He read it and concluded that she has it, but still has her on a pedestal, IMO.  He's terrified of losing either of them, and gives bad behaviour a pass because of this. 

Merry's picture

My DH has always been terrified of losing them, which he freely admitted. So I was thrown under the bus more than once. Then he became afraid of losing me too!

So he either had to play chicken with me, but he knew I would walk, or change some of the dynamics with his kids. Even if he chose the dysfunctional relationship with his kids, at best he'd still be one step away from losing them with his next perceived disobedient action.

So he stepped up to the marriage. Tried to please the kids too, but it became impossible. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

My DH is slowly seeing the writing on the wall. Waaayyy less talking about how GRAND they are. He used to tell me one adult SKID was over 6 feet 5 inches tall ! When in reality the SKID is below 6 feet- I would just draw him back to reality when the SKID would show up and make it evident that is NOT the case. Then there was the "they are TOO smart for higher education" that they are grown adults it's easy to see where we were at their ages and where they are- hard to fight th elogic that we were busting our butts at that age and they are scraping by with low ambitions. Time seems to be the see-er of truth and is humbling his grand thoughts. It still comes out of nowhere at times but we'll see. 

Little Type Amy's picture

I also have noticed these tiny little glimmers that might tell me that DH might not have his head up his ass about SD29 as much as I think. There might be some hope yet.  

I thought I was reading too much into it, but some subtle little slips have popped out fof  him that does make me wonder just a little. ..

When asked if we have children, DH usually just has very very short answers ( not much more than two or three words:

"I just have one" (DH"  Its getting harder to ignore that SD is a carbon copy just like her crazy BM, makking all the same poor life choices to a tee. Nothing much to be too proud of to be honest 

When asked how SD29 and her Mini Mes are doing " They're fine"  Things like that , not there is alot  positive things to report t about SD for the most part . or at least not much to Brag about. Hate to say it, but thats a cold hard fact. I think DH ( and by extension some of the inlaws know this at their core, but just dont want to admit it nor admit that they are in any sort of denial.  Nor do they wish to be reminded ( by me), but hiding from the truth doesnt negate it, hate to break it to them if they still have any delusions. 

Over the summer, he was talking with one of his buddies who said that they do not want to have any kids. Maybe it was the Twisted Tea talking, but out of left field, DH blurts out that if his buddy had one, then  he might end up wishing he didnt. I wanted to ask DH what he meant by that, but I refrained. Subconscious slip perhaps????

I am not saying I want  him to resent his kids and grandkids, not saying he doesnt love them nor am I doing anything to prevent that  but also cant help but notice how he doesnt overly fawn over them much or post alot bragging about them on Facebook. If at all.. cant call up the last time he ever did..,,its that rare. . He has more pictures of our dog and cat, and his profile is of The Dog.  ( not to brag myself but we have the cutest little 8 lbs tiny but might Chihuhuha and our kitty is so sweet so how  can anyone not love them? I for one love my pets a zilliion times more than the Skids hands down. No contest. ) Shit, id donate an organ, leave them my assetts if I could. Anything so my darling SKID princess gets NOTHING from me. hahahahahahah

Actually, when our tiny dog was feeling ill, DH proclaimed that he would donate one of his kidneys to the pup if  he were able to. Couldnt help that SD or her little fuck trophies were not even mentioned. Not saying he wouldnt be willing for them but still..not one word about them. Another sublte slip?  I know it sounds so evil but for some reason that made me  cant help but supress a big old grin and try not to laugh.  

