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SD is not FIRST

Merry's picture

Well DH sure got an earful from SD. Her decision to have nothing to do with him is because he NEVER put her first and he doesn't put her first NOW. This is a grown woman with a husband and children, but apparently Daddy needs to fall at her feet.

And he's not allowed to be in touch with her children because she doesn't want them to feel the way she has felt her WHOLE LIFE. I'm

She's delusional, and narcissism comes to mind.

Even DH asking what he can do to begin to repair their relationship turned into a rant. He phrased the question, according to her, to make it about him. He should have asked what SHE needs.

There was nothing specifically about me, but the "you chose other people over me" was there. (I've been generic "other people" before.) DH stepped right up to that one, telling her he found love and happiness. Not good enough because it wasn't what SD wanted.

I just can't even with this one. I hope the contact stops completely since it's what she wants (but what she really wants is for DH to chase her, as he used to.)

He's handling this pretty well. Recognizes the problem is not nearly all him, as SD repeatedly insists that she is completely blameless in the breakdown of their relationship. DH will process this in his own time. It's extraordinarily painful for him.

Coincidentally, SD's cousin, who I remain in contact with, has recently cut contact with her due to SD's inability to have a conversation that is not confrontational and angry. Nobody needs that in their lives. 


Harry's picture

She is delusional,  most likely needs mental help.   She obviously didn't want her father to marry you.  She wanted to be the mini wife,  whe DH  would ask her what she and BM  needs.  Maybe she needed a paid vacation with her and BM and her DH and GK.    
'maybe she needs money.  Everyone needs money.    
'But the fact you must realize is that she is not going to change. The dysfunction thoughts are only going to get worst.  I know it's his DD.  But he can not let her treat him this way

Winterglow's picture

I wonder how her husband copes...

I'm sorry your husband is hurting so much but he needs to realize that this relationship cannot possibly be saved and it's time he dropped the rope. I know it's a horrible thing for him to envisage but she's never going to come round and even trying to be nice to her gets him smacked (figuratively) in the face. It isn't worth the effort. I hope she's proud of herself for depriving her kids of a grandfather. 

Merry's picture

Her husband has always seemed so nice and "normal." That piece is a mystery to me.

DH has never fallen all over himself for the grandkids, and I guess that's part of the problem in her mind. But he loves them and mourns that loss too.


JRI's picture

DH87 never fell over himself over the gkids, either.  He loves them but after us raising our 5, he'd had it.   SD63 seemed to want him to be the cuddly grandpa, like the actors on the Christmas commercials.  YSS seems to want more interaction, too.  DH was/is very witty and entertaining so I'm sure they wanted their kids to enjoy that.

We did things with SD63's kids but, of course, never enough.  And, BM was still alive then so she got top billing tho neither  of us cared.  We were both working full time and she wasnt, for one thing.   My main focus was seeing that our attention was spread fairly among the various families since parity was my step religion.

Bottom line, if we did anything, it was me doing the planning and him coming along.  Sorry, guys, I cant change him.

Little Type Amy's picture

Talk about deja vu, Merry. This is the same lines still spewed to me by SD29 pretty much verbatim. It's classic. How she never was put first..because everyone else always did  .I've been looped into that everyone else category you betcha. She hasn't cut off her father although she throws out the whole he never had enough time of any for her.  The difference is that I'm the target of her disdain and silent treatment since she can no longer run the guilt trip game on me as much as she can with daddyyyy and Grammyyy. 

The same delusional. Narcissistic. Bpd tendencies is also strong with this one...some of the same signs are there.  

Like with your step..mine is also supposedly happy with her own children..her umm fiance and her self appointed stepchildren. Also comes off like she's so mature and had apparently reached the path to enlightenment.  Preaches about moving forward and wanting to forget the past.

