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Baby Boy Kitty is at Rest

Cover1W's picture

After much worry and love and cuddles and progressively worse health we laid our best boy kitty to rest yesterday. He ended up not passing from kidney disease, but cancer. Our wonderful vet helped us on his final day with compassion and tears with us.

He's very very very much missed.  He was the sweetet love bug. He loved his people, loved his routine, never fussed over the medication I had to give him every day, loved his snuggles and belly rubs, followed me around everywhere up until the last several months. He gave me some final purrs and a little meow a half hour before he left us.

He'll never be forgotten.

We are both heartbroken.



grannyd's picture

Oh Hon! As if you don't have enough on your plate, another grief to endure. Losing those furry members of the family is so damned painful! I'm sending a thousand (((((((HUGS))))) your way.

TrueNorth77's picture

I'm sorry, It's the absolute worst. Hugs. 

Winterglow's picture

can help. Sending you enormous hugs and all my sympathy. 

PetSpoiler's picture

I'm so sorry!  It is always so hard losing our furry family members.  It's the hardest part about having a pet.  We lost our little Princess Popcorn a few weeks ago and we're all hurting.  Huge hugs coming your way!  

JRI's picture

When my 19yo cat, Gypsy, was declining so much, I knew I should have her put down but agonized over the decision, as I'm sure you did.  Finally, I thought, if I were suffering, what would I want a loving dear one to do.  That made it easier to make that hard decision.

I read somewhere that we grieve so much over pet deaths cuz, unlike human relations, pets are all love.  So sorry for your loss.

StepUltimate's picture

I'm glad your kitty had such a wonderful,, loving, "His PERSON" in you and was so loved through the very end. He sounds really special and I am sorry for your loss (it's so hard!). 


Rags's picture

That you held her says so much about you as a person. He was loved.

My mom held their little guy at the end as well. Dad was scratching behind his ears when he gave a big contented sigh and ran off to patrol the big wide open skies over the rainbow bridge.  He is tearing it up no doubt. And having a great time convincing everyone he is big and feroscious then melting with the ear scratches.

No doubt your furry little one is in a good place.

Take care of you.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm so sorry, Cover. 

You're the human every cat would love to own.

thinkthrice's picture

Hugs to you!  Loss of a beloved fur bearing family member is so devastating.

Little Type Amy's picture

My heart goes out to you and I am familiar with your pain over losing a pet. Lost my own sweet kitties with similiar conditions after doing everything in our power, so I understand. Its the worse thing.