Even so when I let myself imagine SD being all butthurt since Im sure she is resentful of the attention our pets get assuming she is still lurking on Facebook on Dh;s page. .Especially if she ever caught wind that our Dog would be in line to be considered for DH;s organs if that were possible . I know thats horrible to say.  Hell, she might want to kick the dog and cat if she thought she could get away with it ( which she wouldnt, dont ask me what I would do if that went down)  I mean she still has this attitude that she has to be Put First so she could be seething with jealousy. Can see that semi permanent sour pouty face of hers scowling over that now as I write this. lol 

What else now that I am on a roll, . One time when my In Laws were visiting from Florida, they  had car trouble  leaving their vehicle out of commission while getting that fixed. Granted thats stressful enough to deal with especially while having traveled so far out of state. Well, SD ( who was still an adult at the time) didnt get that memo, since all she cared about how SHE wAS Inconvienced since that my In Laws were supposed to give her a ride ( didnt have a car..not anything new and still didnt have her license then either) and now they obviously werent able to since their effing car was OUT OF ORDER. ( Take the BUS, SD, you know that big boxy thing with the wheels)  This time, I couldnt help but point that out to DH, that this situation wasnt about HER needs and was acting like she was just out for herself ( which she was) and need I remind  him that his parents needed assistant with Transportation instead since they had a bigger problem than being SD's chauffers ( duhhh) , He actually agreed and said "Yeah, I know" without an argument ensuing. There really was no use denying that she was being a total JERK. That was another ray of some hope that he sees the light at least a little bit every now and then,. 


ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yep. The last example Little Type Amy really hits home. I've given this example before but adult SKID was mooching off us for 8ish months...asked to do A chore (quite literally he did NOTHING to help around the household or even contribute) and he also found a way to collect unemployment by somehow getting out of his job. I digress...we needed a 3rd person to hand the tools to DH and I as we did a house project - 3 people were needed. When he finally showed up to the "help" his only duty was to hand the tools that DH requested. He became impatient in the couple minutes of "helping" and got frustrated- threw a wrench at DH's forehead and split his head WIDE OPEN. Blood gushing everywhere - I go running to help DH. Adult SS stands there quivering and moaning. After tending to DH I run over to SS *thinking* he's upset at what happened to DH and somehow not processing it in a normal adult way....NOPE. He was upset because as he threw the wrench one of his airpods had fallen out of his ears and disappeared in the leaves. HE WAS CRYING BECAUSE HE LOST AN EARBUD...he wasn't even the least concerned that he may have really injured his dad. After realizing THAT was why he was emotionally upset I had to literally walk away in disgust. 

DH never fully acknowledged the incredibly selfish slightly psychopathic nature of that event and many, many others...but as years have gone by and these baby boys are now grown adult men making grown adult man choices and still not caring for him or others I think he's becoming less and less engaged. 

Little Type Amy's picture

Crying over worrying more about losing one stupid ear bud. Wow..thats just really awful but par the course for spoiled brat SKID behavior. Its like they can never completely stop themselves from coming out as whiny jerk babies , no matter how innocent and mature they try to convince us they are. Sometimes, a snake is still a snake in the end. 

I know about skids trying to leech and live with you indefinitely. The last time SD ( that I know of. I say that since Lord knows if she still has this little ray of hope in her mind and get the idea that she might try it again) pulled this when her first child was still under a year old. Once I caught on after a few weeks, if not before, that it seemed like she wasnt putting in any serious effort into getting her own place, I put my foot down and she hated me for that I tell ya. I didnt hear a word from her for another 2 years, when she had her 2nd I guess she felt she had to suck up and play nice for that occasion. she..clearly would have still been mooching off of me if I hadnt said something, as she didnt learn a t hing.   Her off and on disaster of relationships with her mom or Baby Daddy or whomever else she was playing musical chairs with as far as living arrangements was not going to be on me anymore. It still would have gone on no matter how much I tried to help getting her back on  her feet. Not one lesson was learned.  After she strormed out of our ( already smallish condo we rented  ( where we lived at the time, and she wasnt supposed to be living there long term anyway..landlord/ rental agreement thing, ( which is a Rule I should have just invented anyway as an exuse. Although there was lack of space for 4 people and a cat to live comfortably for long anyway) , she just ran away  to some elderly great  Aunt of BM's to impose on  who was in an assisted living facility. Maybe Im wrong, but might have been a policy against indefinite house guests   over there too, so im thinking that arrangement didnt last much longer either. 