Gee for someone who believes in that..she sure can't stop regurgitating the past ..acting the exact same way as when she was still the same jealous insecure 13 year old I first encountered.  You would think that DH and I had just gotten together last week.  She is such a joke it's pathetic 

I want to say I feel your pain if I actually didn't feel glad that SD isn't talking to me since it's affording me peace the more she keeps it up. Let her think it's a punishment.  I don't care.  

Your SD..also needs to focus on her own family she created.  Also..If they were truly satisfied with their own Lives then they wouldn't be so obsessed with what everyone else is doing or not and looking for ways to eff with yours and dhs 

MorningMia's picture

This sounds eerily like my SD--get this--when she was in therapy as a teen. SS even told us that SD's therapist was a bad one who "also has 'daddy issues'" and was supporting her in not speaking to DH and then aggressively "confronting" him with a bunch of unrealistic BS. (I was so angry at DH, as I had told him he needed to be involved in choosing the therapist that I knew he was partially paying for, for God's sake; I KNEW what kind of goofy quack BM would pick.) There are SO MANY bad so-called counselors out there. 

That was my long way of asking: Is she seeing a therapist? 

Either way, yes, let's all pray, chant, and do dances around bonfires that she cuts you all off for good, that your DH doesn't chase this "little brat," and that the result is peace in your lives! 

Merry's picture

I don't know if she's seeing a therapist. She probably doesn't think she needs one since none of this is her fault. I do know she was seeing one years ago when her husband was deployed and she was raising their young child alone (with BM a few miles away). Because she had it rougher than her husband kicking in doors in a war zone. And the Army wasn't acting right either.

She has a history of imagining herself the victim. This is right out of the BM playbook, according to DH. 

Little Type Amy's picture

I am tempted to play out this whole ritual for my sake and for Merrys ( and for other SP's who dont feel like chasing these pouty little princesses' any more) Fun fact, I do have some sage to burn., Word is that sage is supposed to be cleansing by warding off any negative or evil energies from what I undestand. I'd consider fumigating the whole house and the entire perimiter if it meant keeping the SD at bay.  See if it works. Cant hurt to try! 

Tin Can Zen's picture

This, my online fiend, is why I keep reading this forum. It seems there is a script and playbook in stephell that the conniving and cutting ppl get issued at the outset. It is uncanny how lock-step the "fights" and guilt trips go. When it happens in rl and you navigate it alone, you really begin to feel overwhelmed and crazy. The normalcy of reality in a healthy family is turned completely upside down. It is a through the looking glass experience on the daily. My condolences and sincere empathy on the heartache you are watching unfold. Truly. There will be more, or a variation of the already spewed crap. I hope you can brace your heart and that you husband can shake off the pain from her demands. Limping along with knives figuratively poking in your back is heavy.

Merry's picture

You express it very well. I mostly just move on. She still takes up too much space in my head, though, as I struggle to understand. Like there is logic anywhere in sight. 

MorningMia's picture

"Don't try to place/find logic on/in the illogical." --our old therapist, speaking about BM 

MissK03's picture

Her poor husband. I will never understand how men are attracted to these types. I know two (friends SILs) who sound similar to your SD. 

Hopefully your DH accepts the fact he isn't allowed in his grandkids lives. Sad for them. 

AlmostGone834's picture

You know what they call divorced men who put their children above everything? Lonely. Maybe.... just MAYBE her father has needs of his own??? God forbid he want the companionship of another woman and prioritize his happiness over her every little demand. Really what a self-absorbed little witch. 

She can keep her kids. She's only shooting herself in the foot because a lot of younger parents would appreciate the free babysitting and gifts that your husband would undoubtedly bestow on his grandchildren. 

Merry's picture

When DH told SD that we were getting married, she cried. Actual tears. "But Daddy I'll take care of you when you're old. You don't need HER."  DH stifled a laugh. Old age wasn't the thing on his mind. Hee hee.

And now that he is 74 with serious health problems, where is she? 

