My Mother Passed
Last week at age 89. She led a permanently depressed life mostly, IMO, due to being confined to the role the cult assigned to her. Absolutely nothing physically wrong with her no health issues nor disease . My younger sister, being an only child (well that's what it felt like as she was the golden child) has made a great deal of mourning posts on social media.
Of course she was always seen as the "loyal" child having not officially left the cult as I had. Even though she has no intentions of rejoining and was much more "sinful" in her life than I have been.
My mother and I never bonded... which I don't blame her for as her own mother did not bond with her and all her siblings were farmed out to relatives they did not know when her mother had to go to psychiatric institutions. Ironically my sister and I were farmed off to our paternal grandmother who did not care for us too much when Mom went into these places quite frequently.
My father at age 90, still clings to the tenets of the cult and as of yet, I do not know the time nor place of any memorial service 8 hours away. Because of the religious shunning I hear things only second hand. My sister has nothing to do with me out of a sheer feud; she is the purveyor of all information. She's probably relishing the control although she is probably one of the more irresponsible people on this earth.
- thinkthrice's blog
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I'm sorry for your loss
You've lost not only your mom but any fantasy you ever had about her recovering and being the mom you wanted. I'm sorry
I'm the black sheep, too. Also known as living my own life
It's still sad about your mom.
My condolences.
My condolences.
Take care of you. Keep the toxic at a distance.
So sorry. I fully understand being shunned and being the black sheep. Still does not make it easy. Sending you love.
I'm so very sorry. I know of
I'm so very sorry. I know of people in the cult too and it absolutely destroys lives... in so many ways. I think you are the white sheep in a family full of black sheep and I'm so sorry you never had the relationship you deserved with your mom. Focus on your son and all the people you love in your life. We can make our own families.
I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry!
Damn, I'm sorry. That's a lot
Damn, I'm sorry. That's a lot. Whatever you do or don't do as far as the funeral is understandable.
So sorry
It's just never easy losing a parent.
I am in some very weird place with my siblings since one of our parents passed last week. I don't exactly know what is happening but something seems to be going on and I am the outsider which seems to make no sense since I am the one who drives to another state each and every time one of my parents got sick. My siblings couldn't be bothered showing up.
Regarding the cult thing.
Regarding the cult thing. SpermGrandHag belongs to a fringe Christian cult. She was raised in it. Interestingly, I don't think that SpermGrandPa was in the cult and if he was he has not remained demonstrably active. Their DD remained in the cult and married a cultmember. SpermIdiot did not participate once he reached his late teens. His serial staturory rapist career apparently damaged the Hags standing. That Standing apparently completely tanked when she started recognizing Christmas in an attempt to guilt DW into giving them Dec 25th upon occassion and to guilt her into stopping CS so SS's 3 younger half sibs cold have gifts. Nope, SpermGrandHag's toxic bullshit garnered zero sympathy for anything she wanted.
I'm sorry to hear that you've
I'm sorry to hear that you've lost your mum. Please try to find out if and when there will be a funeral and be there via streaming so you can unobtrusively say goodbye and get closure.
I'm sorry. But I understand
I'm sorry. But I understand too. My Mom loved my brother, the sun rose and fell out his tushy. I was always there somewhere just not in the spot light. My Mom was mentally ill, I've mentioned it before on this group. I mourned her but I didn't. I think I mourned what might've been and not the loss of what was.
Hit me up in my messages if you ever need an ear.
I'm so sorry for your loss...
I'm so sorry for your loss... I know it's complicated and I'm sorry that it may be difficult to get the full closure you want. In the end, do what you need to do to heal your heart.
My condolences
Take care of yourself
I'm so sorry for your loss,
I'm so sorry for your loss, thinkthrice.
My siblings bonded with our mother. I did not for a variety of reasons. Regardless, I loved her and still mourn her passing, but cannot imagine the emotional labyrinth you're experiencing. {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks everyone
As of late, I have been reading an interesting book by Dr Forward, Mothers Who Cannot Love. It's quite interesting and frighteningly I see some aspects played out that I did with my own daughter. Not anywhere as near as bad with my mother but unfortunately some of the cycle still continues.
Probably a major factor in the decision not to have kids by she and her husband.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
My condolences.
My condolences.
Take care of yourself. Please keep the toxic at a distance!
So sorry, my dear. Moms can
So sorry, my dear. Moms can mess you up in many ways but it takes an exceptional kind of crazy to reject one's own child for religious differences. Shunning must be especially painful, poor you! Reading your post and grasping the dysfunction in your early years helps to understand why you put up with Chef. He’s actually an improvement on life with your family.
I’ve always admired you, TT, for your strength and tolerance; now, more than ever. Have you considered therapy? With all of the confusion that you’re bound to be undergoing, a few sessions with a therapist would do you the world of good. All the best, Hon! ♥️
You're in my thoughts as you
You're in my thoughts as you process your mother's death, TT.
It's so complicated, isn't it? Please be good to yourself.