Sure enough, her history just repeated itself. Went back into the up and down throes of her unhealthy relationship with Baby Daddy just picked up where it left off last,, ended up with 2 children this time with no other place to go. Again. Had to end up with an aunt and uncle once GSKID #2 was born . I have to say I was hard pressed to feel bad about not offering up our place. Wasnt going to even offer to lift a finger this time. Game over.  (Even though we upgraded to a house then, nope. I was still too digusted to even care. Our home still isnt big enough to accomodate a grand total of 5 people and 2 pets this time around. I would have said we didnt have room anyway.  No dice) Sure the uncle and aunt had some thoughts or things to say about that since it ended up on their doorstep instead, but hey, SD had blown any more chance she might have had out of the water.  

And as you can guess. I didnt ( and never got) one single Thank You or show of grattitude for ever letting her use MY home at all in the first place when I could have left her on the streets.  You can also guess why I stopped going out of my way to do her any favors after that, yet SD cant figure why LOL. Lesson learned on my part for sure.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

YEP @littletypeAmy - I totally get the lack of gratitude- there was no thank you to me or DH either in fact he just complained. The crazy thing is SS was stressing us out and making the enviroment of the home feel toxic (so toxic that sometimes in the evenings I would jsut sit outside on the ground with my back against the garage dreading going back in the house.)

As a large adult male he'd meander around, ate everything in sight, never contribute and grumble about how much he "hates it here." One time after many many meals that I had provided and bought for this SKID while he was mooching off of us - I had a very late work day and he screams up the stairs "when are you making dinner? What time!?" I yell back I am working still. He gets off his arse, grumbles about having to use gas to get take out- I fully assumed that living rent free, providing all these meals, etc that HE was going to get DH, I and him all something as his contribution to the household since he had done nothing to contribute thus far and is collecting a handsome amount of unemployment while not paying a single bill (this was before he relutantly acquiesed to help us that ONE time and threw the wrench at his head.)

SKID comes back from getting take out - this is his ONE activity the entire day after sitting in the house, playing video games and eating my groceries - DH is just getting back from work, I am overwhelmed and of course he's eaten the entire fridge so there's nothing for us. He has this HUGE bag of take out - I naively assume he's bought for all of us and say "WOW, thank you - it's been a long day of work. Really appreciate you bringing this." He slips over the couch, slides into his spot, fumbling for the remote and explains to both DH and I that this is HIS food. And proceeds to eat in the living room without a second thought about us. 

The fact that your SD came with GSKIDs and thought you would house them is insane- having just one adult SKID is ENOUGH to drive a person insane especially in close quarters and they are contributing absolutely nothing to the household. I can't even imagine having a GSKID running around and then another one is birthed. Glad you are holding the line.

Little Type Amy's picture

I dont know how you had the restraint to not dump that food all over SS"s lazy useless self right then and there. I'd have lost my shit. I cant stand these entitled so called adult skids. Thats what they do though. Right out of the handbook. They just think they can just impose themselves on you without permission. They dont have to consider how we feel  since its just assumed that the SM's ( and the DH too) just have to take it all lying down because we married their dad. Well, SD, and SS, show me on that Effing marriage certificate where I signed up to carry her and her offspring or have my world revolve around her? Show me what contract with the Devil ( SD naturally lol) I agreed to? I bet when SD has  own Grandkids she  still try to hold that foolishness over my head.  It is absolutely insane. Stay strong! 

Rags's picture

My DW will occasionally say that she is going to put a hit out on SS if he does not call. Nothing major from an epiphany perspective since SS is a pretty good adult, strong character, a man of standing in his community and his profession.

The big one was a comment by SpermGrandHag.

SpermGrandHag who railed against my DW and me for decades while paying SS's CS and travel costs for her idiot son shocked the shit out of me with her response to SS when he told her that he had asked me to adopt him and that the adoption had  been finalized. "I am glad that you have had a good man to be your father."


That had to be the most difficult epiphany for the Hag and hardest thing that she has ever said.  

She knew damned well the whole time how big of a POS her son is as she was invested in the lies, manipulations, and PASing that she targeted us and SS with for the 20 years we dealt with her prior to SS-32 asking me to adopt him at 22yo.

It has been 10yrs and it still drops my jaw to think about her comment.  Sadly, she had nauseated SS to such an extent by then that there has been little to no interface with any of them since then.