JRI's picture

I worked for a man in his 50s, very nice and capable.  One day, he was discussing his widowed father who had the nerve to obtain a "slut" girlfriend.  I say there in amazement as he vented about her.  As gently as I could, I tried to make him understand that no matter how wonderful, no girlfriend is ever good enough in a kid's eyes.  We could all be Mother Teresa and it would be the same.


Dollbabies's picture

He wouldn't be around to hear it, but if he's lucky his children will, in the end, publicly and tearfully forgive him.

Or at least that's what my husband's adult children did at his funeral. I've never been quite sure for what, but hey. They had nothing to be sorry for, apparently. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture


Yesterdays's picture

My step son, a couple weeks after he screamed into my face and then ran away.. Texted my husband, "You put HER above MY boundaries". These kids want it all to be put first.

I really don't get what your adult kid wants when they say they want to be put first. Ummmm you have your own family and life that now comes first, if you want to have a relationship with me that makes sense and we can do things together but how the heck are you going to put an adult kid first, lol. 

You can't talk common sense with these people. She doesn't even know what she really wants?? I bet she couldn't even explain it other than saying she wants to be put first.

Alone time with daddy? It that's the case I'm sure it's doable. Other than that how do you put an adult kid first. I'm missing something lol

Yesterdays's picture

If it was me as the dad  I would be blunt and call her out and say what the heck are you talking about. Like "specifically". Going to dinner? Doing taxes together? Sitting on the beach at sunset? Like what? 

thinkthrice's picture

Will just give the nebulous response: "I shouldn't have to tell should just know!"

Little Type Amy's picture

A very typical response right from the dissatisfied stepskid script. We all are just supposed to know. 

We all know that beneath all their contradictive signals.  they know exactly of one thing they want for certain: To still have DADDYYYYYYY all to themselves. Then they go on to expect the GSkidmarks to be Put First as well as they inevitably get used as emotional bait . Trust me, they are never Confused about that. 

That's rich coming from the same SD ( and her lot) actling like I have DH p#$%&-whipped, which isnt the case. I know the real issue is that she resents not having control over the reigns to whip DH instead like she  was used to having before I came along. 

Little Type Amy's picture

If you or anyone else figures that out by some miracle  please let us know. I ask myself all the time as to what the eff is that even supposed to mean. That's the million dollar question that the skids never have an answer to

I've asked SD outright as to what she reasonably can get out of forcing me to put her and her kids first. She couldn't come up with any sensible reason. Only that she now assumes that I have to make them a priority just because I married her dad. That's her take away from that. That's supposed to be reason enough in her delusional mind. These skids never catch on to how much they make themselves look like selfish brats by demanding everyone else..esp the sm..bend to to their will


Rags's picture

If they are that delusional and think that they set boundaries for parents or the family, they can GTF out.  A kid screaming the face of my dad's partner or mine, would find themselves with swollen lips from a back hand to the mouth then ilaunched in a flight  out of the door into the yard followed by facing a forced emancipation legal action.  For a kid in their mid to late teens anyway. A younger kid, would find themselved with a stinging cherry red butt then standing in a corner holding the walls together with their nose until I got tired.

It is beyond comprehension to me that any parent would raise that big of a POS kid to begin with then not nearly end that kid's life for that level of shit.



Rags's picture

Kids are never first. If they are the parents have failed.  The partners are first, then the family. Kids are part of the family which means, never first.

As minors, they are the adult's top responsibility.  As adults, they are neither a responsibility or a priority.

I have noted on Reddit there have been a ton of hurt fee fees young adults crying how  "I was never first!" whiny bullshit lately.  Yep, they are the assholes.  The whiny failed adult shit spawn that is.

IMHO of course.

Merry's picture

Rags, I don't always agree with your approach, but in this case you're spot on.

"First" would mean: Do what I say when I say it and leave Merry but find a way keep her money because I deserve it.

