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Quick and simple. Saw this on a Clip

Rags's picture

Tips to coparenting with a high conflict parent.

1.  Get a CO and follow it like it is  your bible.

2. Conversate over text message ONLY, so everything is in writing and can be used if needed.

3. Do not conversate about anything other than your child.  Do not entertain or respond to any other topic.

These are BOUNDARIES, do not overstep your own boundaries and don't let them step over them.  Keep control of your peace.


ESMOD's picture

I would probably adjust and add.

2. conversate over text .. or parenting app or email.

4.  Keep communication directly between bio parents.  Do not allow or ask spouses to communicate on your behalf. 


Rags's picture

Yep, I agree.  Keep it simple and document, document, document.  No surrogates in communicating with the X, except an attorney if it gets to that point.  For sure, don't use the kids.

ESMOD's picture

The only thing I would have kids relay is their own scheduling issues.. like.. dad.. here is my volleyball schedule... or when you get me after school on friday I will be at the gym finishing my practice kind of stuff.

back and forth about.. "and tell your worthless dad to pay his child support.. or " tell your stepmother that what you do is none of her business".. etc.. kids should not be roped in

Harry's picture

That your new SO does not want you talking to your old lover and parent of your child.  Once lovers you can never go back to being friends.  That the important thing to understand.  Your SO trying to justify their relationship with the ex as we are just fr