Trudie's picture

They know! There's a vast difference in knowing and the ability to verbalize the knowledge though. The knowledge creeps out here and there in (not so surprising) comments.

Recently we were watching t.v. and something about bankruptcy was mentioned. Out of the blue DH commented something to the effect of "that's how OSD and BM view life". Eye opening for sure. He also acknowledges that BM (and her mother) and OSD mooch off men...for a living. Yuck!

One time he even told me that my kids were "better" than his. I had never said anything to that effect, but yes, they absolutely are. They were not coddled. Both were gifted academically and they were encouraged to reach high and meet their potential; expectations of performance reflected their abilities. Standards of kindness and respect were modeled and expected to be followed. If needed, they were disciplined with love. I took/take my job as a parent seriously because it is the most important job I will ever have.

Rags's picture

Your kids did the work to succeed academically.  Gifted kids work their butts off.  Even brilliant kids who are trulu gifted will crash and burn if they do not do the work.  Along with "entitled" and "deserve"  words, that in my mind, default that someone who does not earn something should have that something though they did not earn it.  "Gifted" gives me the sense that the person who is successful did not earn it and that it just came to them due to their being gifted.

Your kids no doubt worked their backsides off and likely still do as adults.

Re-read your above comment. You raised your kids well.  Your kids won the mom lottery. To paraphrase, you raised them with Standards of kindness and respect and when necessary you disciplined htem.  You took/take your job as a parent seriously.

You parented. So many who bring SKids to a new marriage do not. They coddle, facilitate toxicity, tolerate toxicity, and ignore, ignore, ignore what is right in front of them.

IMHO of course.

Great job mom.

Give rose


Trudie's picture

I understand what you are saying.Yes, as young adults, my kids still work hard. I am proud of them and they bring me joy! 

My parents were not good parents; my father is deceased and my mother is still not a good parent. I accept her for how/what she is and keep a healthy distance. What I learned from them was how not to parent. I wanted better for my kids so I basically functioned the opposite of my almost every aspect of my life. Sometimes a bad situation teaches one to do better. That's always been my goal, to be the best I can be!

Rags's picture

I have made no secret tht I won the parent lottery.

A nugget of wisdom my mom gave to me at some point in my mid to late teens when I was butt hurt about something was "Everyone is burdened with problems by their parents at some level. As we mature those problems become ours to solve or not. Make good decision because those problems are now yours and can only be solved by you."  Not an exact quote though I am sure but this captures her meaning fairly well I think.

Rather than the very clear calm message it it may be that she was saying... deal with it.  Likely because she did not want to say what she really wanted to say.  Something along the lines of "Tuff Crap and stop your whining".  Which may have been an even better message for her to give directly to me.



You intuitively and clearly understand this and have since you were a child and young adult.  You solved the problems your parents created in your life and did not pass it down to your own children.

Cheers to you!


Give rose

Trudie's picture

...for your kind words! I was very fortunate to have some qualiy people in my life, who showed and taught me by better examples.

Trudie's picture

I appreciate your kindness.

Harry's picture

If he acknowledge his kids are jerks... Then he would have to do something. Like parent his kids.  And may find out his kids will not come over.  Covering up for them.  He keeps his Happy Family...he has to do nothing.   And he get to take his kids to McDonald for Happy Meals.  To show the world or prople there.  He doing a good job

Lillywy00's picture

These bio parents deep down know they have a sideshow parenting operation

Now whether they admit it (highly unlikely) because then they'd have to face the truth that they have to improve their parenting / coparenting or admit they've sucked you into something you don't deserve to be dealing with. 

Little Type Amy's picture

Exactly! They just never want to admit that their first family was a colossal disaster that no SP in their right mind would tolerate for long.  Considering how spoiled rotten these skids acts, do they Seriously think that the entire situation wouldnt implode one day? Did they really expect us SM's to remain so willing and happy to accept their crap Forever? Like I had commented before, that clause is not in our marriage certificiate. If I were to believe toxic SD29, i might have missed the fine print..ome little extra clause I overlooked Get real. lol