Early in our marriage SD did something very kind for me. This was in the days of all of us fake trying to be "family." I was going to send her some flowers as a thank you, but her husband told me that what she really wanted was a trip to Hawaii. So we were pretty far apart on the value scale there and I didn't even send the flowers for fear of insulting her. Downhill from there  


Rags's picture

I know my positions can be firm.  Which I understand is an easy position to take for someone who has never been faced with the crap that so many STalkers experience in the SO relationships and with toxic failed family progeny that they suffer with.  Just about our sole challenge was the toxic blended family opposition.

Doing "nice" things for someone with alterior motives is not nice or kind. It is manipulation.  Bravo to you for not taking the SD bait.  I could not have wasted the breath to tell you she wanted a Hawaii triip if I were your DH. I would have had my foot up SD's butt.

Figuratively of course.



Stepfor27yrs's picture

Just wanted to chime in on the thread. My stepdaughter is in her late 30s now and after her wedding, there was a fallout and she kept herself estranged from her dad for 3 1/2 years now. He did not chase her or call her and just let it be. Now it seems that she is wanting, some kind of relationship with him only. She told him he forced them into this step life. Oh, it couldn't be because her mom cheated and married and moved clear across the United States. She told her dad this isn't a two for one deal. She called me a puppet master. She's actually the one being a puppet master by poisoning, her brother to do the same estrangement to their dad. My husband has been strong and doesn't fall for their breadcrumb Trail. I can't really say that he wore Rose colored glasses, but he definitely sees things clearly now. I am disengaged and it's easy now since I've had 3 1/2 years to understand that as a stepmom, I will never be seen as family. I read step talk daily, and it has helped me so much to understand that I am not alone.

Harry's picture

Not all parents make it to 74.  Less make it to 84. Not many to 94.    Instead of enjoying time with her DF.. his wife ..SHE is in this dysfunctional thing about who more important.   Instead  ut memor making memory . With her parents abd GK .  She is going on with nonsense.  In the end all we have is out memories.  It's her and her kids lost 

Lillywy00's picture

Why do these skid get into these pissing matches about who is more important?

Sheesh - if ya bio parent worked to provide roof, food, clothing then you're important to them. 

Lots of true deadbeats that don't give one flying f*ck about their own offspring so if she really wants to compare all she needs to do is walk down to the nearest child support court to humble herself really quick 

la_dulce_vida's picture

She wants her married FATHER to "put her first" when she has a husband??

Kids needs are "first" when they are minors. Beyond that, they are to put themselves first in their decisions, later, put a spouse first.

Some spoiled kids do not understand how life, marriage and raising children is supposed to work.

I would ask her, "So, when your kids are adults and married, you'll put them first, above your husband??"

Merry's picture

DH keeps dropping more details.  She also expected him to "step up" for her kids (read: pay for college).  Seriously. 

Little Type Amy's picture

As if some of us dont understand what " stepping up" actually translates to when it comes to these SD's. 

Pardon me for the repeittion as I had commented this on another post: I cant get over how glaringly Ironic it is to get the "You should be Stepping Up for MY Kids" spiel from SD29, when her Baby Daddy failed to step up for them. Same with yours..Where is the StepGskids father in all of this? What is  he doing to "step up? for HIS family? IF  your SD isnt putting the heat on him over his shortcomings in providing support, then why the hell not? Why should the BD get off the hook, gets a pass to do whatever he wants to do, yet the SM or the DH  is the one who gets put in the hot seat instead? 

The more I think of this, the madder I get. As I should  get whenever I may catch myself getting up in my feelings and try not to fall over SD;s guilt trips as she is so focused on how much attention ( or lack thereof) I am giving them. Really,.why should I or you beat ourselves up over than when we know that the kid's own father has been absent and not so involved for most of their lives? 

He certainly hasnt always put THEM First, if ever. 

He;s the one whose ass SD should be crawling up before even thinking about getting on my back about it. Or anyone elses's for that matter. Same goes for yours.